From ff3036b8af2e4a225e35f219f5698f297b62eacd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nemanja Glumac <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 18:49:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [E2E] Remove `admin_setup` spec from smoke tests (#23458)

* Remove redundant check

* Delete data model tests from the admin setup spec

* Refactor hide tables spec

* Remove admin_setup spec

* Add a dummy test so that CircleCI job doesn't fail
 .../admin/datamodel/    |  46 +-
 .../smoketest/          | 743 ------------------
 .../scenarios/smoketest/      |   5 +
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 767 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/
 create mode 100644 frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/

diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/admin/datamodel/ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/admin/datamodel/
index a419396decc..6ee3d0f6d82 100644
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/admin/datamodel/
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/admin/datamodel/
@@ -1,47 +1,45 @@
 import { restore, startNewQuestion } from "__support__/e2e/cypress";
-const ORDERS_URL = "/admin/datamodel/database/1/table/2";
+import { SAMPLE_DB_ID } from "__support__/e2e/cypress_data";
+import { SAMPLE_DATABASE } from "__support__/e2e/cypress_sample_database";
-describe("scenarios > admin > datamodel > hidden tables (metabase#9759)", () => {
-  beforeEach(restore);
-  it("can hide a table and not show up in 'Our Data'", () => {
-    cy.server();
-    cy.route("PUT", "/api/table/*").as("tableUpdate");
+describe("scenarios > admin > datamodel > hidden tables (metabase#9759)", () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restore();
+    cy.signInAsAdmin();
     // Toggle the table to be hidden as admin user
-    cy.signInAsAdmin();
-    cy.visit(ORDERS_URL);
-    cy.contains(/^Hidden$/).click();
-    cy.wait("@tableUpdate");
+    hideTable(ORDERS_ID);
+  });
+  it("hidden table should not show up in various places in UI", () => {
     // Visit the main page, we shouldn't be able to see the table
-    // It shouldn't show up as a normal user either
+    // It shouldn't show up for a normal user either
-  });
-  it("can hide a table and not show up in 'New Question' for a user", () => {
-    cy.server();
-    cy.route("PUT", "/api/table/*").as("tableUpdate");
-    // Toggle the table to be hidden as admin user
-    cy.signInAsAdmin();
-    cy.visit(ORDERS_URL);
-    cy.contains(/^Hidden$/).click();
-    cy.wait("@tableUpdate");
-    // It shouldn't show up as a normal user either
-    cy.signInAsNormalUser();
+    // It shouldn't show in a new question data picker
     cy.contains("Sample Database").click();
+function hideTable(table) {
+  const TABLE_URL = `/admin/datamodel/database/${SAMPLE_DB_ID}/table/${table}`;
+  cy.intercept("PUT", `/api/table/${table}`).as("tableUpdate");
+  cy.visit(TABLE_URL);
+  cy.contains(/^Hidden$/).click();
+  cy.wait("@tableUpdate");
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 772e79101b2..00000000000
--- a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  browse,
-  popover,
-  restore,
-  openPeopleTable,
-  visualize,
-  navigationSidebar,
-  startNewQuestion,
-  visitQuestion,
-} from "__support__/e2e/cypress";
-import { USERS } from "__support__/e2e/cypress_data";
-import { questionInfoButton } from "../../../__support__/e2e/helpers/e2e-ui-elements-helpers";
-const { admin, normal } = USERS;
-describe("smoketest > admin_setup", () => {
-  before(restore);
-  describe("data model changes by admin reflected with user", () => {
-    beforeEach(() => {
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-    });
-    it("should check table and question names as user", () => {
-      // Log out as admin and sign in as user
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsNormalUser();
-      cy.visit("/");
-      // Check names
-      cy.wait(3000).contains("People");
-      cy.contains("Orders");
-      cy.contains("Test Table").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      cy.get("h1").contains("Our analytics");
-      cy.findByText("A look at your").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Orders, Count");
-      cy.findByText("Orders, Count, Grouped by Created At (year)");
-      cy.findByText("Test Q Name Change").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it("should rename a question and description as admin", () => {
-      cy.intercept("PUT", "/api/card/3").as("updateCard");
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      navigationSidebar().within(() => {
-        cy.icon("ellipsis").click();
-      });
-      cy.findByText("Other users' personal collections");
-      cy.findByText("Orders, Count, Grouped by Created At (year)").click();
-      cy.findByText("Settings");
-      cy.findByTestId("saved-question-header-title")
-        .clear()
-        .type("Test Question")
-        .blur();
-      cy.wait("@updateCard");
-      questionInfoButton().click();
-      cy.findByPlaceholderText("Description")
-        .clear()
-        .type("Testing question description")
-        .blur();
-      cy.wait("@updateCard");
-    });
-    it("should rename a table and add a description as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.icon("gear")
-        .first()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Admin settings").click();
-      cy.findByText("Getting set up");
-      cy.findByText(admin.first_name).should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Data Model").click();
-      cy.findByText("Orders").click();
-      cy.findByTestId("table-name")
-        .click()
-        .type("abc", { delay: 100 })
-        .clear()
-        .type("Test Table");
-      cy.get(
-        "[value='Confirmed Sample Company orders for a product, from a user.']",
-      )
-        .clear()
-        .type("Testing table description");
-    });
-    it("should change a column name, visibility, and formatting as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/admin/datamodel/database/1/table/2");
-      // Changing column name from Discount to Sale
-      cy.wait(1000)
-        .get("[value='Discount amount.'")
-        .parent()
-        .parent()
-        .within(() => {
-          cy.get("input")
-            .first()
-            .wait(1)
-            .clear()
-            .wait(1)
-            .type("Sale");
-        });
-      // Changing visibility of Created At column
-      cy.wait(2000)
-        .get("[value='The date and time an order was submitted.']")
-        .parent()
-        .parent()
-        .within(() => {
-          cy.findByText("Everywhere").click();
-        });
-      cy.get(".ReactVirtualized__Grid__innerScrollContainer")
-        .findAllByText("Do not include")
-        .click(); // ({ force: true });
-      // Changing column formatting to display USD instead of $
-      cy.get("[value='The total billed amount.']")
-        .parent()
-        .parent()
-        .within(() => {
-          cy.icon("gear").click();
-        });
-      cy.findByText("Total – Field Settings");
-      cy.findByText("Columns").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Formatting").click();
-      cy.findByText("Show a mini bar chart");
-      cy.findByText("Everywhere").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Normal").click();
-      cy.findByText("Currency").click({ force: true });
-      cy.findByText("Code (USD)")
-        .parent()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("In every table cell").click();
-      cy.findByText("Saved");
-    });
-    it("should reflect changes to column name, visibility, and formatting in the notebook editor for admin", () => {
-      // Navigate
-      cy.findByText("Exit admin").click({ force: true });
-      // Checking table name
-      cy.contains("Test Table");
-      // Navigating to Test Table table
-      browse().click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.get("main").within(() => {
-        cy.icon("database").should("not.exist");
-      });
-      cy.findByText("Test Table").click();
-      // Checking three things in table display
-      cy.wait(1)
-        .findByText("Discount")
-        .should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sale ($)");
-      cy.findByText("Created At").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Total ($)").should("not.exist");
-      cy.contains("USD");
-      // Check column name and visibility in notebook editor
-      cy.icon("notebook").click({ force: true });
-      cy.wait(1000)
-        .findByText("Orders")
-        .should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Custom column");
-      cy.findByText("Filter").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sale ($)");
-      cy.findByText("Discount").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Created At").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it("should configure a foreign key to show the name as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/admin/datamodel/database/1/table/2");
-      // Configure Key
-      cy.findByText("Metrics");
-      cy.get("[value='Product ID'")
-        .parent()
-        .parent()
-        .within(() => {
-          cy.icon("gear").click();
-        });
-      cy.findByText("Plain input box").click();
-      cy.findByText("Search box").click();
-      cy.findByText("Use original value").click();
-      cy.findByText("Use foreign key").click();
-      cy.findByText("Title").click();
-      cy.findByText(
-        "You might want to update the field name to make sure it still makes sense based on your remapping choices.",
-      );
-      // Check key config in table display
-      cy.visit("/browse/1");
-      cy.findByText("Test Table").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Product ID");
-      cy.findAllByText("Awesome Concrete Shoes");
-      cy.findAllByText("Mediocre Wooden Bench");
-      cy.get(".Table-ID")
-        .eq("1")
-        .contains("14")
-        .should("not.exist");
-      // Check key config in notebook editor (pulls up title with ID #, not from actual title)
-      cy.icon("notebook").click({ force: true });
-      cy.wait(3000)
-        .findByText("Filter")
-        .click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Product ID")
-        .last()
-        .click({ force: true });
-      cy.get("input")
-        .last()
-        .type("Awesome Concrete");
-      cy.wait(1000)
-        .findAllByText("Awesome Concrete Shoes")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Add filter").click();
-      visualize();
-      cy.findAllByText("Awesome Concrete Shoes");
-      cy.findByText("Mediocre Wooden Bench").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it("should hide a table as admin", () => {
-      cy.visit("/admin/datamodel/database/1/");
-      // Hide table
-      cy.findByText("Reviews")
-        .find(".Icon-eye_crossed_out")
-        .click({ force: true });
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("1 Hidden Table");
-      // Check table hidden while browsing data
-      cy.visit("/browse/1");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Learn about our data");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("People");
-      cy.findByText("Reviews").should("not.exist");
-      // Check table hidden in notebook editor
-      openPeopleTable({ mode: "notebook" });
-      cy.findByText("Join data").click();
-      popover()
-        .should("contain", "People")
-        .and("not.contain", "Reviews");
-    });
-    it("should see changes to visibility, formatting, and foreign key mapping as user", () => {
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsNormalUser();
-      cy.visit("/");
-      // Check table names and visibility
-      cy.findByText("Here are some popular items");
-      cy.findByText("Test Table");
-      cy.findByText("Reviews").should("not.exist");
-      // Check question names and descriptions
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Orders, Count");
-      cy.findByText("Orders, Count, Grouped by Created At (year)").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-      cy.findByText("Test Question").click();
-      questionInfoButton().click();
-      cy.findByDisplayValue("Test Question");
-      cy.findByDisplayValue("Testing question description");
-      questionInfoButton().click();
-      // Check column names and visiblity
-      browse().click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Test Table").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Visualization");
-      cy.findByText("Discount").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sale ($)");
-      cy.findByText("Created At").should("not.exist");
-      // Check column formatting
-      cy.contains("USD");
-      // Check column foreign key mapping
-      cy.findAllByText("Awesome Concrete Shoes");
-      cy.findByText("Mediocre Wooden Bench");
-      cy.get(".Table-ID")
-        .eq("1")
-        .contains("14")
-        .should("not.exist");
-    });
-  });
-  describe("permission changes reflected", () => {
-    beforeEach(cy.signInAsNormalUser);
-    it("should check current permissions as users", () => {
-      // Access to all tables as user
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.contains("Test Table");
-      cy.findByText("Reviews").should("not.exist");
-      // Access to SQl queries as user
-      cy.findByText("New").click();
-      cy.findByText("SQL query");
-      // Cannot see Review table as no collection user
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signIn("nocollection");
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.wait(2000).findByText("Here are some popular tables");
-      cy.contains("Test Table");
-      cy.contains("Reviews").should("not.exist");
-      // Cannot view our analytics as no collection user
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      cy.findByText("Orders").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it("should modify user permissions for data access and SQL queries, both on a database/schema level as well as at a table level as admin", () => {
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-      cy.request("POST", "/api/permissions/group", {
-        name: "Marketing",
-      });
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.icon("gear").click();
-      cy.findByText("Admin settings").click();
-      cy.findByText("Permissions").click();
-      // Data access permissions (database/schema)
-      // SQL queries permissions (database/schema)
-      // Data access permissions (table)
-      cy.findByText("All Users").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByText("Products");
-      // Turn on data access for all users to Test Table
-      cy.icon("eye")
-        .eq(2)
-        .click();
-      cy.findAllByRole("option")
-        .contains("Unrestricted")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Change access to this database to limited?");
-      cy.findByText("Change").click();
-      cy.findByText("Marketing").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      // Turn on data access for Marketing users to Products
-      cy.icon("eye")
-        .eq(1)
-        .click();
-      cy.findAllByRole("option")
-        .contains("Unrestricted")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Are you sure you want to do this?");
-      cy.findByText("Change").click();
-      cy.icon("warning");
-      cy.findByText("Save changes").click();
-      cy.contains(
-        "All Users will be given access to 1 table in Sample Database.",
-      );
-      cy.findByText("Are you sure you want to do this?");
-      cy.findByText("Yes").click();
-      // SQL queries permissions (table)
-      cy.findByText("Data").click();
-      cy.findByText("data").click();
-      cy.icon("check")
-        .eq(1)
-        .click();
-      popover().within(() => {
-        cy.findByText("No").click();
-      });
-      cy.findByText("Save changes").click();
-      cy.contains(
-        "data will no longer be able to read or write native queries for Sample Database.",
-      );
-      cy.findByText("Yes").click();
-    });
-    it.skip("should add sub-collection and change its permissions as admin", () => {
-      const subCollectionName = "test sub-collection";
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-      cy.visit("/collection/root");
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics");
-      cy.findByText("New collection").click();
-      cy.get(".Modal").within(() => {
-        cy.findByLabelText("Name").type(subCollectionName);
-        cy.findByLabelText("Description")
-          .wait(1)
-          .type(`Very nice description for ${subCollectionName}`);
-        cy.icon("chevrondown").click();
-      });
-      popover().within(() => {
-        cy.findAllByText("Our analytics")
-          .last()
-          .click();
-      });
-      cy.findByText("Create").click();
-      // Changes permissions of sub-collection
-      cy.findByText(subCollectionName).click();
-      cy.findByText("This collection is empty, like a blank canvas");
-      cy.icon("lock").click();
-      cy.findByText(`Permissions for ${subCollectionName}`);
-      // Collection can no longer access sub-collection
-      cy.wait(1)
-        .get(".Icon-check")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Revoke access").click();
-      // Marketing now has access to sub-collection
-      cy.icon("close")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Curate collection").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-      cy.findByText("This collection is empty, like a blank canvas");
-    });
-    it.skip("should modify Collection permissions for top-level collections and sub-collections as admin", () => {
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-      cy.visit("/admin/permissions/databases");
-      // Modify permissions for top-level collection
-      cy.findByText("Collection").click();
-      cy.icon("close")
-        .eq(1)
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("View collection").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save changes").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save permissions?");
-      cy.findByText("Yes").click();
-      cy.findByText("View sub-collections").click();
-      // Give collection full access to sub-collection
-      cy.icon("close")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Curate collection").click();
-      // Revoke Marketing access to sub-collection
-      cy.icon("check")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Revoke access").click();
-      // Revoke data access to sub-collection
-      cy.icon("eye").click();
-      cy.findByText("Revoke access").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save changes").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save permissions?");
-      cy.findByText("Yes").click();
-      cy.findByText("Collection").click();
-      cy.icon("eye");
-    });
-    it("should be unable to access tables or questions that have been restricted as user", () => {
-      cy.visit("/");
-      // Normal user can still see everything
-      cy.wait(2000).contains("Test Table");
-      // Normal user cannot make an SQL query
-      startNewQuestion();
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signIn("nocollection");
-      cy.visit("/");
-      // No collection user sees Test Table and People table
-      cy.contains("Test Table");
-      cy.contains("Reviews").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it.skip("should be unable to change questions in Our analytics as no collection user", () => {
-      cy.findByText("Our analytics").click();
-      cy.findByText("Everything");
-      cy.findByText("Orders, Count");
-      cy.findByText(
-        'Access dashboards, questions, and collections in "Our analytics"',
-      ).should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Orders").click();
-      cy.findByText("Summarize").click();
-      cy.wait(1000)
-        .findAllByText("Quantity")
-        .eq(1)
-        .click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Done").click();
-      cy.findByText("Product ID").should("not.exist");
-      cy.wait(1000).findByText("Quantity");
-      cy.findAllByText("Save")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText('Replace original question, "Orders"').click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Save")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      // *** There should be an error message here saying I'm not allowed to make any changes
-      // Normal user should not see changes that no collection user made
-      // *** Problem: Normal user still sees these changes
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsNormalUser();
-      visitQuestion(1);
-      // cy.findByText("Product ID");
-      // cy.findByText("Quantity").should("not.exist");
-    });
-    it.skip("should add a sub collection as a user", () => {
-      cy.visit("/collection/root");
-      cy.wait(3000)
-        .findByText("New collection")
-        .click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name").type("test user added sub-collection");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Description").type(
-        "very descriptive of test user added sub-collection",
-      );
-      cy.icon("chevrondown").click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Our analytics")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Create").click();
-      cy.icon("all");
-    });
-    it.skip("should view collections I have access to, but not ones that I don't (even with URL) as user", () => {
-      // Check access as normal user
-      cy.visit("/collection/root");
-      cy.findByText("My personal collection");
-      cy.findByText("test sub-collection").click();
-      cy.wait(3000).findByText("This collection is empty, like a blank canvas");
-      cy.findByText("Sorry, you don’t have permission to see that.").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-      // Check editing abiltiy as no collection user (resetting to what we made it before)
-      cy.icon("pencil");
-      startNewQuestion();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("Sample Database").click();
-      cy.findByTextEnsureVisible("People").click();
-      cy.findByText("Save").click();
-      cy.findByLabelText("Name")
-        .clear()
-        .wait(1)
-        .type("  sub-collection question  ");
-      cy.findByText("Robert Tableton's Personal Collection").click();
-      cy.findByText("My personal collection");
-      cy.findByText("test sub-collection").click();
-      cy.findAllByText("Save")
-        .last()
-        .click();
-      cy.findByText("Not now").click();
-      cy.contains("test sub-collection").click();
-      cy.findByText("Sorry, you don’t have permission to see that.").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-      cy.contains("sub-collection question");
-      // Check access as no collection user
-      cy.signIn("nocollection");
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.findByText("test sub-collection").should("not.exist");
-      cy.visit("/collection/6");
-      cy.findByText("Sorry, you don’t have permission to see that.");
-      cy.findByText("This collection is empty, like a blank canvas").should(
-        "not.exist",
-      );
-    });
-    it.skip("should be unable to access question with URL (if access not permitted)", () => {
-      // This test will fail whenever the previous test fails
-      cy.signIn("nocollection");
-      visitQuestion(4);
-      cy.contains("sub-collection question").should("not.exist");
-      cy.findByText("Sorry, you don’t have permission to see that.");
-    });
-    it("user should not be able to login after admin deactivated them", () => {
-      const FULL_NAME = normal.first_name + " " + normal.last_name;
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.signInAsAdmin();
-      cy.visit("/admin/settings/setup");
-      cy.findByText("People").click();
-      openEllipsisMenuForUser(FULL_NAME);
-      cy.findByText("Deactivate user").click();
-      cy.findByText(`${FULL_NAME} won't be able to log in anymore.`);
-      cy.button("Deactivate").click();
-      cy.findByText(FULL_NAME).should("not.exist");
-      // User tries to log in
-      cy.signOut();
-      cy.visit("/");
-      cy.findByLabelText("Email address").type(;
-      cy.findByLabelText("Password").type(normal.password);
-      cy.button("Sign in").click();
-      cy.findByText("Failed");
-      cy.contains("Your account is disabled.");
-    });
-  });
-function openEllipsisMenuForUser(user) {
-  cy.findByText(user)
-    .closest("tr")
-    .find(".Icon-ellipsis")
-    .click();
diff --git a/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..198966832be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/test/metabase/scenarios/smoketest/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+describe("hello", () => {
+  it("says hi", () => {
+    cy.log("hi");
+  });