From f58359289e5d48938e6e24ac3ec0fbb7bff07013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cam Saul <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 08:57:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Crazy fast QP tests! **I shaved 21 seconds off the test suite
 this week alone!** (#33483)

 test/metabase/query_processor/pivot_test.clj  |   2 +-
 test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj   |  41 +++-
 .../explicit_joins_test.clj                   | 171 ++++++++-------
 test/metabase/test/data.clj                   |  27 ++-
 test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj              | 206 ++++++++++++------
 5 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/pivot_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/pivot_test.clj
index 19ee67ef7cc..14a7f823484 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/pivot_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/pivot_test.clj
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
                   (is (= (mt/rows (qp.pivot/run-pivot-query query))
                          (mt/rows result))))))))))))
-(deftest pivot-with-order-by-test
+(deftest ^:parallel pivot-with-order-by-test
   (testing "Pivot queries should work if there is an `:order-by` clause (#17198)"
     (mt/dataset sample-dataset
       (let [query (mt/mbql-query products
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
index d26a5d47a99..6ceccfdc950 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor/test_util.clj
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
    [metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection]
    [metabase.driver :as driver]
+   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
+   [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm]
    [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
+   [metabase.lib.test-util :as lib.tu]
    [metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
    [metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
    [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
@@ -487,18 +490,44 @@
                                [(:name table) (:name field)]))))
                    (t2/select-pks-set :model/Field :table_id [:in table-ids]))}))
+(defn- query-results [query]
+  (let [results (qp/process-query query)]
+    (or (get-in results [:data :results_metadata :columns])
+        (throw (ex-info "Missing [:data :results_metadata :columns] from query results" results)))))
+;;; TODO -- we should mark this deprecated, I just don't want to have to update a million usages.
 (defn card-with-source-metadata-for-query
   "Given an MBQL `query`, return the relevant keys for creating a Card with that query and matching `:result_metadata`.
     (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card card (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query
                                         (data/mbql-query venues {:aggregation [[:count]]}))]
-      ...)"
+      ...)
+  Prefer [[metadata-provider-with-card-with-metadata-for-query]] instead of using this going forward."
-  (let [results  (qp/process-userland-query query)
-        metadata (or (get-in results [:data :results_metadata :columns])
-                     (throw (ex-info "Missing [:data :results_metadata :columns] from query results" results)))]
-    {:dataset_query   query
-     :result_metadata metadata}))
+  {:dataset_query   query
+   :result_metadata (query-results query)})
+(defn metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+  "Create an MLv2 metadata provide based on the app DB metadata provider that adds a Card with ID `1` with `query` and
+  `:result-metadata` based on actually running that query."
+  ([query]
+   (metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+    (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (data/id))
+    query))
+  ([base-metadata-provider query]
+   (lib/composed-metadata-provider
+    (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+     {:cards [{:id              1
+               :name            "Card 1"
+               :database-id     1
+               :dataset-query   query
+               ;; use the base metadata provider here to run the query to get results so it gets warmed a bit for
+               ;; subsequent usage.
+               :result-metadata ( base-metadata-provider
+                                  (query-results query))}]})
+    base-metadata-provider)))
 ;;; ------------------------------------------------- Timezone Stuff -------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
index 8ded096c9e4..086dd9b72fd 100644
--- a/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/query_processor_test/explicit_joins_test.clj
@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@
    [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
    [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor-test-util :as sql.qp-test-util]
    [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
-   [metabase.models :refer [Card]]
+   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
+   [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm]
+   [metabase.lib.test-util :as lib.tu]
    [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
    [metabase.query-processor-test.timezones-test :as timezones-test]
+   [ :as]
    [metabase.query-processor.test-util :as qp.test-util]
    [metabase.test :as mt]
    [ :as data]
-   [ :as tx]
-   [ :as t2.with-temp]))
+   [ :as tx]))
 (deftest ^:parallel explict-join-with-default-options-test
   (testing "Can we specify an *explicit* JOIN using the default options?"
@@ -300,40 +302,41 @@
                     :order-by     [[:asc $name]]
                     :limit        3}))))))))
-(deftest join-against-card-source-query-test
+(deftest ^:parallel join-against-card-source-query-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
     (testing "Can we join against a `card__id` source query and use `:fields` `:all`?"
-      (is (= {:rows
-              [[29 "20th Century Cafe" 12 37.775  -122.423 2 12 "Café"]
-               [8  "25°"               11 34.1015 -118.342 2 11 "Burger"]
-               [93 "33 Taps"           7  34.1018 -118.326 2  7 "Bar"]]
-              :columns
-              (mapv mt/format-name ["id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price" "id_2" "name_2"])}
-             (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {card-id :id} (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query (mt/mbql-query categories))]
+      ( (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+                                        (mt/mbql-query categories))
+        (is (= {:rows
+                [[29 "20th Century Cafe" 12 37.775  -122.423 2 12 "Café"]
+                 [8  "25°"               11 34.1015 -118.342 2 11 "Burger"]
+                 [93 "33 Taps"           7  34.1018 -118.326 2  7 "Bar"]]
+                :columns
+                (mapv mt/format-name ["id" "name" "category_id" "latitude" "longitude" "price" "id_2" "name_2"])}
                (mt/format-rows-by [int identity int 4.0 4.0 int int identity]
                   (mt/run-mbql-query venues
                     {:joins    [{:alias        "cat"
-                                 :source-table (str "card__" card-id)
+                                 :source-table "card__1"
                                  :fields       :all
                                  :condition    [:= $category_id &cat.*]}]
                      :order-by [[:asc $name]]
                      :limit    3})))))))))
-(deftest join-on-field-literal-test
+(deftest ^:parallel join-on-field-literal-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
     (testing "Can we join on a Field literal for a source query?"
-      ;; Also: if you join against an *explicit* source query, do all columns for both queries come back? (Only applies
-      ;; if you include `:source-metadata`)
-      (is (= {:rows [[1 3 46 3] [2 9 40 9] [4 7 5 7]]
-              :columns [(mt/format-name "venue_id") "count" (mt/format-name "category_id") "count_2"]}
-             (mt/format-rows-by [int int int int]
-               (mt/rows+column-names
-                (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {card-id :id} (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query
-                                                             (mt/mbql-query venues
-                                                               {:aggregation [[:count]]
-                                                                :breakout    [$category_id]}))]
+      ( (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+                                        (mt/mbql-query venues
+                                          {:aggregation [[:count]]
+                                           :breakout    [$category_id]}))
+        ;; Also: if you join against an *explicit* source query, do all columns for both queries come back? (Only applies
+        ;; if you include `:source-metadata`)
+        (is (= {:rows    [[1 3 46 3] [2 9 40 9] [4 7 5 7]]
+                :columns [(mt/format-name "venue_id") "count" (mt/format-name "category_id") "count_2"]}
+               (mt/format-rows-by [int int int int]
+                 (mt/rows+column-names
                   (mt/run-mbql-query checkins
                     {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
                                     :aggregation  [[:count]]
@@ -341,25 +344,25 @@
                      [{:fields       :all
                        :alias        "venues"
-                       :source-table (str "card__" card-id)
-                       :strategy         :inner-join
+                       :source-table "card__1"
+                       :strategy     :inner-join
                        :condition    [:=
                                       [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Number}]
                                       [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Number, :join-alias "venues"}]]}]
                      :order-by     [[:asc $venue_id]]
                      :limit        3})))))))))
-(deftest aggregate-join-results-test
+(deftest ^:parallel aggregate-join-results-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
     (testing "Can we aggregate on the results of a JOIN?"
-      (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {card-id :id} (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query
-                                                   (mt/mbql-query checkins
-                                                     {:aggregation [[:count]]
-                                                      :breakout    [$user_id]}))]
+      ( (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+                                        (mt/mbql-query checkins
+                                          {:aggregation [[:count]]
+                                           :breakout    [$user_id]}))
         (let [query (mt/mbql-query users
                       {:joins       [{:fields       :all
                                       :alias        "checkins_by_user"
-                                      :source-table (str "card__" card-id)
+                                      :source-table "card__1"
                                       :condition    [:= $id &checkins_by_user.*checkins.user_id]}]
                        :aggregation [[:avg &checkins_by_user.*count/Float]]
                        :breakout    [!month.last_login]})]
@@ -377,13 +380,13 @@
                       (qp/process-query query)))))))))))
-(deftest get-all-columns-without-metadata-test
+(deftest ^:parallel get-all-columns-without-metadata-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
     (testing "NEW! Can we still get all of our columns, even if we *DON'T* specify the metadata?"
-      (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {card-id :id} (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query
-                                                   (mt/mbql-query venues
-                                                     {:aggregation [[:count]]
-                                                      :breakout    [$category_id]}))]
+      ( (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+                                        (mt/mbql-query venues
+                                          {:aggregation [[:count]]
+                                           :breakout    [$category_id]}))
         (is (= {:rows    [[1 3 46 3] [2 9 40 9] [4 7 5 7]]
                 :columns [(mt/format-name "venue_id") "count" (mt/format-name "category_id") "count_2"]}
@@ -392,7 +395,7 @@
                     {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins
                                     :aggregation  [[:count]]
                                     :breakout     [$venue_id]}
-                     :joins        [{:source-table (str "card__" card-id)
+                     :joins        [{:source-table "card__1"
                                      :alias        "venues"
                                      :fields       :all
                                      :strategy     :inner-join
@@ -462,17 +465,22 @@
                  1 "Red Medicine" 4 10.065 -165.374 3]]
-(deftest sql-question-source-query-test
+(deftest ^:parallel sql-question-source-query-test
   (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :nested-queries :left-join)
     (testing "we should be able to use a SQL question as a source query in a Join"
-      (t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {card-id :id} (qp.test-util/card-with-source-metadata-for-query
-                                                   (mt/native-query (qp/compile (mt/mbql-query venues))))]
+      ( (let [app-db-provider (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (mt/id))]
+                                         (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-card-with-query-and-actual-result-metadata
+                                          app-db-provider
+                                          ;; use the same metadata provider to compile the query to native that we use
+                                          ;; to do subsequent steps gets warmed a bit.
+                                          ( app-db-provider
+                                            (mt/native-query (qp/compile (mt/mbql-query venues))))))
         (is (= [[1 "2014-04-07T00:00:00Z" 5 12 12 "The Misfit Restaurant + Bar" 2 34.0154 -118.497 2]
                 [2 "2014-09-18T00:00:00Z" 1 31 31 "Bludso's BBQ"                5 33.8894 -118.207 2]]
                (mt/formatted-rows [int identity int int int identity int 4.0 4.0 int]
                  (mt/run-mbql-query checkins
                    {:joins    [{:fields       :all
-                                :source-table (str "card__" card-id)
+                                :source-table "card__1"
                                 :alias        "card"
                                 :condition    [:= $venue_id &]}]
                     :order-by [[:asc $id]]
@@ -697,7 +705,7 @@
                    (mt/formatted-rows [str int str int]
                      (qp/process-query query))))))))))
-(deftest join-against-multiple-saved-questions-with-same-column-test
+(deftest ^:parallel join-against-multiple-saved-questions-with-same-column-test
   (testing "Should be able to join multiple against saved questions on the same column (#15863, #20362)"
     (mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :nested-queries :left-join)
       (mt/dataset sample-dataset
@@ -708,20 +716,28 @@
                            {:post [(some? %)]}
                            (-> query qp/process-query :data :results_metadata :columns))
               query-card (fn [query]
-                           {:dataset_query query, :result_metadata (metadata query)})]
-          (mt/with-temp [Card {card-1-id :id} (query-card q1)
-                         Card {card-2-id :id} (query-card q2)
-                         Card {card-3-id :id} (query-card q3)]
+                           {:name            "Card"
+                            :database-id     (mt/id)
+                            :dataset-query   query
+                            :result-metadata (metadata query)})]
+          ( (let [app-db-provider (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (mt/id))]
+                                             (lib/composed-metadata-provider
+                                              (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+                                               {:cards ( app-db-provider
+                                                         [(assoc (query-card q1) :id 1)
+                                                          (assoc (query-card q2) :id 2)
+                                                          (assoc (query-card q3) :id 3)])})
+                                              app-db-provider))
             (let [query (mt/mbql-query products
-                          {:source-table (format "card__%d" card-1-id)
+                          {:source-table "card__1"
                            :joins        [{:fields       :all
-                                           :source-table (format "card__%d" card-2-id)
+                                           :source-table "card__2"
                                            :condition    [:=
                                            :alias        "Q2"}
                                           {:fields       :all
-                                           :source-table (format "card__%d" card-3-id)
+                                           :source-table "card__3"
                                            :condition    [:=
@@ -940,30 +956,39 @@
                  (mt/formatted-rows [str str str 2.0 4.0]
                    (qp/process-query query)))))))))
-(deftest mlv2-references-in-join-conditions-test
+(deftest ^:parallel mlv2-references-in-join-conditions-test
   (testing "Make sure join conditions that contain MLv2-generated refs with extra info like `:base-type` work correctly (#33083)"
     (mt/dataset sample-dataset
-      (t2.with-temp/with-temp [:model/Card {card-1-id :id} {:dataset_query
-                                                            (mt/mbql-query reviews
-                                                              {:joins       [{:source-table $$products
-                                                                              :alias        "Products"
-                                                                              :condition    [:= $product_id &]
-                                                                              :fields       :all}]
-                                                               :breakout    [!month.&Products.products.created_at]
-                                                               :aggregation [[:distinct &]]
-                                                               :filter      [:= &Products.products.category "Doohickey"]})}
-                               :model/Card {card-2-id :id} {:dataset_query
-                                                            (mt/mbql-query reviews
-                                                              {:joins       [{:source-table $$products
-                                                                              :alias        "Products"
-                                                                              :condition    [:= $product_id &]
-                                                                              :fields       :all}]
-                                                               :breakout    [!month.&Products.products.created_at]
-                                                               :aggregation [[:distinct &]]
-                                                               :filter      [:= &Products.products.category "Gizmo"]})}]
+      ( (lib/composed-metadata-provider
+                                        (lib.tu/mock-metadata-provider
+                                         {:cards [{:id          1
+                                                   :name        "Card 1"
+                                                   :database-id (mt/id)
+                                                   :dataset-query
+                                                   (mt/mbql-query reviews
+                                                     {:joins       [{:source-table $$products
+                                                                     :alias        "Products"
+                                                                     :condition    [:= $product_id &]
+                                                                     :fields       :all}]
+                                                      :breakout    [!month.&Products.products.created_at]
+                                                      :aggregation [[:distinct &]]
+                                                      :filter      [:= &Products.products.category "Doohickey"]})}
+                                                  {:id          2
+                                                   :name        "Card 2"
+                                                   :database-id (mt/id)
+                                                   :dataset-query
+                                                   (mt/mbql-query reviews
+                                                     {:joins       [{:source-table $$products
+                                                                     :alias        "Products"
+                                                                     :condition    [:= $product_id &]
+                                                                     :fields       :all}]
+                                                      :breakout    [!month.&Products.products.created_at]
+                                                      :aggregation [[:distinct &]]
+                                                      :filter      [:= &Products.products.category "Gizmo"]})}]})
+                                        (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (mt/id)))
         (let [query {:database (mt/id)
                      :type     :query
-                     :query    {:source-table (str "card__" card-1-id)
+                     :query    {:source-table "card__1"
                                 :joins        [{:fields       :all
                                                 :strategy     :left-join
                                                 :alias        "Card_2"
@@ -976,9 +1001,9 @@
                                                                 {:base-type     :type/DateTime
                                                                  :temporal-unit :month
                                                                  :join-alias    "Card_2"}]]
-                                                :source-table (str "card__" card-2-id)}]
-                                :order-by [[:asc [:field "CREATED_AT" {:base-type :type/DateTime}]]]
-                                :limit 2}}]
+                                                :source-table "card__2"}]
+                                :order-by     [[:asc [:field "CREATED_AT" {:base-type :type/DateTime}]]]
+                                :limit        2}}]
           (mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
             (is (= [["2016-05-01T00:00:00Z" 3 nil nil]
                     ["2016-06-01T00:00:00Z" 2 "2016-06-01T00:00:00Z" 1]]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data.clj b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
index f939ad2769f..7131cdb9910 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data.clj
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
    [ :as data.impl]
    [ :as tx]
    [ :as mbql-query-impl]
-   [metabase.util :as u]))
+   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 (defn db
   "Return the current database.
-   Relies on the dynamic variable `*get-db*`, which can be rebound with `with-db`."
+   Relies on the dynamic variable [[*db-fn*]], which can be rebound with [[with-db]]."
-  (data.impl/*get-db*))
+  (data.impl/db))
 (defmacro with-db
   "Run body with `db` as the current database. Calls to `db` and `id` use this value."
@@ -187,22 +187,27 @@
   [table-name & [query]]
   `(run-mbql-query* (mbql-query ~table-name ~(or query {}))))
-(defn format-name
+(mu/defn format-name :- :string
   "Format a SQL schema, table, or field identifier in the correct way for the current database by calling the current
   driver's implementation of [[ddl.i/format-name]]. (Most databases use the default implementation of `identity`; H2
   uses [[clojure.string/upper-case]].) This function DOES NOT quote the identifier."
-  [a-name]
-  (assert ((some-fn keyword? string? symbol?) a-name)
-    (str "Cannot format `nil` name -- did you use a `$field` without specifying its Table? (Change the form to"
-         " `$table.field`, or specify a top-level default Table to `$ids` or `mbql-query`.)"))
+  [a-name :- [:or
+              :keyword
+              :string
+              :symbol
+              [:fn
+               {:error/message (str "Cannot format `nil` name -- did you use a `$field` without specifying its Table? "
+                                    "(Change the form to `$table.field`, or specify a top-level default Table to "
+                                    "`$ids` or `mbql-query`.)")}
+               (constantly false)]]]
   (ddl.i/format-name (tx/driver) (name a-name)))
 (defn id
-  "Get the ID of the current database or one of its Tables or Fields. Relies on the dynamic variable `*get-db*`, which
-  can be rebound with `with-db`."
+  "Get the ID of the current database or one of its Tables or Fields. Relies on the dynamic
+  variable [[*db-fn*]], which can be rebound with [[with-db]]."
    (mb.hawk.init/assert-tests-are-not-initializing "(mt/id ...) or (data/id ...)")
-   (u/the-id (db)))
+   (data.impl/db-id))
    (data.impl/the-table-id (id) (format-name table-name)))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
index 32eb64722e6..0c63002dc95 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/impl.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
    [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
    [metabase.driver :as driver]
    [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
+   [ :as]
    [metabase.models :refer [Database Field FieldValues Secret Table]]
    [metabase.models.secret :as secret]
    [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
    [ :as verify]
    [ :as tx]
    [metabase.util :as u]
+   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
    [potemkin :as p]
    [toucan.db :as db]
    [toucan2.core :as t2]))
@@ -44,81 +46,162 @@
   ([]       (get-or-create-test-data-db! (tx/driver)))
   ([driver] (get-or-create-database! driver defs/test-data)))
-(def ^:dynamic *get-db*
+(def ^:dynamic ^{:arglists '([])} ^:private *db-fn*
   "Implementation of `db` function that should return the current working test database when called, always with no
   arguments. By default, this is [[get-or-create-test-data-db!]] for the current [[metabase.driver/*driver*]], which
   does exactly what it suggests."
-  get-or-create-test-data-db!)
+  #'get-or-create-test-data-db!)
-(defn do-with-db
-  "Internal impl of `data/with-db`."
-  [db f]
-  (assert (and (map? db) (integer? (:id db)))
-          (format "Not a valid database: %s" (pr-str db)))
-  (binding [*get-db* (constantly db)]
-    (f)))
+(mu/defn db :- [:map [:id]]
+  []
+  (*db-fn*))
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic ^{:arglists '([])} *db-id-fn*
+  (let [f (mdb.connection/memoize-for-application-db
+           (fn [driver]
+             (u/the-id (get-or-create-test-data-db! driver))))]
+    (fn []
+      (f (tx/driver)))))
+(mu/defn db-id :-
+  []
+  (*db-id-fn*))
+;;; ID lookup maps look like these:
+;;; Table:
+;;;    {"VENUES" 10, "USERS" 11, "CHECKINS" 12, "CATEGORIES" 13}
+;;; Field:
+;;;    [parent-id name] => ID
+;;;    {[nil "PRICE"]       71
+;;;     [nil "CATEGORY_ID"] 72
+;;;     [nil "DATE"]        79
+;;;     [nil "PASSWORD"]    77
+;;;     [nil "VENUE_ID"]    82
+;;;     [nil "ID"]          81
+;;;     [nil "NAME"]        84
+;;;     [nil "ID"]          83
+;;;     [nil "USER_ID"]     80
+;;;     [nil "LAST_LOGIN"]  76
+;;;     [nil "ID"]          75
+;;;     [nil "LONGITUDE"]   70
+;;;     [nil "LATITUDE"]    74
+;;;     [nil "NAME"]        73
+;;;     [nil "NAME"]        78
+;;;     [nil "ID"]          69}
+(mu/defn ^:private build-table-lookup-map
+  [database-id :-]
+  (t2/select-fn->pk (juxt (constantly database-id) :name)
+                    [:model/Table :id :name]
+                    :db_id database-id))
+(mu/defn ^:private build-field-lookup-map
+  [table-id :-]
+  (t2/select-fn->pk (juxt :parent_id :name)
+                    [:model/Field :id :name :parent_id]
+                    :table_id table-id
+                    :active   true))
+(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([database-id])} table-lookup-map
+  (mdb.connection/memoize-for-application-db build-table-lookup-map))
+(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([field-lookup-map])} field-lookup-map
+  (mdb.connection/memoize-for-application-db build-field-lookup-map))
+(defn- cached-table-id [db-id table-name]
+  (get (table-lookup-map db-id) [db-id table-name]))
+(defn- cached-field-id [table-id parent-id field-name]
+  (get (field-lookup-map table-id) [parent-id field-name]))
+(mu/defn do-with-db
+  "Internal impl of [[]]."
+  [db    :- [:map [:id]]
+   thunk :- fn?]
+  (binding [*db-fn*    (constantly db)
+            *db-id-fn* (constantly (u/the-id db))]
+    (thunk)))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                                       id                                                       |
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-(defn the-table-id
-  "Internal impl of `(data/id table)."
+(defn- table-id-from-app-db
   [db-id table-name]
-  {:pre [(integer? db-id) ((some-fn keyword? string?) table-name)]}
-  (let [table-name        (name table-name)
-        table-id-for-name (partial t2/select-one-pk Table, :db_id db-id, :name)]
-    (or (table-id-for-name table-name)
-        (table-id-for-name (let [db-name (t2/select-one-fn :name Database :id db-id)]
-                             (tx/db-qualified-table-name db-name table-name)))
-        (let [{driver :engine, db-name :name} (t2/select-one [Database :engine :name] :id db-id)]
-          (throw
-           (Exception. (format "No Table %s found for %s Database %d %s.\nFound: %s"
-                               (pr-str table-name) driver db-id (pr-str db-name)
-                               (u/pprint-to-str (t2/select-pk->fn :name Table, :db_id db-id, :active true)))))))))
-(defn- qualified-field-name [{parent-id :parent_id, field-name :name}]
+  (t2/select-one-pk [Table :id] :db_id db-id, :name table-name))
+(defn- throw-unfound-table-error [db-id table-name]
+  (let [{driver :engine, db-name :name} (t2/select-one [:model/Database :name :engine] :id db-id)]
+    (throw
+     (Exception. (format "No Table %s found for %s Database %d %s.\nFound: %s"
+                         (pr-str table-name) driver db-id (pr-str db-name)
+                         (u/pprint-to-str (t2/select-pk->fn :name Table, :db_id db-id, :active true)))))))
+(mu/defn the-table-id :-
+  "Internal impl of `(data/id table)."
+  [db-id      :-
+   table-name :- :string]
+  (or (cached-table-id db-id table-name)
+      (table-id-from-app-db db-id table-name)
+      (let [db-name              (t2/select-one-fn :name [:model/Database :name] :id db-id)
+            qualified-table-name (tx/db-qualified-table-name db-name table-name)]
+        (cached-table-id db-id qualified-table-name)
+        (table-id-from-app-db db-id qualified-table-name))
+      (throw-unfound-table-error db-id table-name)))
+(defn- field-id-from-app-db [table-id parent-id field-name]
+  (t2/select-one-pk Field, :active true, :table_id table-id, :name field-name, :parent_id parent-id))
+(defn- qualified-field-name [parent-id field-name]
   (if parent-id
-    (str (qualified-field-name (t2/select-one Field :id parent-id))
+    (str (t2/select-one-fn (fn [field]
+                             (qualified-field-name (:parent_id field) (:name field)))
+                           [:model/Field :parent_id :name]
+                           :id parent-id)
 (defn- all-field-names [table-id]
-  (into {} (for [field (t2/select Field :active true, :table_id table-id)]
-             [(u/the-id field) (qualified-field-name field)])))
-(defn- the-field-id* [table-id field-name & {:keys [parent-id]}]
-  (or (t2/select-one-pk Field, :active true, :table_id table-id, :name field-name, :parent_id parent-id)
-      (let [{db-id :db_id, table-name :name} (t2/select-one [Table :name :db_id] :id table-id)
-            db-name                          (t2/select-one-fn :name Database :id db-id)
-            field-name                       (qualified-field-name {:parent_id parent-id, :name field-name})
-            all-field-names                  (all-field-names table-id)]
-        (throw
-         (ex-info (format "Couldn't find Field %s for Table %s.\nFound:\n%s"
-                          (pr-str field-name) (pr-str table-name) (u/pprint-to-str all-field-names))
-                  {:field-name  field-name
-                   :table       table-name
-                   :table-id    table-id
-                   :database    db-name
-                   :database-id db-id
-                   :all-fields  all-field-names})))))
-(defn the-field-id
+  (t2/select-fn->fn :id
+                    (fn [field]
+                      (qualified-field-name (:parent_id field) (:name field)))
+                    [:model/Field :id :parent_id :name]
+                    :active true, :table_id table-id))
+(defn- throw-unfound-field-errror
+  [table-id parent-id field-name]
+  (let [table-name      (t2/select-one-fn [:model/Table :name] :id table-id)
+        field-name      (qualified-field-name parent-id field-name)
+        all-field-names (all-field-names table-id)]
+    (throw
+     (ex-info (format "Couldn't find Field %s for Table %s.\nFound:\n%s"
+                      (pr-str field-name) (pr-str table-name) (u/pprint-to-str all-field-names))
+              {:field-name  field-name
+               :table       table-name
+               :table-id    table-id
+               :all-fields  all-field-names}))))
+(defn- the-field-id* [table-id parent-id field-name]
+  (or (cached-field-id table-id parent-id field-name)
+      (field-id-from-app-db table-id parent-id field-name)
+      (throw-unfound-field-errror table-id parent-id field-name)))
+(mu/defn the-field-id :-
   "Internal impl of `(data/id table field)`."
-  [table-id field-name & nested-field-names]
-  {:pre [(integer? table-id)]}
-  (doseq [field-name (cons field-name nested-field-names)]
-    (assert ((some-fn keyword? string?) field-name)
-            (format "Expected keyword or string field name; got ^%s %s"
-                    (some-> field-name class .getCanonicalName)
-                    (pr-str field-name))))
-  (loop [parent-id (the-field-id* table-id field-name), [nested-field-name & more] nested-field-names]
+  [table-id             :-
+   field-name           :- :string
+   & nested-field-names :- [:* :string]]
+  (loop [id (the-field-id* table-id nil field-name), [nested-field-name & more] nested-field-names]
     (if-not nested-field-name
-      parent-id
-      (recur (the-field-id* table-id nested-field-name, :parent-id parent-id) more))))
+      id
+      (recur (the-field-id* table-id id nested-field-name) more))))
 ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;;; |                                              with-temp-copy-of-db                                              |
@@ -201,7 +284,7 @@
   "Internal impl of [[metabase.test/with-temp-copy-of-db]]. Run `f` with a temporary Database that copies the details
   from the standard test database, and syncs it."
-  (let [{old-db-id :id, :as old-db} (*get-db*)
+  (let [{old-db-id :id, :as old-db} (*db-fn*)
         original-db (-> old-db copy-secrets (select-keys [:details :engine :name]))
         {new-db-id :id, :as new-db} (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! Database original-db))]
@@ -236,8 +319,9 @@
                              (binding [db/*disable-db-logging* true]
                                (let [db (get-or-create-database! driver dbdef)]
                                  (assert db)
-                                 (assert (t2/exists? Database :id (u/the-id db)))
-                                 db))))]
-    (binding [*get-db* (fn []
-                         (get-db-for-driver (tx/driver)))]
+                                 (assert (pos-int? (:id db)))
+                                 db))))
+        db-fn             #(get-db-for-driver (tx/driver))]
+    (binding [*db-fn*    db-fn
+              *db-id-fn* #(u/the-id (db-fn))]