import cx from "classnames"; import type * as React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; import { useAsyncFn } from "react-use"; import { jt, t } from "ttag"; import _ from "underscore"; import { useGetCardQuery, skipToken, useGetTableQuery } from "metabase/api"; import { QuestionPickerModal } from "metabase/common/components/QuestionPicker"; import ActionButton from "metabase/components/ActionButton"; import QuestionLoader from "metabase/containers/QuestionLoader"; import Radio from "metabase/core/components/Radio"; import CS from "metabase/css/core/index.css"; import { EntityName } from "metabase/entities/containers/EntityName"; import { useToggle } from "metabase/hooks/use-toggle"; import { GTAPApi } from "metabase/services"; import type { IconName } from "metabase/ui"; import { Icon, Button } from "metabase/ui"; import type { GroupTableAccessPolicyDraft, GroupTableAccessPolicyParams, } from "metabase-enterprise/sandboxes/types"; import { getRawDataQuestionForTable } from "metabase-enterprise/sandboxes/utils"; import * as Lib from "metabase-lib"; import type Question from "metabase-lib/v1/Question"; import type { GroupTableAccessPolicy, Table, UserAttribute, } from "metabase-types/api"; import AttributeMappingEditor, { AttributeOptionsEmptyState, } from "../AttributeMappingEditor"; const ERROR_MESSAGE = t`An error occurred.`; const getNormalizedPolicy = ( policy: GroupTableAccessPolicy | GroupTableAccessPolicyDraft, shouldUseSavedQuestion: boolean, ): GroupTableAccessPolicy => { return { ...policy, card_id: shouldUseSavedQuestion ? policy.card_id : null, attribute_remappings: _.pick( policy.attribute_remappings, (value, key) => value != null && key != null, ), } as GroupTableAccessPolicy; }; const getDraftPolicy = ({ tableId, groupId, }: GroupTableAccessPolicyParams): GroupTableAccessPolicyDraft => { return { table_id: parseInt(tableId), group_id: parseInt(groupId), card_id: null, attribute_remappings: { "": null }, }; }; const isPolicyValid = ( policy: GroupTableAccessPolicy, shouldUseSavedQuestion: boolean, ) => { if (shouldUseSavedQuestion) { return policy.card_id != null; } return Object.entries(policy.attribute_remappings).length > 0; }; export interface EditSandboxingModalProps { policy?: GroupTableAccessPolicy; attributes: UserAttribute[]; params: GroupTableAccessPolicyParams; onCancel: () => void; onSave: (policy: GroupTableAccessPolicy) => void; } const EditSandboxingModal = ({ policy: originalPolicy, attributes, params, onCancel, onSave, }: EditSandboxingModalProps) => { const [policy, setPolicy] = useState< GroupTableAccessPolicy | GroupTableAccessPolicyDraft >(originalPolicy ?? getDraftPolicy(params)); const [shouldUseSavedQuestion, setShouldUseSavedQuestion] = useState( policy.card_id != null, ); const normalizedPolicy = getNormalizedPolicy(policy, shouldUseSavedQuestion); const isValid = isPolicyValid(normalizedPolicy, shouldUseSavedQuestion); const [showPickerModal, { turnOn: showModal, turnOff: hideModal }] = useToggle(false); const [{ error }, savePolicy] = useAsyncFn(async () => { const shouldValidate = normalizedPolicy.card_id != null; if (shouldValidate) { await GTAPApi.validate(normalizedPolicy); } onSave(normalizedPolicy); }, [normalizedPolicy]); const remainingAttributesOptions = attributes.filter( attribute => !(attribute in policy.attribute_remappings), ); const hasAttributesOptions = attributes.length > 0; const hasValidMappings = Object.keys(normalizedPolicy.attribute_remappings || {}).length > 0; const canSave = isValid && (!_.isEqual(originalPolicy, normalizedPolicy) || == null); const { data: policyCard } = useGetCardQuery( policy.card_id != null ? { id: policy.card_id } : skipToken, ); const { data: policyTable } = useGetTableQuery( policy.table_id != null ? { id: policy.table_id } : skipToken, ); return ( <div> <h2 className={CS.p3}>{t`Restrict access to this table`}</h2> <div> <div className={cx(CS.px3, CS.pb3)}> <div className={CS.pb2}> {t`When the following rules are applied, this group will see a customized version of the table.`} </div> <div className={CS.pb4}> {t`These rules don’t apply to native queries.`} </div> <h4 className={CS.pb1}>{t`How do you want to filter this table?`}</h4> <Radio value={!shouldUseSavedQuestion} options={[ { name: t`Filter by a column in the table`, value: true }, { name: t`Use a saved question to create a custom view for this table`, value: false, }, ]} onChange={shouldUseSavedQuestion => setShouldUseSavedQuestion(!shouldUseSavedQuestion) } vertical /> </div> {shouldUseSavedQuestion && ( <div className={cx(CS.px3, CS.pb3)}> <div className={CS.pb2}> {t`Pick a saved question that returns the custom view of this table that these users should see.`} </div> <Button data-testid="collection-picker-button" onClick={showModal} fullWidth rightIcon={<Icon name="ellipsis" />} styles={{ inner: { justifyContent: "space-between", }, root: { "&:active": { transform: "none" } }, }} > {policyCard?.name ?? t`Select a question`} </Button> {showPickerModal && ( <QuestionPickerModal value={ policyCard && policy.card_id != null ? { id: policy.card_id, model: policyCard.type === "model" ? "dataset" : "card", } : undefined } onChange={newCard => { setPolicy({ ...policy, card_id: }); hideModal(); }} onClose={hideModal} /> )} </div> )} {(!shouldUseSavedQuestion || policy.card_id != null) && (hasAttributesOptions || hasValidMappings ? ( <div className={cx(CS.p3, CS.borderTop, CS.borderBottom)}> {shouldUseSavedQuestion && ( <div className={CS.pb2}> {t`You can optionally add additional filters here based on user attributes. These filters will be applied on top of any filters that are already in this saved question.`} </div> )} <AttributeMappingEditor value={policy.attribute_remappings} policyTable={policyTable} onChange={attribute_remappings => setPolicy({ ...policy, attribute_remappings }) } shouldUseSavedQuestion={shouldUseSavedQuestion} policy={policy} attributesOptions={remainingAttributesOptions} /> </div> ) : ( <div className={CS.px3}> <AttributeOptionsEmptyState title={ shouldUseSavedQuestion ? t`To add additional filters, your users need to have some attributes` : t`For this option to work, your users need to have some attributes` } /> </div> ))} </div> <div className={CS.p3}> {isValid && ( <div className={CS.pb1}> <PolicySummary policy={normalizedPolicy} policyTable={policyTable} /> </div> )} <div className={cx(CS.flex, CS.alignCenter, CS.justifyEnd)}> <Button onClick={onCancel}>{t`Cancel`}</Button> <ActionButton error={error} className={CS.ml1} actionFn={savePolicy} primary disabled={!canSave} > {t`Save`} </ActionButton> </div> {error && ( <div className={cx(CS.flex, CS.alignCenter, CS.my2, CS.textError)}> {typeof error === "string" ? error : // @ts-expect-error provide correct type for error ?? ERROR_MESSAGE} </div> )} </div> </div> ); }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export -- deprecated usage export default EditSandboxingModal; interface SummaryRowProps { icon: IconName; content: React.ReactNode; } const SummaryRow = ({ icon, content }: SummaryRowProps) => ( <div className={cx(CS.flex, CS.alignCenter)}> <Icon className={CS.p1} name={icon} /> <span>{content}</span> </div> ); interface PolicySummaryProps { policy: GroupTableAccessPolicy; policyTable: Table | undefined; } const PolicySummary = ({ policy, policyTable }: PolicySummaryProps) => { return ( <div> <div className={cx(CS.px1, CS.pb2, CS.textUppercase, CS.textSmall)}> {t`Summary`} </div> <SummaryRow icon="group" content={jt`Users in ${( <strong key="group-name"> <EntityName entityType="groups" entityId={policy.group_id} /> </strong> )} can view`} /> <SummaryRow icon="table" content={ policy.card_id ? jt`rows in the ${( <strong key="question-name"> <EntityName entityType="questions" entityId={policy.card_id} /> </strong> )} question` : jt`rows in the ${( <strong key="table-name"> <EntityName entityType="tables" entityId={policy.table_id} property="display_name" /> </strong> )} table` } /> {Object.entries(policy.attribute_remappings).map( ([attribute, target], index) => ( <SummaryRow key={attribute} icon="funnel_outline" content={ index === 0 ? jt`where ${( <TargetName key="target" policy={policy} policyTable={policyTable} target={target} /> )} equals ${( <span key="attr" className={CS.textCode}> {attribute} </span> )}` : jt`and ${( <TargetName key="target" policy={policy} policyTable={policyTable} target={target} /> )} equals ${( <span key="attr" className={CS.textCode}> {attribute} </span> )}` } /> ), )} </div> ); }; interface TargetNameProps { policy: GroupTableAccessPolicy; policyTable: Table | undefined; target: any[]; } const TargetName = ({ policy, policyTable, target }: TargetNameProps) => { if (Array.isArray(target)) { if ( (target[0] === "variable" || target[0] === "dimension") && target[1][0] === "template-tag" ) { return ( <span> <strong>{target[1][1]}</strong> variable </span> ); } else if (target[0] === "dimension") { const fieldRef = target[1]; return ( <QuestionLoader questionHash={undefined} questionId={policy.card_id} questionObject={ policy.card_id == null && policyTable ? getRawDataQuestionForTable(policyTable) : null } > {({ question }: { question: Question }) => { if (!question) { return null; } const query = question.query(); const stageIndex = -1; const columns = Lib.visibleColumns(query, stageIndex); const [index] = Lib.findColumnIndexesFromLegacyRefs( query, stageIndex, columns, [fieldRef], ); const column = columns[index]; if (!column) { return null; } const columnInfo = Lib.displayInfo(query, stageIndex, column); return ( <span> <strong>{columnInfo.displayName}</strong> field </span> ); }} </QuestionLoader> ); } } return <strong>[{t`Unknown target`}]</strong>; };