--- title: Data reference redirect_from: - /docs/latest/users-guide/12-data-model-reference - /docs/latest/questions/native-editor/data-model-reference --- # Data reference Sometimes when you're composing a question, you might forget the exact names of different tables or columns, or which table contains what. That’s where the **Data reference** comes in handy. You can open the data reference from: - The Metabase sidebar > **Browse data** > **Learn about our data**. - The SQL editor > **book** icon. ## Browse data reference The data reference is a collection of pages organized by database, then tables in that database (the same structure you use to [pick data](../questions/query-builder/introduction.md#picking-data)). The data reference section is the best place to find information about the [data types](https://www.metabase.com/learn/databases/data-types-overview) of columns in your data.  ## SQL editor data reference This panel lists all the databases you have access to, and the [models](../data-modeling/models.md) and tables, and the fields inside of them.  Click on the model or table you would like to explore further to see a description of it and a list of all the columns it has. Each table or column will only contain a description if your admin wrote something in the Data Model section of the Admin Panel. If you click on a column you’re interested in, you’ll see a description of its contents, as well as a list of sample values for columns that don't have a huge number of distinct values. ### Connections  In the data reference sidebar, under **Connections**, you can find a list of table relationships (defined by [foreign keys](https://www.metabase.com/glossary/foreign_key)). If a foreign key relationship exists in your database, but doesn't show up in your Metabase, your Metabase admin will need to update your [Metabase data model](../data-modeling/metadata-editing.md).