#!/usr/bin/env node // This proxy is useful for debugging frontend issues on deployed instances of // Metabase. You can use the frontend of a local insance in conjunction with them // backend of a deployed instance. var http = require("http"); var httpProxy = require("http-proxy"); var url = require("url"); var backendTarget = process.argv[2] || "https://staging.metabase.com/"; var frontendTarget = process.argv[3] || ""; var backendHost = url.parse(backendTarget).host; var frontendHost = url.parse(frontendTarget).host; var listenPort = parseInt(process.argv[4] || "3001"); var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ secure: false }); var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { if (/^\/app\//.test(req.url)) { console.log("FRONTEND: " + req.url); req.headers.host = frontendHost; proxy.web(req, res, { target: frontendTarget }); } else { console.log("BACKEND: " + req.url); req.headers.host = backendHost; proxy.web(req, res, { target: backendTarget }); } }); console.log("frontend target: " + frontendTarget); console.log("backend target: " + backendTarget); console.log("listening port: " + listenPort); server.listen(listenPort);