import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"; import fetchMock from "fetch-mock"; import { setupAdhocQueryMetadataEndpoint, setupCardQueryMetadataEndpoint, setupCardsEndpoints, setupCollectionsEndpoints, setupDatabasesEndpoints, setupRecentViewsEndpoints, } from "__support__/server-mocks"; import { mockGetBoundingClientRect, mockScrollBy, renderWithProviders, screen, waitFor, } from "__support__/ui"; import { ROOT_COLLECTION } from "metabase/entities/collections"; import type { GroupTableAccessPolicy } from "metabase-types/api"; import { createMockCard, createMockCardQueryMetadata, createMockCollection, } from "metabase-types/api/mocks"; import { createSampleDatabase, PEOPLE, PEOPLE_ID, SAMPLE_DB_ID, } from "metabase-types/api/mocks/presets"; import EditSandboxingModal from "./EditSandboxingModal"; const attributes = ["foo", "bar"]; const params = { groupId: "1", tableId: String(PEOPLE_ID), }; const EDITABLE_ROOT_COLLECTION = createMockCollection({ ...ROOT_COLLECTION, can_write: true, }); const TEST_CARD = createMockCard({ id: 1, name: "sandbox question", can_write: true, collection_id: null, dataset_query: { type: "query", database: SAMPLE_DB_ID, query: { "source-table": PEOPLE_ID, }, }, }); const setup = ({ shouldMockQuestions = false, policy = undefined, }: { shouldMockQuestions?: boolean; policy?: GroupTableAccessPolicy; } = {}) => { mockGetBoundingClientRect(); mockScrollBy(); const database = createSampleDatabase(); setupDatabasesEndpoints([database]); setupCollectionsEndpoints({ collections: [EDITABLE_ROOT_COLLECTION], rootCollection: EDITABLE_ROOT_COLLECTION, }); setupRecentViewsEndpoints([]); setupAdhocQueryMetadataEndpoint( createMockCardQueryMetadata({ databases: [database] }), );"path:/api/mt/gtap/validate", 204); fetchMock.get("path:/api/permissions/group/1", {}); if (shouldMockQuestions) { fetchMock.get("path:/api/collection/root/items", { data: [{ id:, name:, model: "card" }], }); fetchMock.get("path:/api/collection/1/items", { data: [], }); fetchMock.get("path:/api/collection/1", EDITABLE_ROOT_COLLECTION); setupCardsEndpoints([TEST_CARD]); setupCardQueryMetadataEndpoint( TEST_CARD, createMockCardQueryMetadata({ databases: [database], }), ); } const onSave = jest.fn(); renderWithProviders( <EditSandboxingModal onCancel={jest.fn()} onSave={onSave} attributes={attributes} params={params} policy={policy} />, ); return { onSave }; }; describe("EditSandboxingModal", () => { afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe("EditSandboxingModal", () => { describe("creating new policy", () => { it("should allow creating a new policy", async () => { const { onSave } = setup(); expect( screen.getByText("Restrict access to this table"), ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" })).toBeDisabled(); await screen.findByText("Pick a column")); await screen.findByText("ID")); await"Pick a user attribute")); await screen.findByText("foo")); await"Save")); await waitFor(() => expect(onSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ attribute_remappings: { foo: [ "dimension", ["field", PEOPLE.ID, { "base-type": "type/BigInteger" }], ], }, card_id: null, group_id: 1, table_id: PEOPLE_ID, }), ); }); it("should allow creating a new policy based on a card", async () => { const { onSave } = setup({ shouldMockQuestions: true }); expect( screen.getByText("Restrict access to this table"), ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" })).toBeDisabled(); await screen.getByText( "Use a saved question to create a custom view for this table", ), ); await screen.findByText("Select a question")); await screen.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal"); await await screen.findByRole("button", { name: /sandbox question/i }), ); await"Save")); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByText("Saving...")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); expect(onSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ attribute_remappings: {}, card_id: 1, group_id: 1, table_id: PEOPLE_ID, }); }); }); }); describe("editing policies", () => { it("should allow editing an existing policy", async () => { const { onSave } = setup({ shouldMockQuestions: true, policy: { id: 1, table_id: 1, group_id: 1, card_id: null, permission_id: 50, attribute_remappings: { foo: ["dimension", ["field", 13, null]], }, }, }); expect( screen.getByText("Restrict access to this table"), ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" })).toBeDisabled(); await screen.getByText( "Use a saved question to create a custom view for this table", ), ); await screen.findByText("Select a question")); await screen.findByTestId("entity-picker-modal"); await await screen.findByRole("button", { name: /sandbox question/i }), ); await"Save")); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByText("Saving...")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); expect(onSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: 1, attribute_remappings: { foo: ["dimension", ["field", 13, null]], }, permission_id: 50, card_id: 1, group_id: 1, table_id: 1, }); }); }); });