--- title: Troubleshooting models --- # Troubleshooting models What kind of problem are you having with your [model][model-docs]? ## Can't create a model If you don't see [the model button][model-button-image] (three squares): 1. Check if you're using a Metabase version that's 0.42.0 or greater by going to the top right of the screen and clicking on the **gear** icon > **About Metabase**. 2. Clear your browser cache. 3. Ask your Metabase admin to clear the proxy cache (if you're using one). 4. Ask your Metabase admin if [nested queries are enabled][nested-query-settings-docs] under **Admin** > **Settings** > **General**. ## Can't edit or save changes to a model If your changes to a model's metadata or underlying question aren't showing up: 1. Refresh your browser to confirm you're not viewing cached results. 2. Search for [known model issues][known-issues-models] using the label `Querying/Models`. For more information, go to [How to find a known bug or limitation][known-issues]. ## Model performance is poor 1. Optimize the underlying saved question or SQL query. - [Ask for less data][limit-data-learn]. - For models that use SQL questions, [look for bottlenecks using SQL EXPLAIN][sql-explain-learn]. 2. Optimize your database schemas. - [Aggregate data ahead of time with summary tables][summary-tables-learn]. - [Index frequently queried columns][indexes-learn]. - [Denormalize your data][denormalize-data-learn]. - [Materialize views][materialize-views-learn]. - [Pull data out of JSON and slot its keys into columns][flatten-json-learn]. 3. Optimize your data warehouse(s) or database(s). - [Replicate your database][replicate-database-learn]. - [Consider a database optimized for analytics][analytics-database-learn]. **Explanation** Models are a type of saved question, so they will only perform as fast as the original question or SQL query. If you want to improve the performance of a model, you can make optimizations at the query, schema, or database level (depending on your data permissions, technical expertise, and willingness to tinker). ## Are you still stuck? If you can’t solve your problem using the troubleshooting guides: - Search or ask the [Metabase community][discourse]. - Search for [known model issues][known-issues-models] using the label `Querying/Models`. For more information, go to [How to find a known bug or limitation][known-issues]. [analytics-database-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#consider-a-database-optimized-for-analytics [denormalize-data-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#denormalize-data [discourse]: https://discourse.metabase.com/ [flatten-json-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#pull-data-out-of-json-and-slot-its-keys-into-columns [indexes-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#index-frequently-queried-columns [known-issues]: ./known-issues.md [known-issues-models]: https://github.com/metabase/metabase/labels/Querying%2FModels [limit-data-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#ask-for-less-data [materialize-views-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#materialize-views-create-new-tables-to-store-query-results [model-button-image]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/images/models/model-icon.png [model-docs]: ../data-modeling/models.md [nested-query-settings-docs]: ../configuring-metabase/settings.md#enabled-nested-queries [replicate-database-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#replicate-your-database [sql-explain-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/sql-questions/sql-best-practices.html#explain [summary-tables-learn]: https://www.metabase.com/learn/administration/making-dashboards-faster.html#aggregate-data-ahead-of-time-with-summary-tables [troubleshooting-sandboxing]: ./sandboxing.md