From f8525b920a90302220f3b9f272bb2c2e2dda0472 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cam Saul <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 10:15:38 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add database_type to Field [ci drivers]

 resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml      |  19 ++
 src/metabase/api/database.clj                 |  26 ++-
 src/metabase/db.clj                           | 131 ++++++------
 src/metabase/db/migrations.clj                |  56 +++---
 src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj              |   5 +-
 src/metabase/driver/druid.clj                 |  15 +-
 src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj           |  37 ++--
 src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj                 |  40 ++--
 src/metabase/driver/presto.clj                |   4 +-
 src/metabase/sync/interface.clj               |   1 +
 src/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/fields.clj    |  50 ++---
 src/metabase/types.clj                        |  12 +-
 src/metabase/util.clj                         |  60 +++---
 test/metabase/api/database_test.clj           |   2 +
 test/metabase/api/field_test.clj              |   1 +
 test/metabase/api/table_test.clj              | 188 +++++++++---------
 test/metabase/driver/generic_sql_test.clj     |  38 ++--
 test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj           |  32 +--
 test/metabase/permissions_test.clj            |  86 ++++----
 .../sync_metadata/metabase_metadata_test.clj  |   7 +-
 .../sync_database/sync_dynamic_test.clj       |  45 +++--
 test/metabase/sync_database_test.clj          | 111 ++++++-----
 test/metabase/test/data/interface.clj         |  48 +++--
 test/metabase/test/mock/toucanery.clj         | 152 ++++++++------
 test/metabase/test/util.clj                   |   9 +-
 25 files changed, 665 insertions(+), 510 deletions(-)

diff --git a/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml b/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
index 13de99f8472..78f336bd117 100644
--- a/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
+++ b/resources/migrations/000_migrations.yaml
@@ -3968,3 +3968,22 @@ databaseChangeLog:
             tableName: pulse
             columnName: name
             columnDataType: varchar(254)
+  - changeSet:
+      id: 70
+      author: camsaul
+      comment: 'Added 0.28.0'
+      changes:
+        - addColumn:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columns:
+              - column:
+                  name: database_type
+                  type: varchar(255)
+                  remarks: 'The actual type of this column in the database. e.g. VARCHAR or TEXT.'
+        # We want to enforce NOT NULL right away for all columns going forward so just put some sort of
+        # placeholder in place for existing columns.
+        - addNotNullConstraint:
+            tableName: metabase_field
+            columnName: database_type
+            columnDataType: varchar(255)
+            defaultNullValue: '?'
diff --git a/src/metabase/api/database.clj b/src/metabase/api/database.clj
index bd885a2eb66..fb425659309 100644
--- a/src/metabase/api/database.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/api/database.clj
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     "value must be a valid database engine."))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/database ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------- GET /api/database ------------------------------------------------
 (defn- add-tables [dbs]
   (let [db-id->tables (group-by :db_id (filter mi/can-read? (db/select Table
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
       (log/warn "Error with autocomplete: " (.getMessage t)))))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/database/:id/fields ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------------ GET /api/database/:id/fields ------------------------------------------
 (api/defendpoint GET "/:id/fields"
   "Get a list of all `Fields` in `Database`."
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
        :schema       (:schema table)})))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/database/:id/idfields ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------- GET /api/database/:id/idfields -----------------------------------------
 (api/defendpoint GET "/:id/idfields"
   "Get a list of all primary key `Fields` for `Database`."
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
                                                                          (hydrate :table)))))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ POST /api/database ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------- POST /api/database -----------------------------------------------
 (defn- invalid-connection-response [field m]
   ;; work with the new {:field error-message} format but be backwards-compatible with the UI as it exists right now
@@ -324,11 +324,9 @@
 (s/defn ^:private test-connection-details :- su/Map
   "Try a making a connection to database ENGINE with DETAILS.
-   Tries twice: once with SSL, and a second time without if the first fails.
-   If either attempt is successful, returns the details used to successfully connect.
-   Otherwise returns a map with the connection error message. (This map will also
-   contain the key `:valid` = `false`, which you can use to distinguish an error from
-   valid details.)"
+   Tries twice: once with SSL, and a second time without if the first fails. If either attempt is successful, returns
+   the details used to successfully connect.  Otherwise returns a map with the connection error message. (This map
+   will also contain the key `:valid` = `false`, which you can use to distinguish an error from valid details.)"
   [engine :- DBEngineString, details :- su/Map]
   (let [details (if (supports-ssl? engine)
                   (assoc details :ssl true)
@@ -398,7 +396,8 @@
   (let [details-or-error (test-connection-details engine details)]
     {:valid (not (false? (:valid details-or-error)))}))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ POST /api/database/sample_dataset ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------- POST /api/database/sample_dataset ----------------------------------------
 (api/defendpoint POST "/sample_dataset"
   "Add the sample dataset as a new `Database`."
@@ -408,7 +407,7 @@
   (Database :is_sample true))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ PUT /api/database/:id ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------------- PUT /api/database/:id ----------------------------------------------
 (api/defendpoint PUT "/:id"
   "Update a `Database`."
@@ -455,7 +454,7 @@
             (add-expanded-schedules db)))))))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ DELETE /api/database/:id ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; -------------------------------------------- DELETE /api/database/:id --------------------------------------------
 (api/defendpoint DELETE "/:id"
   "Delete a `Database`."
@@ -467,8 +466,7 @@
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ POST /api/database/:id/sync ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------------ POST /api/database/:id/sync -------------------------------------------
 ;; TODO - Shouldn't we just check for superuser status instead of write checking?
 ;; NOTE Atte: This becomes maybe obsolete
diff --git a/src/metabase/db.clj b/src/metabase/db.clj
index 464d6b0ff8b..6bd144b6691 100644
--- a/src/metabase/db.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/db.clj
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                              DB FILE & CONNECTION DETAILS                                              |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                          DB FILE & CONNECTION DETAILS                                          |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (def db-file
   "Path to our H2 DB file from env var or app config."
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
                                   [(System/getProperty "user.dir") "/" db-file-name options]))))))
 (defn- parse-connection-string
-  "Parse a DB connection URI like `postgres://` and return a broken-out map."
+  "Parse a DB connection URI like `postgres://`
+  and return a broken-out map."
   (when-let [[_ protocol user pass host port db query] (re-matches #"^([^:/@]+)://(?:([^:/@]+)(?::([^:@]+))?@)?([^:@]+)(?::(\d+))?/([^/?]+)(?:\?(.*))?$" uri)]
     (merge {:type     (case (keyword protocol)
@@ -101,9 +102,9 @@
      :postgres (dbspec/postgres (assoc db-details :db (:dbname db-details))))))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                        MIGRATE!                                                        |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                    MIGRATE!                                                    |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (def ^:private ^:const ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
@@ -117,9 +118,10 @@
 (defn- migrations-lines
   "Return a sequnce of DDL statements that should be used to perform migrations for LIQUIBASE.
-   MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run one statement at a time;
-   Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this
-   is not neccesary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference."
+   MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run
+   one statement at a time; Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and
+   filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this is not neccesary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway
+   because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference."
   [^Liquibase liquibase]
   (for [line  (s/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
         :when (not (or (s/blank? line)
@@ -129,8 +131,9 @@
 (defn- has-unrun-migrations?
   "Does LIQUIBASE have migration change sets that haven't been run yet?
-   It's a good idea to Check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` because `migrations-sql` will
-   always contain SQL to create and release migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be using them."
+   It's a good idea to Check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` because
+   `migrations-sql` will always contain SQL to create and release migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous
+   and a waste of time when we won't be using them."
   ^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
   (boolean (seq (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil))))
@@ -146,14 +149,16 @@
   (u/auto-retry 5
     (when (has-migration-lock? liquibase)
       (Thread/sleep 2000)
-      (throw (Exception. "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations. You can force-release these locks by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`.")))))
+      (throw (Exception. (str "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations. You can force-release these locks "
+                              "by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`."))))))
 (defn- migrate-up-if-needed!
   "Run any unrun LIQUIBASE migrations, if needed.
    This creates SQL for the migrations to be performed, then executes each DDL statement.
-   Running `.update` directly doesn't seem to work as we'd expect; it ends up commiting the changes made and they can't be rolled back at
-   the end of the transaction block. Converting the migration to SQL string and running that via `jdbc/execute!` seems to do the trick."
+   Running `.update` directly doesn't seem to work as we'd expect; it ends up commiting the changes made and they
+   can't be rolled back at the end of the transaction block. Converting the migration to SQL string and running that
+   via `jdbc/execute!` seems to do the trick."
   [conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
   (log/info "Checking if Database has unrun migrations...")
   (when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
@@ -169,10 +174,12 @@
    1.  This doesn't check to make sure the DB locks are cleared
    2.  Any DDL statements that fail are ignored
-   It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in #3295.
+   It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in
+   #3295.
-   Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back without rolling back the entirety of changes
-   that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you can't do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
+   Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back
+   without rolling back the entirety of changes that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you
+   can't do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
   [conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
   (when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
     (doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
@@ -185,7 +192,8 @@
                (log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))))
 (def ^{:arglists '([])} ^DatabaseFactory database-factory
-  "Return an instance of the Liquibase `DatabaseFactory`. This is done on a background thread at launch because otherwise it adds 2 seconds to startup time."
+  "Return an instance of the Liquibase `DatabaseFactory`. This is done on a background thread at launch because
+   otherwise it adds 2 seconds to startup time."
   (partial deref (future (DatabaseFactory/getInstance))))
 (defn- conn->liquibase
@@ -198,13 +206,13 @@
      (Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database))))
 (defn consolidate-liquibase-changesets
-  "Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they came from single file.
-   Previous migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds
-   per file to the startup time because liquibase was checking the jar
-   signature for each file. This function is required to correct the liquibase
-   tables to reflect that these migrations where moved to a single file.
+  "Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they come from single file.
-   see"
+  Previously migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds per file to the startup time because
+  liquibase was checking the jar signature for each file. This function is required to correct the liquibase tables to
+  reflect that these migrations where moved to a single file.
+  see"
   (let [liquibases-table-name (if (#{:h2 :mysql} (db-type))
@@ -216,17 +224,19 @@
       (jdbc/execute! conn [query "migrations/000_migrations.yaml"]))))
 (defn migrate!
-  "Migrate the database (this can also be ran via command line like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate up` or `lein run migrate up`):
-   *  `:up`            - Migrate up
-   *  `:force`         - Force migrate up, ignoring locks and any DDL statements that fail.
-   *  `:down-one`      - Rollback a single migration
-   *  `:print`         - Just print the SQL for running the migrations, don't actually run them.
-   *  `:release-locks` - Manually release migration locks left by an earlier failed migration.
-                         (This shouldn't be necessary now that we run migrations inside a transaction, but is available just in case).
-   Note that this only performs *schema migrations*, not data migrations. Data migrations are handled separately by `metabase.db.migrations/run-all!`.
-   (`setup-db!`, below, calls both this function and `run-all!`)."
+  "Migrate the database (this can also be ran via command line like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate up` or `lein run
+  migrate up`):
+  *  `:up`            - Migrate up
+  *  `:force`         - Force migrate up, ignoring locks and any DDL statements that fail.
+  *  `:down-one`      - Rollback a single migration
+  *  `:print`         - Just print the SQL for running the migrations, don't actually run them.
+  *  `:release-locks` - Manually release migration locks left by an earlier failed migration.
+                        (This shouldn't be necessary now that we run migrations inside a transaction, but is
+                        available just in case).
+  Note that this only performs *schema migrations*, not data migrations. Data migrations are handled separately by
+  `metabase.db.migrations/run-all!`. (`setup-db!`, below, calls both this function and `run-all!`)."
    (migrate! :up))
@@ -254,14 +264,15 @@
        ;; If for any reason any part of the migrations fail then rollback all changes
        (catch Throwable e
-         ;; This should already be happening as a result of `db-set-rollback-only!` but running it twice won't hurt so better safe than sorry
+         ;; This should already be happening as a result of `db-set-rollback-only!` but running it twice won't hurt so
+         ;; better safe than sorry
          (.rollback (jdbc/get-connection conn))
          (throw e))))))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                          CONNECTION POOLS & TRANSACTION STUFF                                          |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                      CONNECTION POOLS & TRANSACTION STUFF                                      |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (defn connection-pool
   "Create a C3P0 connection pool for the given database SPEC."
@@ -283,8 +294,10 @@
                  (.setTestConnectionOnCheckout     false)
                  (.setPreferredTestQuery           nil)
                  (.setProperties                   (u/prog1 (Properties.)
-                                                     (doseq [[k v] (dissoc spec :classname :subprotocol :subname :naming :delimiters :alias-delimiter
-                                                                                :excess-timeout :minimum-pool-size :idle-connection-test-period)]
+                                                     (doseq [[k v] (dissoc spec :classname :subprotocol :subname
+                                                                                :naming :delimiters :alias-delimiter
+                                                                                :excess-timeout :minimum-pool-size
+                                                                                :idle-connection-test-period)]
                                                        (.setProperty <> (name k) (str v))))))})
 (defn- create-connection-pool! [spec]
@@ -295,10 +308,9 @@
   (db/set-default-db-connection! (connection-pool spec)))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                       DB SETUP                                                         |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                    DB SETUP                                                    |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (def ^:private setup-db-has-been-called?
   (atom false))
@@ -309,19 +321,21 @@
 (def ^:dynamic *allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections*
-  "We want to make *every* database connection made by the drivers safe -- read-only, only connect if DB file exists, etc.
-   At the same time, we'd like to be able to use driver functionality like `can-connect-with-details?` to check whether we can
-   connect to the Metabase database, in which case we'd like to allow connections to databases that don't exist.
+  "We want to make *every* database connection made by the drivers safe -- read-only, only connect if DB file exists,
+  etc.  At the same time, we'd like to be able to use driver functionality like `can-connect-with-details?` to check
+  whether we can connect to the Metabase database, in which case we'd like to allow connections to databases that
+  don't exist.
-   So we need some way to distinguish the Metabase database from other databases. We could add a key to the details map
-   specifying that it's the Metabase DB, but what if some shady user added that key to another database?
+  So we need some way to distinguish the Metabase database from other databases. We could add a key to the details
+  map specifying that it's the Metabase DB, but what if some shady user added that key to another database?
-   We could check if a database details map matched `db-connection-details` above, but what if a shady user went Meta-Metabase
-   and added the Metabase DB to Metabase itself? Then when they used it they'd have potentially unsafe access.
+  We could check if a database details map matched `db-connection-details` above, but what if a shady user went
+  Meta-Metabase and added the Metabase DB to Metabase itself? Then when they used it they'd have potentially unsafe
+  access.
-   So this is where dynamic variables come to the rescue. We'll make this one `true` when we use `can-connect?` for the
-   Metabase DB, in which case we'll allow connection to non-existent H2 (etc.) files, and leave it `false` happily and
-   forever after, making all other connnections \"safe\"."
+  So this is where dynamic variables come to the rescue. We'll make this one `true` when we use `can-connect?` for the
+  Metabase DB, in which case we'll allow connection to non-existent H2 (etc.) files, and leave it `false` happily and
+  forever after, making all other connnections \"safe\"."
 (defn- verify-db-connection
@@ -340,8 +354,9 @@
 (def ^:dynamic ^Boolean *disable-data-migrations*
   "Should we skip running data migrations when setting up the DB? (Default is `false`).
-   There are certain places where we don't want to do this; for example, none of the migrations should be ran when Metabase is launched via `load-from-h2`.
-   That's because they will end up doing things like creating duplicate entries for the \"magic\" groups and permissions entries. "
+  There are certain places where we don't want to do this; for example, none of the migrations should be ran when
+  Metabase is launched via `load-from-h2`.  That's because they will end up doing things like creating duplicate
+  entries for the \"magic\" groups and permissions entries. "
 (defn- print-migrations-and-quit!
diff --git a/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj b/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
index ec688001f41..7eb11fd619a 100644
--- a/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/db/migrations.clj
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 (ns metabase.db.migrations
   "Clojure-land data migration definitions and fns for running them.
-   These migrations are all ran once when Metabase is first launched, except when transferring data from an existing H2 database.
-   When data is transferred from an H2 database, migrations will already have been run against that data; thus, all of these migrations
-   need to be repeatable, e.g.:
+  These migrations are all ran once when Metabase is first launched, except when transferring data from an existing
+  H2 database.  When data is transferred from an H2 database, migrations will already have been run against that data;
+  thus, all of these migrations need to be repeatable, e.g.:
      CREATE TABLE ...               -- Bad"
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
 (def ^:private data-migrations (atom []))
 (defmacro ^:private defmigration
-  "Define a new data migration. This is just a simple wrapper around `defn-` that adds the resulting var to that `data-migrations` atom."
+  "Define a new data migration. This is just a simple wrapper around `defn-` that adds the resulting var to that
+  `data-migrations` atom."
   [migration-name & body]
   `(do (defn- ~migration-name [] ~@body)
        (swap! data-migrations conj #'~migration-name)))
@@ -69,9 +70,9 @@
   (log/info "Finished running data migrations."))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                       MIGRATIONS                                                       |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                   MIGRATIONS                                                   |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;; Upgrade for the `Card` model when `:database_id`, `:table_id`, and `:query_type` were added and needed populating.
@@ -150,9 +151,9 @@
       :visibility_type "normal")))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                     PERMISSIONS v1                                                     |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                 PERMISSIONS v1                                                 |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ;; Add users to default permissions groups. This will cause the groups to be created if needed as well.
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.20.0"} add-users-to-default-permissions-groups
@@ -179,7 +180,8 @@
         :group_id (:id (perm-group/admin))
         :object   "/"))))
-;; add existing databases to default permissions groups. default and metabot groups have entries for each individual DB
+;; add existing databases to default permissions groups. default and metabot groups have entries for each individual
+;; DB
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.20.0"} add-databases-to-magic-permissions-groups
   (let [db-ids (db/select-ids Database)]
     (doseq [{group-id :id} [(perm-group/all-users)
@@ -191,9 +193,9 @@
           :group_id group-id)))))
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                    NEW TYPE SYSTEM                                                     |
-;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                NEW TYPE SYSTEM                                                 |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 (def ^:private ^:const old-special-type->new-type
     {"avatar"                 "type/AvatarURL"
@@ -240,9 +242,9 @@
   (doseq [[_ t] old-base-type->new-type]
     (assert (isa? (keyword t) :type/*))))
-;; migrate all of the old base + special types to the new ones.
-;; This also takes care of any types that are already correct other than the fact that they're missing :type/ in the front.
-;; This was a bug that existed for a bit in 0.20.0-SNAPSHOT but has since been corrected
+;; migrate all of the old base + special types to the new ones.  This also takes care of any types that are already
+;; correct other than the fact that they're missing :type/ in the front.  This was a bug that existed for a bit in
+;; 0.20.0-SNAPSHOT but has since been corrected
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.20.0"} migrate-field-types
   (doseq [[old-type new-type] old-special-type->new-type]
     ;; migrate things like :timestamp_milliseconds -> :type/UNIXTimestampMilliseconds
@@ -259,24 +261,28 @@
     (db/update-where! 'Field {:base_type (name (keyword new-type))}
       :base_type new-type)))
-;; if there were invalid field types in the database anywhere fix those so the new stricter validation logic doesn't blow up
+;; if there were invalid field types in the database anywhere fix those so the new stricter validation logic doesn't
+;; blow up
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.20.0"} fix-invalid-field-types
   (db/update-where! 'Field {:base_type [:not-like "type/%"]}
     :base_type "type/*")
   (db/update-where! 'Field {:special_type [:not-like "type/%"]}
     :special_type nil))
-;; Copy the value of the old setting `-site-url` to the new `site-url` if applicable.
-;; (`site-url` used to be stored internally as `-site-url`; this was confusing, see #4188 for details)
-;; This has the side effect of making sure the `site-url` has no trailing slashes (as part of the magic setter fn; this was fixed as part of #4123)
+;; Copy the value of the old setting `-site-url` to the new `site-url` if applicable.  (`site-url` used to be stored
+;; internally as `-site-url`; this was confusing, see #4188 for details) This has the side effect of making sure the
+;; `site-url` has no trailing slashes (as part of the magic setter fn; this was fixed as part of #4123)
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.23.0"} copy-site-url-setting-and-remove-trailing-slashes
   (when-let [site-url (db/select-one-field :value Setting :key "-site-url")]
     (public-settings/site-url site-url)))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Migrating QueryExecutions ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                           Migrating QueryExecutions                                            |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; We're copying over data from the legacy `query_queryexecution` table to the new `query_execution` table; see #4522 and #4531 for details
+;; We're copying over data from the legacy `query_queryexecution` table to the new `query_execution` table; see #4522
+;; and #4531 for details
 ;; model definition for the old table to facilitate the data copying process
 (models/defmodel ^:private ^:deprecated LegacyQueryExecution :query_queryexecution)
@@ -301,8 +307,8 @@
 ;; Migrate entries from the old query execution table to the new one. This might take a few minutes
 (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.23.0"} migrate-query-executions
-  ;; migrate the most recent 100,000 entries
-  ;; make sure the DB doesn't get snippy by trying to insert too many records at once. Divide the INSERT statements into chunks of 1,000
+  ;; migrate the most recent 100,000 entries. Make sure the DB doesn't get snippy by trying to insert too many records
+  ;; at once. Divide the INSERT statements into chunks of 1,000
   (binding [query-execution/*validate-context* false]
     (doseq [chunk (partition-all 1000 (db/select LegacyQueryExecution {:limit 100000, :order-by [[:id :desc]]}))]
       (db/insert-many! QueryExecution
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj b/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
index 98fecef91d1..745f71308b8 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/bigquery.clj
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@
 (defn- table-schema->metabase-field-info [^TableSchema schema]
   (for [^TableFieldSchema field (.getFields schema)]
-    {:name      (.getName field)
-     :base-type (bigquery-type->base-type (.getType field))}))
+    {:name          (.getName field)
+     :database-type (.getType field)
+     :base-type     (bigquery-type->base-type (.getType field))}))
 (defn- describe-table [database {table-name :name}]
   {:schema nil
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/druid.clj b/src/metabase/driver/druid.clj
index 8323e00bb93..12bcf953391 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/druid.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/druid.clj
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
 (defn- describe-table-field [druid-field-type field-name]
   ;; all dimensions are Strings, and all metrics as JS Numbers, I think (?)
   ;; string-encoded booleans + dates are treated as strings (!)
-  {:name      field-name
-   :base-type (if (= :metric druid-field-type)
-                :type/Float
-                :type/Text)})
+  (assoc (case druid-field-type
+           :metric    {:database-type "metric",    :base-type :type/Float}
+           :dimension {:database-type "dimension", :base-type :type/Text})
+    :name field-name))
 (defn- describe-table [database table]
   (ssh/with-ssh-tunnel [details-with-tunnel (:details database)]
@@ -85,9 +85,10 @@
        :name   (:name table)
        :fields (set (concat
                      ;; every Druid table is an event stream w/ a timestamp field
-                     [{:name       "timestamp"
-                       :base-type  :type/DateTime
-                       :pk?        true}]
+                     [{:name          "timestamp"
+                       :database-type "timestamp"
+                       :base-type     :type/DateTime
+                       :pk?           true}]
                      (map (partial describe-table-field :dimension) dimensions)
                      (map (partial describe-table-field :metric) metrics)))})))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
index 9b5071abd4c..1cc011eca28 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
@@ -325,20 +325,29 @@
          {:name   (:table_name table)
           :schema (:table_schem table)})))
-(defn- describe-table-fields
-  [^DatabaseMetaData metadata, driver, {:keys [schema name]}]
-  (set (for [{:keys [column_name type_name]} (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getColumns metadata nil schema name nil))
-             :let [calculated-special-type (column->special-type driver column_name (keyword type_name))]]
-         (merge {:name      column_name
-                 :custom    {:column-type type_name}
-                 :base-type (or (column->base-type driver (keyword type_name))
-                                (do (log/warn (format "Don't know how to map column type '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :type/*."
-                                                      type_name))
-                                    :type/*))}
-                (when calculated-special-type
-                  (assert (isa? calculated-special-type :type/*)
-                    (str "Invalid type: " calculated-special-type))
-                  {:special-type calculated-special-type})))))
+(defn- database-type->base-type
+  "Given a `database-type` (e.g. `VARCHAR`) return the mapped Metabase type (e.g. `:type/Text`)."
+  [driver database-type]
+  (or (column->base-type driver (keyword database-type))
+      (do (log/warn (format "Don't know how to map column type '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :type/*."
+                            database-type))
+          :type/*)))
+(defn- calculated-special-type
+  "Get an appropriate special type for a column with `column-name` of type `database-type`."
+  [driver column-name database-type]
+  (when-let [special-type (column->special-type driver column-name (keyword database-type))]
+    (assert (isa? special-type :type/*)
+      (str "Invalid type: " special-type))
+    special-type))
+(defn- describe-table-fields [^DatabaseMetaData metadata, driver, {schema :schema, table-name :name}]
+  (set (for [{database-type :type_name, column-name :column_name} (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getColumns metadata nil schema table-name nil))]
+         (merge {:name          column-name
+                 :database-type (name database-type)
+                 :base-type     (database-type->base-type driver database-type)}
+                (when-let [special-type (calculated-special-type driver column-name database-type)]
+                  {:special-type special-type})))))
 (defn- add-table-pks
   [^DatabaseMetaData metadata, table]
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
index fa09f1d6eca..28b51c0a996 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
              [database :refer [Database]]
              [field :as field]]
             [metabase.sync.interface :as si]
-            [metabase.util.ssh :as ssh]
+            [metabase.util
+             [schema :as su]
+             [ssh :as ssh]]
              [collection :as mc]
              [command :as cmd]
@@ -104,22 +106,28 @@
                                  (find-nested-fields field-value nested-fields)
+(s/defn ^:private ^:always-validate most-common-object-type :- Class
+  [field-types :- [(s/pair Class "Class" s/Int "Int")]]
+  (->> field-types
+       (sort-by second)
+       last
+       first))
 (defn- describe-table-field [field-kw field-info]
-  ;; TODO: indicate preview-display status based on :len
-  (cond-> {:name      (name field-kw)
-           :base-type (->> (vec (:types field-info))
-                           (sort-by second)
-                           last
-                           first
-                           driver/class->base-type)}
-    (= :_id field-kw)           (assoc :pk? true)
-    (:special-types field-info) (assoc :special-type (->> (vec (:special-types field-info))
-                                                          (filter #(not (nil? (first %))))
-                                                          (sort-by second)
-                                                          last
-                                                          first))
-    (:nested-fields field-info) (assoc :nested-fields (set (for [field (keys (:nested-fields field-info))]
-                                                             (describe-table-field field (field (:nested-fields field-info))))))))
+  ;; :types
+  (let [most-common-object-type (most-common-object-type (vec (:types field-info)))]
+    ;; TODO: indicate preview-display status based on :len
+    (cond-> {:name          (name field-kw)
+             :database-type (.getName most-common-object-type)
+             :base-type     (driver/class->base-type most-common-object-type)}
+      (= :_id field-kw)           (assoc :pk? true)
+      (:special-types field-info) (assoc :special-type (->> (vec (:special-types field-info))
+                                                            (filter #(not (nil? (first %))))
+                                                            (sort-by second)
+                                                            last
+                                                            first))
+      (:nested-fields field-info) (assoc :nested-fields (set (for [field (keys (:nested-fields field-info))]
+                                                               (describe-table-field field (field (:nested-fields field-info)))))))))
 (defn- describe-database [database]
   (with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DB conn database]
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/presto.clj b/src/metabase/driver/presto.clj
index 16a78ba8cf7..f3e99d97a33 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/presto.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/presto.clj
@@ -163,7 +163,9 @@
     {:schema schema
      :name   table-name
      :fields (set (for [[name type] rows]
-                    {:name name, :base-type (presto-type->base-type type)}))}))
+                    {:name          name
+                     :database-type type
+                     :base-type     (presto-type->base-type type)}))}))
 (defprotocol ^:private IPrepareValue
   (^:private prepare-value [this]))
diff --git a/src/metabase/sync/interface.clj b/src/metabase/sync/interface.clj
index 492b2b69412..f1a9e9065c2 100644
--- a/src/metabase/sync/interface.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/sync/interface.clj
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (def TableMetadataField
   "Schema for a given Field as provided in `describe-table`."
   {:name                           su/NonBlankString
+   :database-type                  su/NonBlankString
    :base-type                      su/FieldType
    (s/optional-key :special-type)  (s/maybe su/FieldType)
    (s/optional-key :pk?)           s/Bool
diff --git a/src/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/fields.clj b/src/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/fields.clj
index 0ba6e55f279..f0edc4e4540 100644
--- a/src/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/fields.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/fields.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 (ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields
   "Logic for updating Metabase Field models from metadata fetched from a physical DB.
-   The basic idea here is to look at the metadata we get from calling `describe-table` on a connected database,
-   then construct an identical set of metadata from what we have about that Table in the Metabase DB. Then we
-   iterate over both sets of Metadata and perform whatever steps are needed to make sure the things in the DB
-   match the things that came back from `describe-table`."
+  The basic idea here is to look at the metadata we get from calling `describe-table` on a connected database, then
+  construct an identical set of metadata from what we have about that Table in the Metabase DB. Then we iterate over
+  both sets of Metadata and perform whatever steps are needed to make sure the things in the DB match the things that
+  came back from `describe-table`."
   (:require [clojure.string :as str]
             [ :as log]
             [medley.core :as m]
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 (def ^:private TableMetadataFieldWithID
   "Schema for `TableMetadataField` with an included ID of the corresponding Metabase Field object.
-   `our-metadata` is always returned in this format. (The ID is needed in certain places so we know
-   which Fields to retire, and the parent ID of any nested-fields.)"
+  `our-metadata` is always returned in this format. (The ID is needed in certain places so we know which Fields to
+  retire, and the parent ID of any nested-fields.)"
   (assoc i/TableMetadataField
     :id                             su/IntGreaterThanZero
     (s/optional-key :nested-fields) #{(s/recursive #'TableMetadataFieldWithID)}))
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
     :active     false))
 (s/defn ^:private ->metabase-field! :- i/FieldInstance
-  "Return an active Metabase Field instance that matches NEW-FIELD-METADATA. This object will be created or reactivated as a side effect of calling this function."
+  "Return an active Metabase Field instance that matches NEW-FIELD-METADATA. This object will be created or
+  reactivated as a side effect of calling this function."
   [table :- i/TableInstance, new-field-metadata :- i/TableMetadataField, parent-id :- ParentID]
   (if-let [matching-inactive-field (matching-inactive-field table new-field-metadata parent-id)]
     ;; if the field already exists but was just marked inactive then reäctivate it
@@ -60,15 +61,16 @@
         ;; now return the Field in question
         (Field (u/get-id matching-inactive-field)))
     ;; otherwise insert a new field
-    (let [{field-name :name, :keys [base-type special-type pk? raw-column-id]} new-field-metadata]
+    (let [{field-name :name, :keys [database-type base-type special-type pk? raw-column-id]} new-field-metadata]
       (db/insert! Field
-        :table_id     (u/get-id table)
-        :name         field-name
-        :display_name (humanization/name->human-readable-name field-name)
-        :base_type    base-type
-        :special_type (or special-type
-                          (when pk? :type/PK))
-        :parent_id    parent-id))))
+        :table_id      (u/get-id table)
+        :name          field-name
+        :display_name  (humanization/name->human-readable-name field-name)
+        :database_type database-type
+        :base_type     base-type
+        :special_type  (or special-type
+                           (when pk? :type/PK))
+        :parent_id     parent-id))))
 (s/defn ^:private create-or-reactivate-field!
@@ -174,15 +176,16 @@
 (s/defn ^:private parent-id->fields :- {ParentID #{TableMetadataFieldWithID}}
   "Build a map of the Metabase Fields we have for TABLE, keyed by their parent id (usually `nil`)."
   [table :- i/TableInstance]
-  (->> (for [field (db/select [Field :name :base_type :special_type :parent_id :id]
+  (->> (for [field (db/select [Field :name :database_type :base_type :special_type :parent_id :id]
                      :table_id (u/get-id table)
                      :active   true)]
-         {:parent-id    (:parent_id field)
-          :id           (:id field)
-          :name         (:name field)
-          :base-type    (:base_type field)
-          :special-type (:special_type field)
-          :pk?          (isa? (:special_type field) :type/PK)})
+         {:parent-id     (:parent_id field)
+          :id            (:id field)
+          :name          (:name field)
+          :database-type (:database_type field)
+          :base-type     (:base_type field)
+          :special-type  (:special_type field)
+          :pk?           (isa? (:special_type field) :type/PK)})
        ;; make a map of parent-id -> set of
        (group-by :parent-id)
        ;; remove the parent ID because the Metadata from `describe-table` won't have it. Save the results as a set
@@ -194,7 +197,8 @@
   "Return information we have about Fields for a TABLE currently in the application database
    in (almost) exactly the same `TableMetadataField` format returned by `describe-table`."
   [table :- i/TableInstance]
-  ;; Fetch all the Fields for this TABLE. Then group them by their parent ID, which we'll use to construct our metadata in the correct format
+  ;; Fetch all the Fields for this TABLE. Then group them by their parent ID, which we'll use to construct our
+  ;; metadata in the correct format
   (let [parent-id->fields (parent-id->fields table)]
     ;; get all the top-level fields, then call `add-nested-fields` to recursively add the fields
     (set (for [field (get parent-id->fields nil)]
diff --git a/src/metabase/types.clj b/src/metabase/types.clj
index 6c7c8d45031..815d465cae6 100644
--- a/src/metabase/types.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/types.clj
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
 (derive :type/Boolean :type/*)
 (derive :type/Enum :type/*)
-;;; Text-Like Types: Things that should be displayed as text for most purposes but that *shouldn't* support advanced filter options like starts with / contains
+;;; Text-Like Types: Things that should be displayed as text for most purposes but that *shouldn't* support advanced
+;;; filter options like starts with / contains
 (derive :type/TextLike :type/*)
 (derive :type/IPAddress :type/TextLike)
@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@
 (derive :type/ZipCode :type/Address)
-;;; Legacy Special Types. These will hopefully be going away in the future when we add columns like `:is_pk` and `:cardinality`
+;;; Legacy Special Types. These will hopefully be going away in the future when we add columns like `:is_pk` and
+;;; `:cardinality`
 (derive :type/Special :type/*)
@@ -91,11 +93,11 @@
 (derive :type/Name :type/Category)
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Util Fns ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------- Util Fns ----------------------------------------------------
 (defn types->parents
-  "Return a map of various types to their parent types.
-   This is intended for export to the frontend as part of `MetabaseBootstrap` so it can build its own implementation of `isa?`."
+  "Return a map of various types to their parent types. This is intended for export to the frontend as part of
+  `MetabaseBootstrap` so it can build its own implementation of `isa?`."
   (into {} (for [t (descendants :type/*)]
              {t (parents t)})))
diff --git a/src/metabase/util.clj b/src/metabase/util.clj
index 03e82dfb298..6c19c683e29 100644
--- a/src/metabase/util.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/util.clj
@@ -27,12 +27,13 @@
-;; This is the very first log message that will get printed.
-;; It's here because this is one of the very first namespaces that gets loaded, and the first that has access to the logger
-;; It shows up a solid 10-15 seconds before the "Starting Metabase in STANDALONE mode" message because so many other namespaces need to get loaded
+;; This is the very first log message that will get printed.  It's here because this is one of the very first
+;; namespaces that gets loaded, and the first that has access to the logger It shows up a solid 10-15 seconds before
+;; the "Starting Metabase in STANDALONE mode" message because so many other namespaces need to get loaded
 (log/info (trs "Loading Metabase..."))
-;; Set the default width for pprinting to 200 instead of 72. The default width is too narrow and wastes a lot of space for pprinting huge things like expanded queries
+;; Set the default width for pprinting to 200 instead of 72. The default width is too narrow and wastes a lot of space
+;; for pprinting huge things like expanded queries
 (intern 'clojure.pprint '*print-right-margin* 200)
 (declare pprint-to-str)
@@ -368,7 +369,8 @@
 ;; TODO - rename to `url?`
 (defn is-url?
-  "Is STRING a valid HTTP/HTTPS URL? (This only handles `localhost` and domains like ``; URLs containing IP addresses will return `false`.)"
+  "Is STRING a valid HTTP/HTTPS URL? (This only handles `localhost` and domains like ``; URLs containing
+  IP addresses will return `false`.)"
   ^Boolean [^String s]
   (boolean (when (seq s)
              (when-let [^ url (ignore-exceptions ( s))]
@@ -445,7 +447,8 @@
     (apply f (concat args bound-args))))
 (defmacro pdoseq
-  "(Almost) just like `doseq` but runs in parallel. Doesn't support advanced binding forms like `:let` or `:when` and only supports a single binding </3"
+  "(Almost) just like `doseq` but runs in parallel. Doesn't support advanced binding forms like `:let` or `:when` and
+  only supports a single binding </3"
   {:style/indent 1}
   [[binding collection] & body]
   `(dorun (pmap (fn [~binding]
@@ -464,7 +467,8 @@
       (seq more)  (recur (inc i) more))))
 (defmacro prog1
-  "Execute FIRST-FORM, then any other expressions in BODY, presumably for side-effects; return the result of FIRST-FORM.
+  "Execute FIRST-FORM, then any other expressions in BODY, presumably for side-effects; return the result of
      (def numbers (atom []))
@@ -640,8 +644,8 @@
 (defn- check-protocol-impl-method-map
-  "Check that the methods expected for PROTOCOL are all implemented by METHOD-MAP, and that no extra methods are provided.
-   Used internally by `strict-extend`."
+  "Check that the methods expected for PROTOCOL are all implemented by METHOD-MAP, and that no extra methods are
+   provided. Used internally by `strict-extend`."
   [protocol method-map]
   (let [[missing-methods extra-methods] (data/diff (set (keys (:method-map protocol))) (set (keys method-map)))]
     (when missing-methods
@@ -650,10 +654,12 @@
       (throw (Exception. (format "Methods implemented that are not in %s: %s " (:var protocol) extra-methods))))))
 (defn strict-extend
-  "A strict version of `extend` that throws an exception if any methods declared in the protocol are missing or any methods not
-   declared in the protocol are provided.
-   Since this has better compile-time error-checking, prefer `strict-extend` to regular `extend` in all situations, and to
-   `extend-protocol`/ `extend-type` going forward." ; TODO - maybe implement strict-extend-protocol and strict-extend-type ?
+  "A strict version of `extend` that throws an exception if any methods declared in the protocol are missing or any
+  methods not declared in the protocol are provided.
+  Since this has better compile-time error-checking, prefer `strict-extend` to regular `extend` in all situations, and
+  to `extend-protocol`/ `extend-type` going forward."
+  ;; TODO - maybe implement strict-extend-protocol and strict-extend-type ?
   {:style/indent 1}
   [atype protocol method-map & more]
   (check-protocol-impl-method-map protocol method-map)
@@ -666,11 +672,12 @@
   ^String [^String s]
   (when (seq s)
-     ;; First, "decompose" the characters. e.g. replace 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' with 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A' + 'COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT'
-     ;; See
+     ;; First, "decompose" the characters. e.g. replace 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' with 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER
      (Normalizer/normalize s Normalizer$Form/NFD)
-     ;; next, remove the combining diacritical marks -- this SO answer explains what's going on here best:
-     ;; The closest thing to a relevant JavaDoc I could find was
+     ;; next, remove the combining diacritical marks -- this SO answer explains what's going on here best:
+     ;; The closest thing to a relevant JavaDoc I could find was
+     ;;
@@ -726,8 +733,9 @@
 (defn key-by
   "Convert a sequential COLL to a map of `(f item)` -> `item`.
-   This is similar to `group-by`, but the resultant map's values are single items from COLL rather than sequences of items.
-   (Because only a single item is kept for each value of `f`,  items producing duplicate values will be discarded).
+  This is similar to `group-by`, but the resultant map's values are single items from COLL rather than sequences of
+  items. (Because only a single item is kept for each value of `f`, items producing duplicate values will be
+  discarded).
      (key-by :id [{:id 1, :name :a} {:id 2, :name :b}]) -> {1 {:id 1, :name :a}, 2 {:id 2, :name :b}}"
   {:style/indent 1}
@@ -868,12 +876,9 @@
   (->DateTimeFormatter "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"))
 (def ^:private ordered-date-parsers
-  "When using clj-time.format/parse without a formatter, it tries all
-  default formatters, but not ordered by how likely the date
-  formatters will succeed. This leads to very slow parsing as many
-  attempts fail before the right one is found. Using this retains that
-  flexibility but improves performance by trying the most likely ones
-  first"
+  "When using clj-time.format/parse without a formatter, it tries all default formatters, but not ordered by how
+  likely the date formatters will succeed. This leads to very slow parsing as many attempts fail before the right one
+  is found. Using this retains that flexibility but improves performance by trying the most likely ones first"
   (let [most-likely-default-formatters [:mysql :date-hour-minute-second :date-time :date
                                         :basic-date-time :basic-date-time-no-ms
                                         :date-time :date-time-no-ms]]
@@ -882,9 +887,8 @@
             (vals (apply dissoc time/formatters most-likely-default-formatters)))))
 (defn str->date-time
-  "Like clj-time.format/parse but uses an ordered list of parsers to
-  be faster. Returns the parsed date or nil if it was unable to be
-  parsed."
+  "Like clj-time.format/parse but uses an ordered list of parsers to be faster. Returns the parsed date or nil if it
+  was unable to be parsed."
   ([^String date-str]
    (str->date-time date-str nil))
   ([^String date-str ^TimeZone tz]
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/database_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/database_test.clj
index 73a878d6b9f..83c41777d46 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/database_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/database_test.clj
@@ -305,6 +305,7 @@
                                                     :special_type    "type/PK"
                                                     :name            "ID"
                                                     :display_name    "ID"
+                                                    :database_type   "BIGINT"
                                                     :base_type       "type/BigInteger"
                                                     :visibility_type "normal")
                                                   (assoc (field-details (Field (id :categories :name)))
@@ -312,6 +313,7 @@
                                                     :special_type       "type/Name"
                                                     :name               "NAME"
                                                     :display_name       "Name"
+                                                    :database_type      "VARCHAR"
                                                     :base_type          "type/Text"
                                                     :visibility_type    "normal")]
                                    :segments     []
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
index 492da27ed08..a8587328de8 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/field_test.clj
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
      :position            0
      :preview_display     true
      :created_at          $
+     :database_type       "VARCHAR"
      :base_type           "type/Text"
      :fk_target_field_id  nil
      :parent_id           nil})
diff --git a/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj b/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
index 594b7ddf162..8f9bfffc090 100644
--- a/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/api/table_test.clj
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
   (->> ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 "table")
        (filter #(= (:db_id %) (data/id))) ; prevent stray tables from affecting unit test results
        (map #(dissoc %
-                     :raw_table_id :db :created_at :updated_at :schema :entity_name :description :entity_type :visibility_type
-                     :caveats :points_of_interest :show_in_getting_started :db_id :active))
+                     :raw_table_id :db :created_at :updated_at :schema :entity_name :description :entity_type
+                     :visibility_type :caveats :points_of_interest :show_in_getting_started :db_id :active))
@@ -173,18 +173,20 @@
             :display_name "Categories"
             :fields       [(assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :categories :id)))
                              :table_id     (data/id :categories)
-                             :special_type "type/PK"
-                             :name         "ID"
-                             :display_name "ID"
-                             :base_type    "type/BigInteger")
+                             :special_type  "type/PK"
+                             :name          "ID"
+                             :display_name  "ID"
+                             :database_type "BIGINT"
+                             :base_type     "type/BigInteger")
                            (assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :categories :name)))
-                             :table_id     (data/id :categories)
-                             :special_type "type/Name"
-                             :name         "NAME"
-                             :display_name "Name"
-                             :base_type    "type/Text"
-                             :values       data/venue-categories
-                             :dimension_options []
+                             :table_id                 (data/id :categories)
+                             :special_type             "type/Name"
+                             :name                     "NAME"
+                             :display_name             "Name"
+                             :database_type            "VARCHAR"
+                             :base_type                "type/Text"
+                             :values                   data/venue-categories
+                             :dimension_options        []
                              :default_dimension_option nil)]
             :rows         75
             :updated_at   $
@@ -195,8 +197,8 @@
 (def ^:private user-last-login-date-strs
-  "In an effort to be really annoying, the date strings returned by the API are different on Circle than they are locally.
-   Generate strings like '2014-01-01' at runtime so we get matching values."
+  "In an effort to be really annoying, the date strings returned by the API are different on Circle than they are
+   locally. Generate strings like '2014-01-01' at runtime so we get matching values."
   (let [format-inst (fn [^java.util.Date inst]
                       (format "%d-%02d-%02d"
                               (+ (.getYear inst) 1900)
@@ -212,7 +214,8 @@
   (defs/field-values defs/test-data-map "users" "name"))
 ;;; GET api/table/:id/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields
-;;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values themselves
+;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values
+;; themselves
   (merge (query-metadata-defaults)
          (match-$ (Table (data/id :users))
@@ -224,32 +227,35 @@
                              :table_id        (data/id :users)
                              :name            "ID"
                              :display_name    "ID"
+                             :database_type   "BIGINT"
                              :base_type       "type/BigInteger"
                              :visibility_type "normal")
                            (assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :users :last_login)))
-                             :table_id        (data/id :users)
-                             :name            "LAST_LOGIN"
-                             :display_name    "Last Login"
-                             :base_type       "type/DateTime"
-                             :visibility_type "normal"
+                             :table_id                 (data/id :users)
+                             :name                     "LAST_LOGIN"
+                             :display_name             "Last Login"
+                             :database_type            "TIMESTAMP"
+                             :base_type                "type/DateTime"
+                             :visibility_type          "normal"
                              :dimension_options        (var-get #'table-api/datetime-dimension-indexes)
-                             :default_dimension_option (var-get #'table-api/date-default-index)
-                             )
+                             :default_dimension_option (var-get #'table-api/date-default-index))
                            (assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :users :name)))
-                             :special_type    "type/Name"
-                             :table_id        (data/id :users)
-                             :name            "NAME"
-                             :display_name    "Name"
-                             :base_type       "type/Text"
-                             :visibility_type "normal"
-                             :values          (map vector (sort user-full-names))
-                             :dimension_options []
+                             :special_type             "type/Name"
+                             :table_id                 (data/id :users)
+                             :name                     "NAME"
+                             :display_name             "Name"
+                             :database_type            "VARCHAR"
+                             :base_type                "type/Text"
+                             :visibility_type          "normal"
+                             :values                   (map vector (sort user-full-names))
+                             :dimension_options        []
                              :default_dimension_option nil)
                            (assoc (field-details (Field :table_id (data/id :users), :name "PASSWORD"))
                              :special_type    "type/Category"
                              :table_id        (data/id :users)
                              :name            "PASSWORD"
                              :display_name    "Password"
+                             :database_type   "VARCHAR"
                              :base_type       "type/Text"
                              :visibility_type "sensitive")]
             :rows         15
@@ -268,39 +274,42 @@
             :name         "USERS"
             :display_name "Users"
             :fields       [(assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :users :id)))
-                             :table_id     (data/id :users)
-                             :special_type "type/PK"
-                             :name         "ID"
-                             :display_name "ID"
-                             :base_type    "type/BigInteger")
+                             :table_id      (data/id :users)
+                             :special_type  "type/PK"
+                             :name          "ID"
+                             :display_name  "ID"
+                             :database_type "BIGINT"
+                             :base_type     "type/BigInteger")
                            (assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :users :last_login)))
                              :table_id                 (data/id :users)
                              :name                     "LAST_LOGIN"
                              :display_name             "Last Login"
+                             :database_type            "TIMESTAMP"
                              :base_type                "type/DateTime"
                              :dimension_options        (var-get #'table-api/datetime-dimension-indexes)
                              :default_dimension_option (var-get #'table-api/date-default-index))
                            (assoc (field-details (Field (data/id :users :name)))
-                             :table_id     (data/id :users)
-                             :special_type "type/Name"
-                             :name         "NAME"
-                             :display_name "Name"
-                             :base_type    "type/Text"
-                             :values       [["Broen Olujimi"]
-                                            ["Conchúr Tihomir"]
-                                            ["Dwight Gresham"]
-                                            ["Felipinho Asklepios"]
-                                            ["Frans Hevel"]
-                                            ["Kaneonuskatew Eiran"]
-                                            ["Kfir Caj"]
-                                            ["Nils Gotam"]
-                                            ["Plato Yeshua"]
-                                            ["Quentin Sören"]
-                                            ["Rüstem Hebel"]
-                                            ["Shad Ferdynand"]
-                                            ["Simcha Yan"]
-                                            ["Spiros Teofil"]
-                                            ["Szymon Theutrich"]])]
+                             :table_id      (data/id :users)
+                             :special_type  "type/Name"
+                             :name          "NAME"
+                             :display_name  "Name"
+                             :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                             :base_type     "type/Text"
+                             :values        [["Broen Olujimi"]
+                                             ["Conchúr Tihomir"]
+                                             ["Dwight Gresham"]
+                                             ["Felipinho Asklepios"]
+                                             ["Frans Hevel"]
+                                             ["Kaneonuskatew Eiran"]
+                                             ["Kfir Caj"]
+                                             ["Nils Gotam"]
+                                             ["Plato Yeshua"]
+                                             ["Quentin Sören"]
+                                             ["Rüstem Hebel"]
+                                             ["Shad Ferdynand"]
+                                             ["Simcha Yan"]
+                                             ["Spiros Teofil"]
+                                             ["Szymon Theutrich"]])]
             :rows         15
             :updated_at   $
             :id           (data/id :users)
@@ -383,38 +392,40 @@
       :relationship   "Mt1"
       :origin         (-> (fk-field-details checkins-user-field)
                           (dissoc :target :dimensions :values)
-                          (assoc :table_id     (data/id :checkins)
-                                 :name         "USER_ID"
-                                 :display_name "User ID"
-                                 :base_type    "type/Integer"
-                                 :special_type "type/FK"
-                                 :table        (merge (dissoc (table-defaults) :segments :field_values :metrics)
-                                                      (match-$ (Table (data/id :checkins))
-                                                        {:schema       "PUBLIC"
-                                                         :name         "CHECKINS"
-                                                         :display_name "Checkins"
-                                                         :rows         1000
-                                                         :updated_at   $
-                                                         :id           $
-                                                         :raw_table_id $
-                                                         :created_at   $}))))
+                          (assoc :table_id      (data/id :checkins)
+                                 :name          "USER_ID"
+                                 :display_name  "User ID"
+                                 :database_type "INTEGER"
+                                 :base_type     "type/Integer"
+                                 :special_type  "type/FK"
+                                 :table         (merge (dissoc (table-defaults) :segments :field_values :metrics)
+                                                       (match-$ (Table (data/id :checkins))
+                                                         {:schema       "PUBLIC"
+                                                          :name         "CHECKINS"
+                                                          :display_name "Checkins"
+                                                          :rows         1000
+                                                          :updated_at   $
+                                                          :id           $
+                                                          :raw_table_id $
+                                                          :created_at   $}))))
       :destination    (-> (fk-field-details users-id-field)
                           (dissoc :target :dimensions :values)
-                          (assoc :table_id     (data/id :users)
-                                 :name         "ID"
-                                 :display_name "ID"
-                                 :base_type    "type/BigInteger"
-                                 :special_type "type/PK"
-                                 :table        (merge (dissoc (table-defaults) :db :segments :field_values :metrics)
-                                                      (match-$ (Table (data/id :users))
-                                                        {:schema       "PUBLIC"
-                                                         :name         "USERS"
-                                                         :display_name "Users"
-                                                         :rows         15
-                                                         :updated_at   $
-                                                         :id           $
-                                                         :raw_table_id $
-                                                         :created_at   $}))))}])
+                          (assoc :table_id      (data/id :users)
+                                 :name          "ID"
+                                 :display_name  "ID"
+                                 :database_type "BIGINT"
+                                 :base_type     "type/BigInteger"
+                                 :special_type  "type/PK"
+                                 :table         (merge (dissoc (table-defaults) :db :segments :field_values :metrics)
+                                                       (match-$ (Table (data/id :users))
+                                                         {:schema       "PUBLIC"
+                                                          :name         "USERS"
+                                                          :display_name "Users"
+                                                          :rows         15
+                                                          :updated_at   $
+                                                          :id           $
+                                                          :raw_table_id $
+                                                          :created_at   $}))))}])
   ((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "table/%d/fks" (data/id :users))))
 ;; Make sure metadata for 'virtual' tables comes back as expected from GET /api/table/:id/query_metadata
@@ -462,9 +473,8 @@
 (defn- category-id-special-type
-  "Field values will only be returned when the field's special type is
-  set to type/Category. This function will change that for
-  category_id, then invoke `F` and roll it back afterwards"
+  "Field values will only be returned when the field's special type is set to type/Category. This function will change
+  that for category_id, then invoke `F` and roll it back afterwards"
   [special-type f]
   (let [original-special-type (:special_type (Field (data/id :venues :category_id)))]
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/generic_sql_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/generic_sql_test.clj
index 95a9d69a267..301f7b1eef7 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/generic_sql_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/generic_sql_test.clj
@@ -36,25 +36,25 @@
   {:name   "VENUES"
    :schema "PUBLIC"
-   :fields #{{:name      "NAME",
-              :custom    {:column-type "VARCHAR"}
-              :base-type :type/Text}
-             {:name      "LATITUDE"
-              :custom    {:column-type "DOUBLE"}
-              :base-type :type/Float}
-             {:name      "LONGITUDE"
-              :custom    {:column-type "DOUBLE"}
-              :base-type :type/Float}
-             {:name      "PRICE"
-              :custom    {:column-type "INTEGER"}
-              :base-type :type/Integer}
-             {:name      "CATEGORY_ID"
-              :custom    {:column-type "INTEGER"}
-              :base-type :type/Integer}
-             {:name      "ID"
-              :custom    {:column-type "BIGINT"}
-              :base-type :type/BigInteger
-              :pk?       true}}}
+   :fields #{{:name          "NAME",
+              :database-type "VARCHAR"
+              :base-type     :type/Text}
+             {:name          "LATITUDE"
+              :database-type "DOUBLE"
+              :base-type     :type/Float}
+             {:name          "LONGITUDE"
+              :database-type "DOUBLE"
+              :base-type     :type/Float}
+             {:name          "PRICE"
+              :database-type "INTEGER"
+              :base-type     :type/Integer}
+             {:name          "CATEGORY_ID"
+              :database-type "INTEGER"
+              :base-type     :type/Integer}
+             {:name          "ID"
+              :database-type "BIGINT"
+              :base-type     :type/BigInteger
+              :pk?           true}}}
   (driver/describe-table (H2Driver.) (db) @venues-table))
diff --git a/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj b/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
index 30608e09d9c..2365f595068 100644
--- a/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/driver/mongo_test.clj
@@ -100,19 +100,25 @@
 (datasets/expect-with-engine :mongo
   {:schema nil
    :name   "venues"
-   :fields #{{:name "name"
-              :base-type :type/Text}
-             {:name "latitude"
-              :base-type :type/Float}
-             {:name "longitude"
-              :base-type :type/Float}
-             {:name "price"
-              :base-type :type/Integer}
-             {:name "category_id"
-              :base-type :type/Integer}
-             {:name "_id"
-              :base-type :type/Integer
-              :pk? true}}}
+   :fields #{{:name          "name"
+              :database-type "java.lang.String"
+              :base-type     :type/Text}
+             {:name          "latitude"
+              :database-type "java.lang.Double"
+              :base-type     :type/Float}
+             {:name          "longitude"
+              :database-type "java.lang.Double"
+              :base-type     :type/Float}
+             {:name          "price"
+              :database-type "java.lang.Long"
+              :base-type     :type/Integer}
+             {:name          "category_id"
+              :database-type "java.lang.Long"
+              :base-type     :type/Integer}
+             {:name          "_id"
+              :database-type "java.lang.Long"
+              :base-type     :type/Integer
+              :pk?           true}}}
   (driver/describe-table (MongoDriver.) (data/db) (Table (data/id :venues))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/permissions_test.clj b/test/metabase/permissions_test.clj
index dfab5d9df31..188429bfe4d 100644
--- a/test/metabase/permissions_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/permissions_test.clj
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ;; lucky, member of All Users, Ops
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Ops Group ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; -------------------------------------------------- Ops Group ----------------------------------------------------
 ;; ops group is a group with only one member: lucky
 (def ^:dynamic *ops-group*)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ DBs, Tables, & Fields ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------------- DBs, Tables, & Fields ---------------------------------------------
 (def db-details
   (delay (db/select-one [Database :details :engine] :id (data/id))))
@@ -77,8 +77,15 @@
       (doseq [table-name ["venues" "users" "checkins"]]
         (db/insert! Table :db_id (u/get-id db), :active true, :name table-name))
       ;; do the same for Fields
-      (doseq [field [{:table_id (u/get-id (table db :venues)), :name "price",      :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/Category}
-                     {:table_id (u/get-id (table db :users)),  :name "last_login", :base_type :type/DateTime}]]
+      (doseq [field [{:table_id      (u/get-id (table db :venues)),
+                      :name          "price"
+                      :database_type "INT"
+                      :base_type     :type/Integer
+                      :special_type  :type/Category}
+                     {:table_id      (u/get-id (table db :users))
+                      :name          "last_login"
+                      :database_type "TIMESTAMP"
+                      :base_type     :type/DateTime}]]
         (db/insert! Field field))
       ;; ok !
       (f db))))
@@ -109,7 +116,7 @@
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Cards ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------- Cards -----------------------------------------------------
 (defn- count-card [db table-name card-name]
   (let [table (table db table-name)]
@@ -174,8 +181,7 @@
                 *card:db2-sql-count-of-users* db2-sql-count-of-users]
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Dashboards ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------------------- Dashboards ---------------------------------------------------
 (def ^:dynamic *dash:db1-all*)
 (def ^:dynamic *dash:db2-all*)
@@ -218,7 +224,7 @@
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Pulses ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------- Pulses -----------------------------------------------------
 (def ^:dynamic *pulse:all*)
 (def ^:dynamic *pulse:db1-all*)
@@ -297,7 +303,7 @@
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Metrics ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------- Metrics -----------------------------------------------------
 (def ^:dynamic *metric:db1-venues-count*)
 (def ^:dynamic *metric:db2-venues-count*)
@@ -326,7 +332,8 @@
                 *metric:db2-users-count*  db2-users-count]
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Segments ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------- Segments ----------------------------------------------------
 (def ^:dynamic *segment:db1-expensive-venues*)
 (def ^:dynamic *segment:db2-expensive-venues*)
@@ -365,8 +372,8 @@
                 *segment:db2-todays-users*     db2-todays-users]
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ with everything! ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------------------ with everything! ------------------------------------------------
 (defn -do-with-test-data [f]
   (((comp with-ops-group
@@ -389,11 +396,11 @@
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                                          QUERY BUILDER                                                                         |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                 QUERY BUILDER                                                  |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/database?include_tables=true (Visible DBs + Tables) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; -------------------------- GET /api/database?include_tables=true (Visible DBs + Tables) --------------------------
 (defn- GET-database [username]
   (vec (for [db    ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "database", :include_tables true)
@@ -418,7 +425,7 @@
   (GET-database :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/table/:id/query_metadata ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------- GET /api/table/:id/query_metadata ----------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-table-query-metadata [username db table-name]
   (not= ((test-users/user->client username) :get (format "table/%d/query_metadata" (u/get-id (table db table-name))))
@@ -449,7 +456,7 @@
 (expect-with-test-data true  (GET-table-query-metadata :lucky *db2* :venues))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ POST /api/dataset (SQL query) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------- POST /api/dataset (SQL query) ------------------------------------------
 (defn- sql-query [username db]
   (let [results ((test-users/user->client username) :post "dataset"
@@ -466,17 +473,18 @@
 (expect-with-test-data [[100]] (sql-query :rasta *db1*))
 (expect-with-test-data [[100]] (sql-query :lucky *db1*))
-;; Only Admin should be able to ask SQL questions against DB 2. Error message is slightly different for Rasta & Lucky because Rasta has no permissions whatsoever for DB 2 while Lucky has partial perms
+;; Only Admin should be able to ask SQL questions against DB 2. Error message is slightly different for Rasta & Lucky
+;; because Rasta has no permissions whatsoever for DB 2 while Lucky has partial perms
 (expect-with-test-data [[100]] (sql-query :crowberto *db2*))
 (expect-with-test-data "You don't have permissions to do that." (sql-query :rasta *db2*))
 (expect-with-test-data #"You do not have read permissions for /db/\d+/native/\." (sql-query :lucky *db2*))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                                         SAVED QUESTIONS                                                                        |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                SAVED QUESTIONS                                                 |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/card (Visible Cards) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------- GET /api/card (Visible Cards) ------------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-card [username]
   (vec (for [card  ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "card")
@@ -514,7 +522,7 @@
   (GET-card :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/card/:id ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------- GET /api/card/:id ------------------------------------------------
 ;; just return true/false based on whether they were allowed to see the card
 (defn- GET-card-id [username card]
@@ -552,11 +560,11 @@
 (expect-with-test-data true  (GET-card-id :lucky *card:db2-sql-count-of-users*))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                                           DASHBOARDS                                                                           |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                   DASHBOARDS                                                   |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/dashboard (Visible Dashboards) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------ GET /api/dashboard (Visible Dashboards) -------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-dashboard [username]
   (vec (for [dashboard ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "dashboard")
@@ -584,7 +592,7 @@
   (GET-dashboard :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/dashboard/:id  ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------------- GET /api/dashboard/:id ---------------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-dashboard-id [username dashboard]
   (not= ((test-users/user->client username) :get (str "dashboard/" (u/get-id dashboard)))
@@ -603,11 +611,11 @@
 (expect-with-test-data false (GET-dashboard-id :lucky *dash:db2-public*))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                                             PULSES                                                                             |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                     PULSES                                                     |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/pulse ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ------------------------------------------------- GET /api/pulse -------------------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-pulse [username]
   (vec (for [pulse ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "pulse")
@@ -637,7 +645,7 @@
   (GET-pulse :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/pulse/:id ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ----------------------------------------------- GET /api/pulse/:id -----------------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-pulse-id [username pulse]
   (not= ((test-users/user->client username) :get (str "pulse/" (u/get-id pulse)))
@@ -665,11 +673,11 @@
 (expect-with-test-data false (GET-pulse-id :lucky *pulse:db2-restricted*))
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; |                                                                         DATA REFERENCE                                                                         |
-;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                                 DATA REFERENCE                                                 |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/metric (Visible Metrics) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; --------------------------------------- GET /api/metric (Visible Metrics) ----------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-metric [username]
   (vec (for [metric ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "metric")
@@ -695,7 +703,7 @@
   (GET-metric :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/segment (Visible Segments) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; -------------------------------------- GET /api/segment (Visible Segments) ---------------------------------------
 (defn- GET-segment [username]
   (vec (for [segment ((test-users/user->client username) :get 200 "segment")
@@ -721,7 +729,7 @@
   (GET-segment :lucky))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ GET /api/database/:id/metadata (Visible Tables) ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; -------------------------------- GET /api/database/:id/metadata (Visible Tables) ---------------------------------
 (defn- GET-database-id-metadata [username db]
   (let [db ((test-users/user->client username) :get (format "database/%d/metadata" (u/get-id db)))]
diff --git a/test/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/metabase_metadata_test.clj b/test/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/metabase_metadata_test.clj
index 033159c5d35..aa8c465f06c 100644
--- a/test/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/metabase_metadata_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/sync/sync_metadata/metabase_metadata_test.clj
@@ -37,9 +37,10 @@
                   :name   "movies"
                   :active true)]
       (db/insert! Field
-        :base_type :type/Boolean
-        :table_id (u/get-id table)
-        :name     "filming")
+        :database_type "BOOL"
+        :base_type     :type/Boolean
+        :table_id      (u/get-id table)
+        :name          "filming")
       ;; here we go
       [(get-table-and-fields-descriptions table)
diff --git a/test/metabase/sync_database/sync_dynamic_test.clj b/test/metabase/sync_database/sync_dynamic_test.clj
index ff8743a5dc6..404dcdd3c8e 100644
--- a/test/metabase/sync_database/sync_dynamic_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/sync_database/sync_dynamic_test.clj
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
         (update :fields (fn [fields]
                           (for [field fields]
                             (u/select-non-nil-keys field [:table_id :name :fk_target_field_id :parent_id :base_type
-                                                          :special_type])))))))
+                                                          :special_type :database_type])))))))
 (defn- get-tables [database-or-id]
   (->> (hydrate (db/select Table, :db_id (u/get-id database-or-id), {:order-by [:id]}) :fields)
@@ -40,9 +40,13 @@
     (remove-nonsense (get-tables db))))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Tests for sync-metadata ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+;;; |                                            TESTS FOR SYNC METADATA                                             |
+;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-;; TODO - At some point these tests should be moved into a `sync-metadata-test` or `sync-metadata.fields-test` namespace
+;; TODO - At some point these tests should be moved into a `sync-metadata-test` or `sync-metadata.fields-test`
+;; namespace
 ;; make sure nested fields get resynced correctly if their parent field didn't change
@@ -105,11 +109,12 @@
           toucan-field-id       (u/get-id (db/select-one-id Field :table_id transactions-table-id, :name "toucan"))
           details-field-id      (u/get-id (db/select-one-id Field :table_id transactions-table-id, :name "details", :parent_id toucan-field-id))
           gender-field-id       (u/get-id (db/insert! Field
-                                            :name     "gender"
-                                            :base_type "type/Text"
-                                            :table_id transactions-table-id
-                                            :parent_id details-field-id
-                                            :active true))]
+                                            :name          "gender"
+                                            :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                            :base_type     "type/Text"
+                                            :table_id      transactions-table-id
+                                            :parent_id     details-field-id
+                                            :active        true))]
       ;; now sync again.
       (sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! db)
@@ -127,17 +132,19 @@
           toucan-field-id       (u/get-id (db/select-one-id Field :table_id transactions-table-id, :name "toucan"))
           details-field-id      (u/get-id (db/select-one-id Field :table_id transactions-table-id, :name "details", :parent_id toucan-field-id))
           food-likes-field-id   (u/get-id (db/insert! Field
-                                            :name     "food-likes"
-                                            :base_type "type/Dictionary"
-                                            :table_id transactions-table-id
-                                            :parent_id details-field-id
-                                            :active true))
-          blueberries-field-id (u/get-id (db/insert! Field
-                                           :name "blueberries"
-                                           :base_type "type/Boolean"
-                                           :table_id transactions-table-id
-                                           :parent_id food-likes-field-id
-                                           :active true))]
+                                            :name          "food-likes"
+                                            :database_type "OBJECT"
+                                            :base_type     "type/Dictionary"
+                                            :table_id      transactions-table-id
+                                            :parent_id     details-field-id
+                                            :active        true))
+          blueberries-field-id  (u/get-id (db/insert! Field
+                                            :name          "blueberries"
+                                            :database_type "BOOLEAN"
+                                            :base_type     "type/Boolean"
+                                            :table_id      transactions-table-id
+                                            :parent_id     food-likes-field-id
+                                            :active        true))]
       ;; now sync again.
       (sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! db)
diff --git a/test/metabase/sync_database_test.clj b/test/metabase/sync_database_test.clj
index ee789b90d7b..19ba81dd3a2 100644
--- a/test/metabase/sync_database_test.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/sync_database_test.clj
@@ -22,21 +22,26 @@
 (def ^:private ^:const sync-test-tables
-  {"movie"  {:name "movie"
+  {"movie"  {:name   "movie"
              :schema "default"
-             :fields #{{:name      "id"
-                        :base-type :type/Integer}
-                       {:name      "title"
-                        :base-type :type/Text}
-                       {:name      "studio"
-                        :base-type :type/Text}}}
-   "studio" {:name "studio"
+             :fields #{{:name          "id"
+                        :database-type "SERIAL"
+                        :base-type     :type/Integer}
+                       {:name          "title"
+                        :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                        :base-type     :type/Text}
+                       {:name          "studio"
+                        :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                        :base-type     :type/Text}}}
+   "studio" {:name   "studio"
              :schema nil
-             :fields #{{:name         "studio"
-                        :base-type    :type/Text
-                        :special-type :type/PK}
-                       {:name      "name"
-                        :base-type :type/Text}}}})
+             :fields #{{:name          "studio"
+                        :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                        :base-type     :type/Text
+                        :special-type  :type/PK}
+                       {:name          "name"
+                        :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                        :base-type     :type/Text}}}})
 ;; TODO - I'm 90% sure we could just reüse the "MovieDB" instead of having this subset of it used here
@@ -126,34 +131,39 @@
            :name         "movie"
            :display_name "Movie"
            :fields       [(merge field-defaults
-                                 {:special_type :type/PK
-                                  :name         "id"
-                                  :display_name "ID"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Integer})
+                                 {:special_type  :type/PK
+                                  :name          "id"
+                                  :display_name  "ID"
+                                  :database_type "SERIAL"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Integer})
                           (merge field-defaults
                                  {:special_type       :type/FK
                                   :name               "studio"
                                   :display_name       "Studio"
+                                  :database_type      "VARCHAR"
                                   :base_type          :type/Text
                                   :fk_target_field_id true})
                           (merge field-defaults
-                                 {:special_type nil
-                                  :name         "title"
-                                  :display_name "Title"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text})]})
+                                 {:special_type  nil
+                                  :name          "title"
+                                  :display_name  "Title"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text})]})
    (merge table-defaults
           {:name         "studio"
            :display_name "Studio"
            :fields       [(merge field-defaults
-                                 {:special_type :type/Name
-                                  :name         "name"
-                                  :display_name "Name"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text})
+                                 {:special_type  :type/Name
+                                  :name          "name"
+                                  :display_name  "Name"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text})
                           (merge field-defaults
-                                 {:special_type :type/PK
-                                  :name         "studio"
-                                  :display_name "Studio"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text})]})]
+                                 {:special_type  :type/PK
+                                  :name          "studio"
+                                  :display_name  "Studio"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text})]})]
   (tt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :sync-test}]
     (sync-database! db)
     ;; we are purposely running the sync twice to test for possible logic issues which only manifest
@@ -170,20 +180,23 @@
           :name         "movie"
           :display_name "Movie"
           :fields       [(merge field-defaults
-                                {:special_type :type/PK
-                                 :name         "id"
-                                 :display_name "ID"
-                                 :base_type    :type/Integer})
+                                {:special_type  :type/PK
+                                 :name          "id"
+                                 :display_name  "ID"
+                                 :database_type "SERIAL"
+                                 :base_type     :type/Integer})
                          (merge field-defaults
-                                {:special_type nil
-                                 :name         "studio"
-                                 :display_name "Studio"
-                                 :base_type    :type/Text})
+                                {:special_type  nil
+                                 :name          "studio"
+                                 :display_name  "Studio"
+                                 :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                 :base_type     :type/Text})
                          (merge field-defaults
-                                {:special_type nil
-                                 :name         "title"
-                                 :display_name "Title"
-                                 :base_type    :type/Text})]})
+                                {:special_type  nil
+                                 :name          "title"
+                                 :display_name  "Title"
+                                 :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                 :base_type     :type/Text})]})
   (tt/with-temp* [Database [db    {:engine :sync-test}]
                   Table    [table {:name   "movie"
                                    :schema "default"
@@ -214,7 +227,8 @@
 ;; only one sync should be going on at a time
- ;; describe-database gets called twice during a single sync process, once for syncing tables and a second time for syncing the _metabase_metadata table
+ ;; describe-database gets called twice during a single sync process, once for syncing tables and a second time for
+ ;; syncing the _metabase_metadata table
  (tt/with-temp* [Database [db {:engine :concurrent-sync-test}]]
    (reset! calls-to-describe-database 0)
@@ -225,7 +239,8 @@
               (Thread/sleep 200)
               ;; Start another in the background. Nothing should happen here because the first is already running
               (future (sync-database! db)))]
-     ;; Start another in the foreground. Again, nothing should happen here because the original should still be running
+     ;; Start another in the foreground. Again, nothing should happen here because the original should still be
+     ;; running
      (sync-database! db)
      ;; make sure both of the futures have finished
      (deref f1)
@@ -234,8 +249,8 @@
-;; Test that we will remove field-values when they aren't appropriate.
-;; Calling `sync-database!` below should cause them to get removed since the Field doesn't have an appropriate special type
+;; Test that we will remove field-values when they aren't appropriate.  Calling `sync-database!` below should cause
+;; them to get removed since the Field doesn't have an appropriate special type
   [[1 2 3]
@@ -295,7 +310,8 @@
          {:special_type :type/FK, :fk_target_field_id true}]
   (let [field-id (id :checkins :user_id)
         get-special-type-and-fk-exists? (fn []
-                                          (into {} (-> (db/select-one [Field :special_type :fk_target_field_id], :id field-id)
+                                          (into {} (-> (db/select-one [Field :special_type :fk_target_field_id],
+                                                         :id field-id)
                                                        (update :fk_target_field_id #(db/exists? Field :id %)))))]
     [ ;; FK should exist to start with
@@ -364,7 +380,8 @@
               ;; field values should exist...
               (assert (= (count (db/select-one-field :values FieldValues :field_id field-id))
-              ;; ok, now insert enough rows to push the field past the `low-cardinality-threshold` and sync again, there should be no more field values
+              ;; ok, now insert enough rows to push the field past the `low-cardinality-threshold` and sync again,
+              ;; there should be no more field values
               (exec! [(insert-range-sql (range 100 (+ 100 field-values/low-cardinality-threshold)))])
               (sync-database! db)
               (db/exists? FieldValues :field_id field-id))))))))
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/data/interface.clj b/test/metabase/test/data/interface.clj
index 5a3c89f006f..7a0a37db8e8 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/data/interface.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/data/interface.clj
@@ -39,19 +39,21 @@
 (defn db-qualified-table-name
   "Return a combined table name qualified with the name of its database, suitable for use as an identifier.
-   Provided for drivers where testing wackiness makes it hard to actually create separate Databases, such as Oracle, where this is disallowed on RDS.
-   (Since Oracle can't create seperate DBs, we just create various tables in the same DB; thus their names must be qualified to differentiate them effectively.)"
+  Provided for drivers where testing wackiness makes it hard to actually create separate Databases, such as Oracle,
+  where this is disallowed on RDS. (Since Oracle can't create seperate DBs, we just create various tables in the same
+  DB; thus their names must be qualified to differentiate them effectively.)"
   ^String [^String database-name, ^String table-name]
   {:pre [(string? database-name) (string? table-name)]}
   ;; take up to last 30 characters because databases like Oracle have limits on the lengths of identifiers
   (apply str (take-last 30 (str/replace (str/lower-case (str database-name \_ table-name)) #"-" "_"))))
 (defn single-db-qualified-name-components
-  "Implementation of `qualified-name-components` for drivers like Oracle and Redshift that must use a single existing DB for testing.
-   This implementation simulates separate databases by doing two things:
+  "Implementation of `qualified-name-components` for drivers like Oracle and Redshift that must use a single existing
+   DB for testing. This implementation simulates separate databases by doing two things:
      1.  Using a \"session schema\" to make sure each test run is isolated from other test runs
-     2.  Embedding the name of the database into table names, e.g. to differentiate \"test_data_categories\" and \"tupac_sightings_categories\".
+     2.  Embedding the name of the database into table names, e.g. to differentiate \"test_data_categories\" and
+         \"tupac_sightings_categories\".
    To use this implementation, partially bind this function with a SESSION-SCHEMA:
@@ -64,8 +66,8 @@
 (defprotocol IMetabaseInstance
   (metabase-instance [this context]
     "Return the Metabase object associated with this definition, if applicable. CONTEXT should be the parent
-     object (the actual instance, *not* the definition) of the Metabase object to return (e.g., a pass a `Table` to a `FieldDefintion`). For a `DatabaseDefinition`,
-     pass the engine keyword."))
+     object (the actual instance, *not* the definition) of the Metabase object to return (e.g., a pass a `Table` to a
+     `FieldDefintion`). For a `DatabaseDefinition`, pass the engine keyword."))
 (extend-protocol IMetabaseInstance
@@ -74,7 +76,8 @@
   (metabase-instance [this database]
-    ;; Look first for an exact table-name match; otherwise allow DB-qualified table names for drivers that need them like Oracle
+    ;; Look first for an exact table-name match; otherwise allow DB-qualified table names for drivers that need them
+    ;; like Oracle
     (or (Table :db_id (:id database), (str/lower-case (:table-name this)))
         (Table :db_id (:id database), (db-qualified-table-name (:name database) (:table-name this)))))
@@ -95,10 +98,11 @@
     "Return the engine keyword associated with this database, e.g. `:h2` or `:mongo`.")
   (database->connection-details [this, ^Keyword context, ^DatabaseDefinition database-definition]
-    "Return the connection details map that should be used to connect to this database (i.e. a Metabase `Database` details map)
-     CONTEXT is one of:
+    "Return the connection details map that should be used to connect to this database (i.e. a Metabase `Database`
+     details map). CONTEXT is one of:
-     *  `:server` - Return details for making the connection in a way that isn't DB-specific (e.g., for creating/destroying databases)
+     *  `:server` - Return details for making the connection in a way that isn't DB-specific (e.g., for
+                    creating/destroying databases)
      *  `:db`     - Return details for connecting specifically to the DB.")
   (create-db! [this, ^DatabaseDefinition database-definition]
@@ -112,20 +116,23 @@
   (expected-base-type->actual [this base-type]
     "*OPTIONAL*. Return the base type type that is actually used to store `Fields` of BASE-TYPE.
-     The default implementation of this method is an identity fn. This is provided so DBs that don't support a given BASE-TYPE used in the test data
-     can specifiy what type we should expect in the results instead.
-     For example, Oracle has no `INTEGER` data types, so `:type/Integer` test values are instead stored as `NUMBER`, which we map to `:type/Decimal`.")
+     The default implementation of this method is an identity fn. This is provided so DBs that don't support a given
+     BASE-TYPE used in the test data can specifiy what type we should expect in the results instead.  For example,
+     Oracle has no `INTEGER` data types, so `:type/Integer` test values are instead stored as `NUMBER`, which we map
+     to `:type/Decimal`.")
   (format-name ^String [this, ^String table-or-field-name]
     "*OPTIONAL* Transform a lowercase string `Table` or `Field` name in a way appropriate for this dataset
      (e.g., `h2` would want to upcase these names; `mongo` would want to use `\"_id\"` in place of `\"id\"`.")
   (has-questionable-timezone-support? ^Boolean [this]
-    "*OPTIONAL*. Does this driver have \"questionable\" timezone support? (i.e., does it group things by UTC instead of the `US/Pacific` when we're testing?)
+    "*OPTIONAL*. Does this driver have \"questionable\" timezone support? (i.e., does it group things by UTC instead
+     of the `US/Pacific` when we're testing?).
      Defaults to `(not (contains? (metabase.driver/features this) :set-timezone)`")
   (id-field-type ^clojure.lang.Keyword [this]
-    "*OPTIONAL* Return the `base_type` of the `id` `Field` (e.g. `:type/Integer` or `:type/BigInteger`). Defaults to `:type/Integer`."))
+    "*OPTIONAL* Return the `base_type` of the `id` `Field` (e.g. `:type/Integer` or `:type/BigInteger`). Defaults to
+    `:type/Integer`."))
 (def IDriverTestExtensionsDefaultsMixin
   "Default implementations for the `IDriverTestExtensions` methods marked *OPTIONAL*."
@@ -226,7 +233,8 @@
           (str  \_ (flatten-field-name fk-dest-name))))))
 (defn flatten-dbdef
-  "Create a flattened version of DBDEF by following resolving all FKs and flattening all rows into the table with TABLE-NAME."
+  "Create a flattened version of DBDEF by following resolving all FKs and flattening all rows into the table with
   [^DatabaseDefinition dbdef, ^String table-name]
   (create-database-definition (:database-name dbdef)
@@ -247,8 +255,8 @@
 (defn- to-system-env-var-str
-  "Converts the clojure environment variable form (a keyword) to a
-  stringified version that will be specified at the system level
+  "Converts the clojure environment variable form (a keyword) to a stringified version that will be specified at the
+  system level
   i.e. :foo-bar -> FOO_BAR"
@@ -258,7 +266,7 @@
 (defn db-test-env-var-or-throw
-  "Same as `db-test-env-var` but will throw an exception if the variable is nil"
+  "Same as `db-test-env-var` but will throw an exception if the variable is `nil`."
   ([engine env-var]
    (db-test-env-var-or-throw engine env-var nil))
   ([engine env-var default]
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/mock/toucanery.clj b/test/metabase/test/mock/toucanery.clj
index 24038e8086b..9af412daa3b 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/mock/toucanery.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/mock/toucanery.clj
@@ -11,33 +11,45 @@
                    :schema nil
                    :fields #{{:name          "id"
                               :pk?           true
+                              :database-type "SERIAL"
                               :base-type     :type/Integer}
                              {:name          "ts"
+                              :database-type "BIGINT"
                               :base-type     :type/BigInteger
                               :special-type  :type/UNIXTimestampMilliseconds}
                              {:name          "toucan"
+                              :database-type "OBJECT"
                               :base-type     :type/Dictionary
                               :nested-fields #{{:name          "name"
+                                                :database-type "VARCHAR"
                                                 :base-type     :type/Text}
                                                {:name          "details"
+                                                :database-type "OBJECT"
                                                 :base-type     :type/Dictionary
-                                                :nested-fields #{{:name         "age"
-                                                                  :base-type    :type/Integer}
-                                                                 {:name         "weight"
-                                                                  :special-type :type/Category
-                                                                  :base-type    :type/Decimal}}}}}
+                                                :nested-fields #{{:name          "age"
+                                                                  :database-type "INT"
+                                                                  :base-type     :type/Integer}
+                                                                 {:name          "weight"
+                                                                  :database-type "DECIMAL"
+                                                                  :special-type  :type/Category
+                                                                  :base-type     :type/Decimal}}}}}
                              {:name          "buyer"
+                              :database-type "OBJECT"
                               :base-type     :type/Dictionary
-                              :nested-fields #{{:name      "name"
-                                                :base-type :type/Text}
-                                               {:name      "cc"
-                                                :base-type :type/Text}}}}}
-   "employees" {:name "employees"
-                :schema nil
-                :fields #{{:name      "id"
-                           :base-type :type/Integer}
-                          {:name      "name"
-                           :base-type :type/Text}}}})
+                              :nested-fields #{{:name          "name"
+                                                :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                                                :base-type     :type/Text}
+                                               {:name          "cc"
+                                                :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                                                :base-type     :type/Text}}}}}
+   "employees"    {:name   "employees"
+                   :schema nil
+                   :fields #{{:name          "id"
+                              :database-type "SERIAL"
+                              :base-type     :type/Integer}
+                             {:name          "name"
+                              :database-type "VARCHAR"
+                              :base-type     :type/Text}}}})
 (defn- describe-database [_ {:keys [exclude-tables]}]
@@ -75,67 +87,79 @@
   [(merge mock-util/table-defaults
           {:name         "employees"
            :fields       [(merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "id"
-                                  :display_name "ID"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Integer
-                                  :special_type :type/PK})
+                                 {:name          "id"
+                                  :display_name  "ID"
+                                  :database_type "SERIAL"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Integer
+                                  :special_type  :type/PK})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "name"
-                                  :display_name "Name"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text
-                                  :special_type :type/Name})]
+                                 {:name          "name"
+                                  :display_name  "Name"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text
+                                  :special_type  :type/Name})]
            :display_name "Employees"})
    (merge mock-util/table-defaults
           {:name         "transactions"
            :fields       [(merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "age"
-                                  :display_name "Age"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Integer
-                                  :parent_id    true})
+                                 {:name          "age"
+                                  :display_name  "Age"
+                                  :database_type "INT"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Integer
+                                  :parent_id     true})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "buyer"
-                                  :display_name "Buyer"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Dictionary})
+                                 {:name          "buyer"
+                                  :display_name  "Buyer"
+                                  :database_type "OBJECT"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Dictionary})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "cc"
-                                  :display_name "Cc"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text
-                                  :parent_id    true})
+                                 {:name          "cc"
+                                  :display_name  "Cc"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text
+                                  :parent_id     true})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "details"
-                                  :display_name "Details"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Dictionary
-                                  :parent_id    true})
+                                 {:name          "details"
+                                  :display_name  "Details"
+                                  :database_type "OBJECT"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Dictionary
+                                  :parent_id     true})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "id"
-                                  :display_name "ID"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Integer
-                                  :special_type :type/PK})
+                                 {:name          "id"
+                                  :display_name  "ID"
+                                  :database_type "SERIAL"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Integer
+                                  :special_type  :type/PK})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "name"
-                                  :display_name "Name"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text
-                                  :parent_id    true
-                                  :special_type :type/Name})
+                                 {:name          "name"
+                                  :display_name  "Name"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text
+                                  :parent_id     true
+                                  :special_type  :type/Name})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "name"
-                                  :display_name "Name"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Text
-                                  :parent_id    true
-                                  :special_type :type/Name})
+                                 {:name          "name"
+                                  :display_name  "Name"
+                                  :database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Text
+                                  :parent_id     true
+                                  :special_type  :type/Name})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "toucan"
-                                  :display_name "Toucan"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Dictionary})
+                                 {:name          "toucan"
+                                  :display_name  "Toucan"
+                                  :database_type "OBJECT"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Dictionary})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "ts"
-                                  :display_name "Ts"
-                                  :base_type    :type/BigInteger
-                                  :special_type :type/UNIXTimestampMilliseconds})
+                                 {:name          "ts"
+                                  :display_name  "Ts"
+                                  :database_type "BIGINT"
+                                  :base_type     :type/BigInteger
+                                  :special_type  :type/UNIXTimestampMilliseconds})
                           (merge mock-util/field-defaults
-                                 {:name         "weight"
-                                  :display_name "Weight"
-                                  :base_type    :type/Decimal
-                                  :parent_id    true
-                                  :special_type :type/Category})]
+                                 {:name          "weight"
+                                  :display_name  "Weight"
+                                  :database_type "DECIMAL"
+                                  :base_type     :type/Decimal
+                                  :parent_id     true
+                                  :special_type  :type/Category})]
            :display_name "Transactions"})])
diff --git a/test/metabase/test/util.clj b/test/metabase/test/util.clj
index 3943407ea0f..6b9cfb7a12f 100644
--- a/test/metabase/test/util.clj
+++ b/test/metabase/test/util.clj
@@ -153,10 +153,11 @@
 (u/strict-extend (class Field)
-  {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:base_type :type/Text
-                                :name      (random-name)
-                                :position  1
-                                :table_id  (data/id :checkins)})})
+  {:with-temp-defaults (fn [_] {:database_type "VARCHAR"
+                                :base_type     :type/Text
+                                :name          (random-name)
+                                :position      1
+                                :table_id      (data/id :checkins)})})
 (u/strict-extend (class Metric)