#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const glob = require("glob"); const minimatch = require("minimatch"); const babel = require("@babel/core"); const readline = require("readline"); const PATTERN = "{enterprise/,}frontend/src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"; // after webpack.config.js const ALIAS = { metabase: "frontend/src/metabase", "metabase-lib": "frontend/src/metabase-lib", "metabase-enterprise": "enterprise/frontend/src/metabase-enterprise", "metabase-types": "frontend/src/metabase-types", }; function files() { return glob.sync(PATTERN); } function dependencies() { const deps = files().map(filename => { const contents = fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8"); const importList = []; try { const file = babel.transformSync(contents, { filename, presets: ["@babel/preset-typescript"], ast: true, code: false, }); babel.traverse(file.ast, { enter(path) { if (path.node.type === "ImportDeclaration") { importList.push(path.node.source.value); } if (path.node.type === "CallExpression") { const callee = path.node.callee; const args = path.node.arguments; if (callee.type === "Identifier" && callee.name === "require") { if (args.length === 1 && args[0].type === "StringLiteral") { importList.push(args[0].value); } } } }, }); } catch (e) { console.error(filename, e.toString()); process.exit(-1); n; } const base = path.dirname(filename) + path.sep; const absoluteImportList = importList .map(name => { const absName = name[0] === "." ? path.normalize(base + name) : name; const parts = absName.split(path.sep); const realPath = ALIAS[parts[0]]; parts[0] = realPath ? realPath : parts[0]; const realName = parts.join(path.sep); return realName; }) .map(getFilePathFromImportPath) .filter(name => minimatch(name, PATTERN)); return { source: filename, dependencies: absoluteImportList.sort() }; }); return deps; } function getFilePathFromImportPath(name) { const scriptsExtensions = ["js", "ts"]; const scriptsExtensionsWithJsx = [...scriptsExtensions, "jsx", "tsx"]; for (let extension of scriptsExtensionsWithJsx) { const path = `${name}.${extension}`; if (fs.existsSync(path)) { return path; } } const isDirectory = fs.existsSync(name) && fs.lstatSync(name).isDirectory(); for (let extension of scriptsExtensions) { const indexScriptPath = `${name}/index.${extension}`; if (isDirectory && fs.existsSync(indexScriptPath)) { return indexScriptPath; } } return name; } function dependents() { let dependents = {}; dependencies().forEach(dep => { const { source, dependencies } = dep; dependencies.forEach(d => { if (!dependents[d]) { dependents[d] = []; } dependents[d].push(source); }); }); return dependents; } function getDependents(sources) { const allDependents = dependents(); let filteredDependents = []; sources.forEach(name => { const list = allDependents[name]; if (list && Array.isArray(list) && list.length > 0) { filteredDependents.push(...list); } }); return Array.from(new Set(filteredDependents)).sort(); // unique } function filterDependents() { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin }); const start = async () => { let sources = []; for await (const line of rl) { const name = line.trim(); if (name.length > 0) { sources.push(name); } } const filteredDependents = getDependents(sources); console.log(filteredDependents.join("\n")); }; start(); } function filterAllDependents() { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin }); const start = async () => { let sources = []; for await (const line of rl) { const name = line.trim(); if (name.length > 0) { sources.push(name); } } let filteredDependents = getDependents(sources); const allDependents = dependents(); for (let i = 0; i < filteredDependents.length; ++i) { const name = filteredDependents[i]; const list = allDependents[name]; if (list && Array.isArray(list) && list.length > 0) { const newAddition = list.filter(e => filteredDependents.indexOf(e) < 0); filteredDependents.push(...newAddition); } } console.log(filteredDependents.sort().join("\n")); }; start(); } function countDependents() { const allDependents = dependents(); const sources = Object.keys(allDependents).sort(); const tally = sources.map(name => { return { name, count: allDependents[name].length }; }); console.log(tally.map(({ name, count }) => `${count} ${name}`).join("\n")); } function countAllDependents() { const allDependents = dependents(); const sources = Object.keys(allDependents).sort(); const tally = sources.map(name => { const list = allDependents[name]; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { const deps = allDependents[list[i]]; if (deps && Array.isArray(deps) && deps.length > 1) { const newAddition = deps.filter(e => list.indexOf(e) < 0); list.push(...newAddition); } } return { name, count: list.length }; }); console.log(tally.map(({ name, count }) => `${count} ${name}`).join("\n")); } function matrix() { const allDependents = dependents(); const sources = Object.keys(allDependents).sort(); const width = Math.max(...sources.map(s => s.length)); const rows = sources.map(name => { const list = allDependents[name]; const checks = sources.map(dep => (list.indexOf(dep) < 0 ? " " : "x")); return name.padEnd(width) + " | " + checks.join(""); }); console.log(rows.join("\n")); } const USAGE = ` parse-deps cmd cmd must be one of: files Display list of source files dependencies Show the dependencies of each source file dependents Show the dependents of each source file filter-dependents Filter direct dependents based on stdin filter-all-dependents Filter all indirect and direct dependents based on stdin count-dependents List the total count of direct dependents count-all-dependents List the total count of its direct and indirect dependents matrix Display 2-D matrix of dependent relationship `; function main(args) { const cmd = args[0]; if (cmd) { switch (cmd.toLowerCase()) { case "files": console.log(files().join("\n")); break; case "dependencies": console.log(JSON.stringify(dependencies(), null, 2)); break; case "dependents": console.log(JSON.stringify(dependents(), null, 2)); break; case "filter-dependents": filterDependents(); break; case "filter-all-dependents": filterAllDependents(); break; case "count-dependents": countDependents(); break; case "count-all-dependents": countAllDependents(); break; case "matrix": matrix(); break; default: console.log(USAGE); break; } } else { console.log(USAGE); } } let args = process.argv; args.shift(); args.shift(); main(args);