# Metabase embedded analytics SDK > This SDK is in public beta and actively being developed. You can expect some changes to the API, especially during the beta. The SDK currently only works with a Metabase 1.51 or higher. With Metabase's Embedded analytics SDK, you can embed individual [Metabase](https://www.metabase.com/) components with React (like standalone charts, dashboards, the query builder, and more). You can manage access and interactivity per component, and you have advanced customization for seamless styling. [Learn more](https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/embedding/sdk/introduction). ## Installing Metabase Enterprise Edition You can run Metabase Pro on a Cloud plan (with a free trial)](https://www.metabase.com/pricing). Or run it locally. Here's a docker one-liner: ```sh docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase-enterprise:latest ``` You can also [download the JAR](https://downloads.metabase.com/enterprise/latest/metabase.jar), and run it like so: ```sh java -jar metabase.jar ``` By default, Metabase will run at `http://localhost:3000`. If you get stuck, check out our [installation docs](https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/installation-and-operation/installing-metabase). ## Installing the SDK You can install Metabase Embedded analytics SDK for React via npm: ```bash npm install @metabase/embedding-sdk-react ``` or using yarn: ```bash yarn add @metabase/embedding-sdk-react ``` ## Which SDK version to use The SDK version tracks with the Metabase version. So, for example, if you're on Metabase version `1.51.x`, you should use the SDK with the tag `51-stable`. See [Versioning](https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/embedding/sdk/version). ## Docs For how to use the SDK, check out our [docs for the Embedded analytics SDK](https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/embedding/sdk/introduction). ## Development ### Storybook You can use storybook to run SDK components during local development. When you have Metabase instance running: ```bash yarn storybook-embedding-sdk ``` ### Initial configuration 1. Set JWT secret to be "`0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000`" in Admin > Authentication > JWT > String used by the JWT signing key 1. Make sure "User Provisioning" setting is set to "`on`". 1. Set Authorized Origins to "`*`" in Admin > Embedding > Interactive embedding ### Building locally First you need to build the Metabase Embedding SDK for React locally: ```bash yarn build-release:cljs ``` And then run: ```bash yarn build-embedding-sdk:watch ``` ### Using the local build After that you need to add this built SDK package location to your package.json. In this example we assume that your application is located in the same directory as Metabase directory: ```json "dependencies": { "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react": "file:../metabase/resources/embedding-sdk" } ``` And then you can install the package using npm or yarn: ```bash npm install # or yarn ``` ## Releases Embedding SDK package build happens with Github actions if `embedding-sdk-build` label has been set on the PR. Published package will use a version from `package.template.json` + current date and commit short hash.