import React from "react"; import { ModerationReviewBanner } from "./ModerationReviewBanner"; import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react"; const VERIFIED_ICON_SELECTOR = ".Icon-verified"; const CLOSE_ICON_SELECTOR = ".Icon-close"; const moderationReview = { status: "verified", moderator_id: 1, created_at:, }; const moderator = { id: 1, display_name: "Foo" }; const currentUser = { id: 2, display_name: "Bar" }; describe("ModerationReviewBanner", () => { it("should show text concerning the given review", () => { const { getByText } = render( <ModerationReviewBanner moderationReview={moderationReview} user={moderator} currentUser={currentUser} />, ); expect(getByText("Foo verified this")).toBeTruthy(); }); describe("when not provided an onRemove prop", () => { let getByRole; let container; beforeEach(() => { const wrapper = render( <ModerationReviewBanner moderationReview={moderationReview} user={moderator} currentUser={currentUser} />, ); getByRole = wrapper.getByRole; container = wrapper.container; }); it("should render a status icon, not a button", () => { expect(() => getByRole("button")).toThrow(); }); it("should render with the icon relevant to the review's status", () => { expect(container.querySelector(VERIFIED_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("when provided an onRemove callback prop", () => { let onRemove; let container; let getByRole; beforeEach(() => { onRemove = jest.fn(); const wrapper = render( <ModerationReviewBanner moderationReview={moderationReview} user={moderator} currentUser={currentUser} onRemove={onRemove} />, ); container = wrapper.container; getByRole = wrapper.getByRole; }); it("should render a button", () => { expect(getByRole("button")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should render the button with the icon relevant to the review's status", () => { expect(container.querySelector(VERIFIED_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should render the button as a close icon when the user is hovering their mouse over the banner", () => { const banner = container.firstChild; fireEvent.mouseEnter(banner); expect(container.querySelector(CLOSE_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); fireEvent.mouseLeave(banner); expect(container.querySelector(VERIFIED_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should render the button as a close icon when the user focuses the button", () => { fireEvent.focus(getByRole("button")); expect(container.querySelector(CLOSE_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); fireEvent.blur(getByRole("button")); expect(container.querySelector(VERIFIED_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should render the button as a close icon when focused, even when the mouse leaves the banner", () => { const banner = container.firstChild; fireEvent.mouseEnter(banner); fireEvent.focus(getByRole("button")); expect(container.querySelector(CLOSE_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); fireEvent.mouseLeave(banner); expect(container.querySelector(CLOSE_ICON_SELECTOR)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });