Allen Gilliland authored
consolidate all of the angular API service code into the main services.js file. we were mostly going this route already, but this just makes it simple and puts all the api code in a single place.
Allen Gilliland authoredconsolidate all of the angular API service code into the main services.js file. we were mostly going this route already, but this just makes it simple and puts all the api code in a single place.
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card.services.js 16.77 KiB
import _ from "underscore";
import { normal, harmony } from 'metabase/lib/colors'
// Card Services
var CardServices = angular.module('metabase.card.services', ['ngResource', 'ngCookies']);
CardServices.service('VisualizationUtils', [function() {
this.visualizationTypes = {
scalar: {
display: 'scalar',
label: 'Scalar',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
table: {
display: 'table',
label: 'Table',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
pie: {
display: 'pie',
label: 'Pie Chart',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
bar: {
display: 'bar',
label: 'Bar Chart',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
line: {
display: 'line',
label: 'Line Chart',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
area: {
display: 'area',
label: 'Area Chart',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
timeseries: {
display: 'timeseries',
label: 'Time Series',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
pin_map: {
display: 'pin_map',
label: 'Pin Map',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
state: {
display: 'state',
label: 'State Heatmap',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
country: {
display: 'country',
label: 'World Heatmap',
available: false,
notAvailableReasons: []
this.zoomTypes = [{
'label': 'Disabled',
'value': null
}, {
'label': 'X',
'value': 'x'
}, {
'label': 'Y',
'value': 'y'
}, {
'label': 'XY',
'value': 'xy'
CardServices.service('QueryUtils', function() {
this.limitOptions = [{
label: "1",
value: 1
}, {
label: "10",
value: 10
}, {
label: "25",
value: 25
}, {
label: "50",
value: 50
}, {
label: "100",
value: 100
}, {
label: "1000",
value: 1000
this.emptyQuery = function() {
return {
filter: [
source_table: null,
breakout: [],
limit: null,
aggregation: [],
database: 1,
type: null,
native: {}
// default query card settings
this.queryCardSettings = {
"allowFavorite": true,
"allowAddToDash": true,
"allowRemoveFromDash": false,
"allowCardPermalink": false,
"allowLinkToComments": false,
"allowSend": false,
"allowTitleEdits": false
this.populateQueryOptions = function(table) {
// create empty objects to store our lookups
table.fields_lookup = {};
_.each(table.fields, function(field) {
table.fields_lookup[field.id] = field;
field.operators_lookup = {};
_.each(field.valid_operators, function(operator) {
field.operators_lookup[operator.name] = operator;
return table;
// @TODO - this really should not touch $scope in any way
this.getFirstColumnBySpecialType = function(special_type, data) {
if (!data) {
return null;
var result;
data.cols.forEach(function(col, index) {
if (typeof col.special_type !== "undefined" && col.special_type == special_type) {
col.index = index;
if (typeof result == "undefined") {
result = col;
return result;
/* @check validity */
/// Check that QUERY is valid (i.e., can be ran or saved, to enable/disable corresponding buttons)
/// Try not to make this too expensive since it gets ran on basically every event loop in the Card Builder
/// Currently the only thing we're doing here is checking the 'filter' clause of QUERY
this.queryIsValid = function(query) {
if (!query) return false;
// ******************** CHECK THAT QUERY.FILTER IS VALID ******************** //
// if query.filter is undefined or [null, null] then we'll consider it to be "unset" which means it's ok
if (!query.filter || (query.filter.length === 2 && query.filter[0] === null && query.filter[1] === null)) return true;
// a filter is valid if it and its children don't contain any nulls
var containsNulls = function(obj) {
if (obj === null) return true;
// if we're looking at an Array recurse over each child
if (obj.constructor === Array) {
var len = obj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (containsNulls(obj[i])) return true; // return immediately if we see a null
return false;
return !containsNulls(query.filter);
this.clearExtraQueryData = function(query) {
var typelist = ['native', 'query', 'result'];
for (var i = 0; i < typelist.length; i++) {
if (query.type != typelist[i]) {
delete query[typelist[i]];
return query;
this.getEncodedQuery = function(query) {
return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(query));
CardServices.service('VisualizationSettings', [function() {
var DEFAULT_COLOR_HARMONY = Object.values(normal);
/* *** visualization settings ***
* This object defines default settings for card visualizations (i.e. charts, maps, etc).
* Each visualization type can be associated with zero or more top-level settings groups defined in this object
* (i.e. line charts may use 'chart', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'line'), depending on the settings that are appropriate
* for the particular visualization type (the associations are defined below in groupsForVisualizations).
* Before a card renders, the default settings from the appropriate groups are first copied from this object,
* creating an in-memory default settings object for that rendering.
* Then, a settings object stored in the card's record in the database is read and any attributes defined there
* are applied to that in-memory default settings object (using _.defaults()).
* The resulting in-memory settings object is made available to the card renderer at the time
* visualization is rendered.
* The settings object stored in the DB is 'sparse': only settings that differ from the defaults
* (at the time the settings were set) are recorded in the DB. This allows us to easily change the appearance of
* visualizations globally, except in cases where the user has explicitly changed the default setting.
* Some settings accept aribtrary numbers or text (i.e. titles) and some settings accept only certain values
* (i.e. *_enabled settings must be one of true or false). However, this object does not define the constraints.
* Instead, the controller that presents the UI to change the settings is currently responsible for enforcing the
* appropriate contraints for each setting.
* Search for '*** visualization settings ***' in card.controllers.js to find the objects that contain
* choices for the settings that require them.
* Additional constraints are enforced by the input elements in the views for each settings group
* (see app/card/partials/settings/*.html).
var settings = {
'global': {
'title': null
'columns': {
'dataset_column_titles': [] //allows the user to define custom titles for each column in the resulting dataset. Each item in this array corresponds to a column in the dataset's data.columns array.
'chart': {
'plotBackgroundColor': '#FFFFFF',
'borderColor': '#528ec5',
'zoomType': 'x',
'panning': true,
'panKey': 'shift',
'export_menu_enabled': false,
'legend_enabled': false
'xAxis': {
'title_enabled': true,
'title_text': null,
'title_text_default_READONLY': 'Values', //copied into title_text when re-enabling title from disabled state; user will be expected to change title_text
'title_color': "#707070",
'title_font_size': 12, //in pixels
'min': null,
'max': null,
'gridLine_enabled': false,
'gridLineColor': '#999999',
'gridLineWidth': 0,
'gridLineWidth_default_READONLY': 1, //copied into gridLineWidth when re-enabling grid lines from disabled state
'tickInterval': null,
'labels_enabled': true,
'labels_step': null,
'labels_staggerLines': null
'yAxis': {
'title_enabled': true,
'title_text': null,
'title_text_default_READONLY': 'Values', //copied into title_text when re-enabling title from disabled state; user will be expected to change title_text
'title_color': "#707070",
'title_font_size': 12, //in pixels
'min': null,
'max': null,
'gridLine_enabled': true,
'gridLineColor': '#999999',
'gridLineWidth': 1,
'gridLineWidth_default_READONLY': 1, //copied into gridLineWidth when re-enabling grid lines from disabled state
'tickInterval': null,
'labels_enabled': true,
'labels_step': null
'line': {
'lineColor': DEFAULT_COLOR,
'lineWidth': 2,
'step': false,
'marker_enabled': true,
'marker_fillColor': '#528ec5',
'marker_lineColor': '#FFFFFF',
'marker_radius': 2,
'xAxis_column': null,
'yAxis_columns': []
'area': {
'fillColor': DEFAULT_COLOR,
'fillOpacity': 0.75
'pie': {
'legend_enabled': true,
'dataLabels_enabled': false,
'dataLabels_color': '#777',
'connectorColor': '#999',
'bar': {
'map': {
'latitude_source_table_field_id': null,
'longitude_source_table_field_id': null,
'latitude_dataset_col_index': null,
'longitude_dataset_col_index': null,
'zoom': 10,
'center_latitude': 37.7577, //defaults to SF ;-)
'center_longitude': -122.4376
var groupsForVisualizations = {
'scalar': ['global'],
'table': ['global', 'columns'],
'pie': ['global', 'chart', 'pie'],
'bar': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'bar'],
'line': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'line'],
'area': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'line', 'area'],
'timeseries': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'line'],
'country': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'map'],
'state': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'map'],
'pin_map': ['global', 'columns', 'chart', 'map']
this.getDefaultColor = function() {
this.getDefaultColorHarmony = function() {
this.getSettingsForGroup = function(dbSettings, groupName) {
if (typeof dbSettings != "object") {
dbSettings = {};
if (typeof settings[groupName] == "undefined") {
return dbSettings;
if (typeof dbSettings[groupName] == "undefined") {
dbSettings[groupName] = {};
//make a deep copy of default settings, otherwise default settings that are objects
//will not be recognized as 'dirty' after changing the value in the UI, because
//_.defaults make a shallow copy, so objects / arrays are copied by reference,
//so changing the settings in the UI would change the default settings.
var newSettings = _.defaults(dbSettings[groupName], angular.copy(settings[groupName]));
return newSettings;
this.getSettingsForGroups = function(dbSettings, groups) {
var newSettings = {};
for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
var groupName = groups[i];
newSettings[groupName] = this.getSettingsForGroup(dbSettings, groupName);
return newSettings;
this.getSettingsGroupsForVisualization = function(visualization) {
var groups = ['global'];
if (typeof groupsForVisualizations[visualization] != "undefined") {
groups = groupsForVisualizations[visualization];
return groups;
this.getSettingsForVisualization = function(dbSettings, visualization) {
var settings = angular.copy(dbSettings);
var groups = _.union(_.keys(settings), this.getSettingsGroupsForVisualization(visualization));
return this.getSettingsForGroups(settings, groups);
//Clean visualization settings to only keep the settings that are "dirty".
//This is determined by comparing the state of the current settings model to the
//defaults provided by this service.
this.cleanUserSettings = function(userSettings, visualization) {
var defaultSettings = {};
var cleanSettings = {};
var groups = _.union(_.keys(userSettings), this.getSettingsGroupsForVisualization(visualization));
for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
var groupName = groups[i];
defaultSettings[groupName] = settings[groupName];
_.each(userSettings, function(settings, category) {
var truncatedSettings = _.omit(userSettings[category], function(value, key) {
if ((typeof defaultSettings[category] == "undefined") || (typeof defaultSettings[category][key] == "undefined")) {
return false;
return _.isEqual(defaultSettings[category][key], value);
if (_.keys(truncatedSettings).length > 0) {
cleanSettings[category] = truncatedSettings;
return cleanSettings;
this.getDefaultSettingsForVisualization = function(visualization) {
var groups = this.getSettingsGroupsForVisualization(visualization);
var defaults = {};
for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
var groupName = groups[i];
if (typeof settings[groupName] != "undefined") {
defaults[groupName] = settings[groupName];
} else {
console.log("WARN: no settings for " + groupName);
return defaults;
this.setLatitudeAndLongitude = function(settings, columnDefs) {
// latitude
var latitudeColumn,
columnDefs.forEach(function(col, index) {
if (col.special_type &&
col.special_type === "latitude" &&
latitudeColumn === undefined) {
latitudeColumn = col;
latitudeColumnIndex = index;
// longitude
var longitudeColumn,
columnDefs.forEach(function(col, index) {
if (col.special_type &&
col.special_type === "longitude" &&
longitudeColumn === undefined) {
longitudeColumn = col;
longitudeColumnIndex = index;
if (latitudeColumn && longitudeColumn) {
var settingsWithLatAndLon = angular.copy(settings);
settingsWithLatAndLon.map.latitude_source_table_field_id = latitudeColumn.id;
settingsWithLatAndLon.map.latitude_dataset_col_index = latitudeColumnIndex;
settingsWithLatAndLon.map.longitude_source_table_field_id = longitudeColumn.id;
settingsWithLatAndLon.map.longitude_dataset_col_index = longitudeColumnIndex;
return settingsWithLatAndLon;
} else {
return settings;