diff --git a/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj b/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
index 3f8651b75284ade90938ba04aca5e6ee2b947c73..13a6ba9113a34517530749fe0025b998269b6c4d 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/dataset.clj
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
             [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
             [metabase.util :as u]))
-(def ^:const api-max-results-bare-rows
+(def ^:private ^:const api-max-results-bare-rows
   "Maximum number of rows to return specifically on :rows type queries via the API."
-(def ^:const api-max-results
+(def ^:private ^:const api-max-results
   "General maximum number of rows to return from an API query."
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
        :body   (:error response)})))
+;; TODO - AFAIK this endpoint is no longer used. Remove it? </3
 (defendpoint GET "/card/:id"
   "Execute the MQL query for a given `Card` and retrieve both the `Card` and the execution results as JSON.
    This is a convenience endpoint which simplifies the normal 2 api calls to fetch the `Card` then execute its query."
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver.clj b/src/metabase/driver.clj
index 1796785611494937e53851d84c7b37491c2d2d91..a7c779e3fdd2c8d852b8ac641751975a4c74d8c4 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver.clj
@@ -147,14 +147,18 @@
   (mbql->native ^java.util.Map [this, ^Map query]
     "Transpile an MBQL structured query into the appropriate native query form.
-  The input query will be a fully expanded MBQL query (https://github.com/metabase/metabase/wiki/Expanded-Queries) with
+  The input QUERY will be a [fully-expanded MBQL query](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/wiki/Expanded-Queries) with
   all the necessary pieces of information to build a properly formatted native query for the given database.
+  If the underlying query language supports remarks or comments, the driver should use `query->remark` to generate an appropriate message and include that in an appropriate place;
+  alternatively a driver might directly include the query's `:info` dictionary if the underlying language is JSON-based.
   The result of this function will be passed directly into calls to `execute-query`.
   For example, a driver like Postgres would build a valid SQL expression and return a map such as:
-       {:query \"SELECT * FROM my_table\"}")
+       {:query \"-- [Contents of `(query->remark query)`]
+                 SELECT * FROM my_table\"}")
   (notify-database-updated [this, ^DatabaseInstance database]
     "*OPTIONAL*. Notify the driver that the attributes of the DATABASE have changed.  This is specifically relevant in
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj b/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
index 0736d57ab407a8ef91d821a41c815a0acfd0cab2..48bf5e41d1f76436577582ba40aa5e711a5d9a6f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
                              [field :as field]
                              [table :as table])
             [metabase.sync-database.analyze :as analyze]
+            [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
             [metabase.util :as u]
             [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx])
@@ -336,7 +337,7 @@
   (binding [sqlqp/*query* outer-query]
     (let [honeysql-form (honeysql-form outer-query)
           sql           (honeysql-form->sql honeysql-form)]
-      {:query      sql
+      {:query      (str "-- " (qp/query->remark outer-query) "\n" sql)
        :table-name table-name
        :mbql?      true})))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
index 45b78f3c4801f2cc93fe3803910428d91a61772e..1acb0201b0084b8ee74228131af659b58699efd6 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql/query_processor.clj
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
   (binding [*query* outer-query]
     (let [honeysql-form (build-honeysql-form driver outer-query)
           [sql & args]  (sql/honeysql-form->sql+args driver honeysql-form)]
-      {:query  sql
+      {:query  (str "-- " (qp/query->remark outer-query) "\n" sql)
        :params args})))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
index cdbd52db2c702c55dc84ef11092b23e856b91e3f..a6431d97988684bd20d3c25777e7e5359a980605 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo/query_processor.clj
@@ -326,7 +326,9 @@
 ;;; # process + run
-(defn- generate-aggregation-pipeline [query]
+(defn- generate-aggregation-pipeline
+  "Generate the aggregation pipeline. Returns a sequence of maps representing each stage."
+  [query]
   (loop [pipeline [], [f & more] [add-initial-projection
diff --git a/src/metabase/query_processor.clj b/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
index 7f88e3072af82504f925cd1f45fbca6b78b15a96..a66860d3479c279acb4d98c214f0e1c35847a21f 100644
--- a/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/query_processor.clj
@@ -428,6 +428,12 @@
           (assert (sequential? (:columns <>)))
           (assert (every? u/string-or-keyword? (:columns <>))))))))
+(defn query->remark
+  "Genarate an approparite REMARK to be prepended to a query to give DBAs additional information about the query being executed.
+   See documentation for `mbql->native` and [issue #2386](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/2386) for more information."
+  ^String [{{:keys [executed-by uuid query-hash query-type]} :info, :as info}]
+  {:pre [(map? info)]}
+  (format "Metabase:: userID: %s executionID: %s queryType: %s queryHash: %s" executed-by uuid query-type query-hash))
 (defn- run-query
   "The end of the QP middleware which actually executes the query on the driver.
@@ -495,23 +501,22 @@
   ;; TODO: it probably makes sense to throw an error or return a failure response here if we can't get a driver
   (let [driver (driver/database-id->driver (:database query))]
     (binding [*driver* driver]
-      (let [driver-process-in-context (partial driver/process-query-in-context driver)]
-        ((<<- wrap-catch-exceptions
-              pre-add-settings
-              pre-expand-macros
-              pre-expand-resolve
-              driver-process-in-context
-              post-add-row-count-and-status
-              post-format-rows
-              pre-add-implicit-fields
-              pre-add-implicit-breakout-order-by
-              cumulative-sum
-              cumulative-count
-              limit
-              post-check-results-format
-              pre-log-query
-              guard-multiple-calls
-              run-query) (assoc query :driver driver))))))
+      ((<<- wrap-catch-exceptions
+            pre-add-settings
+            pre-expand-macros
+            pre-expand-resolve
+            (driver/process-query-in-context driver)
+            post-add-row-count-and-status
+            post-format-rows
+            pre-add-implicit-fields
+            pre-add-implicit-breakout-order-by
+            cumulative-sum
+            cumulative-count
+            limit
+            post-check-results-format
+            pre-log-query
+            guard-multiple-calls
+            run-query) (assoc query :driver driver)))))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -520,6 +525,13 @@
 (declare query-fail query-complete save-query-execution)
+(defn- assert-valid-query-result [query-result]
+  (when-not (contains? query-result :status)
+    (throw (Exception. "invalid response from database driver. no :status provided")))
+  (when (= :failed (:status query-result))
+    (log/error (u/pprint-to-str 'red query-result))
+    (throw (Exception. (str (get query-result :error "general error"))))))
 (defn dataset-query
   "Process and run a json based dataset query and return results.
@@ -533,11 +545,12 @@
   Possible caller-options include:
-    :executed_by [int]               (user_id of caller)"
+    :executed_by [int]  (user_id of caller)"
   {:arglists '([query options])}
   [query {:keys [executed_by]}]
   {:pre [(integer? executed_by)]}
-  (let [query-execution {:uuid              (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
+  (let [query-uuid      (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
+        query-execution {:uuid              query-uuid
                          :executor_id       executed_by
                          :json_query        query
                          :query_id          nil
@@ -552,15 +565,15 @@
                          :result_data       "{}"
                          :raw_query         ""
                          :additional_info   ""
-                         :start_time_millis (System/currentTimeMillis)}]
+                         :start_time_millis (System/currentTimeMillis)}
+        query           (assoc query :info {:executed-by executed_by
+                                            :uuid        query-uuid
+                                            :query-hash  (hash query)
+                                            :query-type (if (mbql-query? query) "MBQL" "native")})]
-      (let [query-result (process-query query)]
-        (when-not (contains? query-result :status)
-          (throw (Exception. "invalid response from database driver. no :status provided")))
-        (when (= :failed (:status query-result))
-          (log/error (u/pprint-to-str 'red query-result))
-          (throw (Exception. (str (get query-result :error "general error")))))
-        (query-complete query-execution query-result))
+      (let [result (process-query query)]
+        (assert-valid-query-result result)
+        (query-complete query-execution result))
       (catch Throwable e
         (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Query failure: %s" (.getMessage e)))
         (query-fail query-execution (.getMessage e))))))
@@ -576,7 +589,7 @@
     (-> query-execution
         (dissoc :start_time_millis)
         (merge updates)
-        (save-query-execution)
+        save-query-execution
         (dissoc :raw_query :result_rows :version)
         ;; this is just for the response for clien
         (assoc :error     error-message
@@ -596,7 +609,7 @@
                          (:start_time_millis query-execution))
         :result_rows  (get query-result :row_count 0))
       (dissoc :start_time_millis)
-      (save-query-execution)
+      save-query-execution
       ;; at this point we've saved and we just need to massage things into our final response format
       (dissoc :error :raw_query :result_rows :version)
       (merge query-result)))