diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
index 1cc011eca286c650e645ed14d82679185e90b558..c416e4ac9a5256a6d81b30e492ebcfaa320d98b3 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/generic_sql.clj
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
 (defn- describe-table-fields [^DatabaseMetaData metadata, driver, {schema :schema, table-name :name}]
   (set (for [{database-type :type_name, column-name :column_name} (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getColumns metadata nil schema table-name nil))]
          (merge {:name          column-name
-                 :database-type (name database-type)
+                 :database-type database-type
                  :base-type     (database-type->base-type driver database-type)}
                 (when-let [special-type (calculated-special-type driver column-name database-type)]
                   {:special-type special-type})))))
diff --git a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
index 28b51c0a9966d4d3318bf47e71d1c7d6b70d0188..87bf18118f5060aba57d8d8661320ae8e5669dbd 100644
--- a/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
+++ b/src/metabase/driver/mongo.clj
@@ -106,17 +106,19 @@
                                  (find-nested-fields field-value nested-fields)
-(s/defn ^:private ^:always-validate most-common-object-type :- Class
-  [field-types :- [(s/pair Class "Class" s/Int "Int")]]
+(s/defn ^:private most-common-object-type :- Class
+  "Given a sequence of tuples like [Class <number-of-occurances>] return the Class with the highest number of
+  occurances. The basic idea here is to take a sample of values for a Field and then determine the most common type
+  for its values, and use that as the Metabase base type. For example if we have a Field called `zip_code` and it's a
+  number 90% of the time and a string the other 10%, we'll just call it a `:type/Number`."
+  [field-types :- [(s/pair Class "Class", s/Int "Int")]]
   (->> field-types
        (sort-by second)
 (defn- describe-table-field [field-kw field-info]
-  ;; :types
   (let [most-common-object-type (most-common-object-type (vec (:types field-info)))]
-    ;; TODO: indicate preview-display status based on :len
     (cond-> {:name          (name field-kw)
              :database-type (.getName most-common-object-type)
              :base-type     (driver/class->base-type most-common-object-type)}
@@ -134,26 +136,33 @@
     {:tables (set (for [collection (disj (mdb/get-collection-names conn) "system.indexes")]
                     {:schema nil, :name collection}))}))
+(defn- table-sample-column-info
+  "Sample the rows (i.e., documents) in `table` and return a map of information about the column keys we found in that
+   sample. The results will look something like:
+      {:_id      {:count 200, :len nil, :types {java.lang.Long 200}, :special-types nil, :nested-fields nil},
+       :severity {:count 200, :len nil, :types {java.lang.Long 200}, :special-types nil, :nested-fields nil}}"
+  [^com.mongodb.DB conn, table]
+  (try
+    (->> (mc/find-maps conn (:name table))
+         (take driver/max-sample-rows)
+         (reduce
+          (fn [field-defs row]
+            (loop [[k & more-keys] (keys row), fields field-defs]
+              (if-not k
+                fields
+                (recur more-keys (update fields k (partial update-field-attrs (k row)))))))
+          {}))
+    (catch Throwable t
+      (log/error (format "Error introspecting collection: %s" (:name table)) t))))
 (defn- describe-table [database table]
   (with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DB conn database]
-    ;; TODO: ideally this would take the LAST set of rows added to the table so we could ensure this data changes on reruns
-    (let [parsed-rows (try
-                        (->> (mc/find-maps conn (:name table))
-                             (take driver/max-sample-rows)
-                             (reduce
-                               (fn [field-defs row]
-                                 (loop [[k & more-keys] (keys row)
-                                        fields field-defs]
-                                   (if-not k
-                                     fields
-                                     (recur more-keys (update fields k (partial update-field-attrs (k row)))))))
-                               {}))
-                        (catch Throwable t
-                          (log/error (format "Error introspecting collection: %s" (:name table)) t)))]
+    (let [column-info (table-sample-column-info conn table)]
       {:schema nil
        :name   (:name table)
-       :fields (set (for [field (keys parsed-rows)]
-                      (describe-table-field field (field parsed-rows))))})))
+       :fields (set (for [[field info] column-info]
+                      (describe-table-field field info)))})))
 (defrecord MongoDriver []