import registerCypressGrep from "@cypress/grep"; // eslint-disable-line import/order registerCypressGrep(); import "@cypress/skip-test/support"; import "@testing-library/cypress/add-commands"; import { configure } from "@testing-library/cypress"; import "cypress-real-events/support"; import addContext from "mochawesome/addContext"; import "./commands"; const isCI = Cypress.env("CI"); // remove default html output on test failure configure({ getElementError: (message, container) => { // to re-enable the default stack trace, uncomment // import { prettyDOM } from "@testing-library/dom"; // const error = new Error( // [message, prettyDOM(container)].filter(Boolean).join('\n\n'), // ) const error = new Error(message); = "TestingLibraryElementError"; error.stack = null; return error; }, }); Cypress.on("uncaught:exception", (err, runnable) => false); Cypress.on("test:before:run", () => { // Check wether FE is running in dev mode const feHealthcheck = Cypress.env().feHealthcheck; if (feHealthcheck?.enabled) { fetch(feHealthcheck.url).catch(() => alert( `⛔️ ${feHealthcheck.url} is not available.\n\nIs dev server running?`, ), ); } }); Cypress.on("test:after:run", (test, runnable) => { if (test.state === "failed") { const titleToFileName = title => title.replace(/[>]/g, ""); let { parent } = runnable; let filename = ""; // This while is to be able to support more than one level of parent in the screenshot name while (parent && parent.title) { filename = `${titleToFileName(parent.title)} -- ${filename}`; parent = parent.parent; } filename += `${titleToFileName(test.title)} (failed).png`; if (isCI) { // cypress-terminal-report Cypress.Mochawesome.context.forEach(ctx => { addContext({ test }, ctx); }); } addContext( { test }, { title: "Screenshot", value: `../../screenshots/${}/${filename}`, }, ); addContext( { test }, { title: "Video", value: `../../videos/${}.mp4` }, ); } Cypress.Mochawesome = undefined; }); // required for cypress-terminal-report to be able to find logs after the test // is finished Cypress.Commands.add("addTestContext", context => { if (!Cypress.Mochawesome) { Cypress.Mochawesome = createMochawesomeObject(); } Cypress.Mochawesome.context.push(context); }); function createMochawesomeObject() { return { currentAttemptScreenshots: [], attempts: [], context: [], }; } /** * Our app registers beforeunload event listener e.g. when editing a native SQL question. * Cypress does not automatically close the browser prompt and does not allow manually * interacting with it (unlike with window.confirm). The test will hang forever with * the prompt displayed and will eventually time out. We need to work around this by * monkey-patching window.addEventListener to ignore beforeunload event handlers. * * @see */ Cypress.on("window:load", window => { const addEventListener = window.addEventListener; window.addEventListener = function (event) { if (event === "beforeunload") { return; } return addEventListener.apply(this, arguments); }; }); // cypress-terminal-report if (isCI) { afterEach(() => { cy.wait(50, { log: false }).then(() => cy.addTestContext(Cypress.TerminalReport.getLogs("txt")), ); }); const options = { collectTypes: [ "cons:log", "cons:info", // 'cons:warn', - intentionally disabled because of noise from mbql "cons:error", "cy:log", "cy:xhr", "cy:request", "cy:intercept", "cy:command", ], xhr: { printBody: false, }, }; // Ensure that after plugin installation is after the afterEach handling the integration. require("cypress-terminal-report/src/installLogsCollector")(options); }