Allen Gilliland authoredAllen Gilliland authored
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setup.controllers.js 7.65 KiB
var SetupControllers = angular.module('corvus.setup.controllers', ['corvus.metabase.services', 'corvus.setup.services'])
SetupControllers.controller('SetupInit', ['$scope', '$location', '$routeParams', 'AppState',
function ($scope, $location, $routeParams, AppState) {
// The only thing this controller does is grab the setup token from the url and store it in our AppState
// then we begin the actual setup workflow by sending the user to /setup/
AppState.model.setupToken = $routeParams.setupToken;
SetupControllers.controller('SetupIntro', ['$scope', '$location', '$timeout', 'ipCookie', 'Organization', 'AppState', 'Setup',
function ($scope, $location, $timeout, ipCookie, Organization, AppState, Setup) {
$scope.createOrgAndUser = function () {
// start off by creating the first user of the system
// NOTE: this should both create the user AND log us in and return a session id
'token': AppState.model.setupToken,
'email': $scope.newUser.email,
'first_name': $scope.newUser.firstName,
'last_name': $scope.newUser.lastName,
'password': $scope.newUser.password
}, function (result) {
// result should have a single :id value which is our new session id
var sessionId = result.id;
// we've now used the setup token for all it's worth, so lets actively purge it now
AppState.model.setupToken = null;
// TODO - this session cookie code needs to be somewhere easily reusable
var isSecure = ($location.protocol() === "https") ? true : false;
ipCookie('metabase.SESSION_ID', sessionId, {path: '/', expires: 14, secure: isSecure});
// send a login notification event
$scope.$emit('appstate:login', sessionId);
// this is ridiculously stupid. we have to wait (300ms) for the cookie to actually be set in the browser :(
$timeout(function() {
// now that we should be logged in and our session cookie is established, lets do the rest of the work
// create our first Organization
// TODO - we need some logic to slugify the name specified. can't have spaces, caps, etc.
'name': $scope.userOrgName,
'slug': $scope.userOrgName
}, function (org) {
console.log('first org created', org);
// switch the org
// TODO - make sure this is up to snuff from a security standpoint
// we should be good to carry on with setting up data at this point
}, function(error){
$scope.error = error.data;
console.log('error creating organization', error);
}, 300);
}, function (error) {
$scope.error = error.data;
console.log('error with initial user creation', error);
SetupControllers.controller('SetupConnection', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', 'Metabase', function($scope, $routeParams, $location, Metabase) {
// TODO - we should be getting all this info from the api
var defaultPorts = {'MySql': 3306, 'Postgres': 5432, 'Mongo': 27017, "RedShift": 5439, 'Druid': 8083}
$scope.engines = [
{'id': 'postgres', 'name':'Postgres'},
{'id': 'h2', 'name':'H2'},
{'id': 'mysql', 'name':'MySQL'}
$scope.connection = {};
// assume we have a new connection since this is the setup process
var newConnection = true
$scope.breadcrumb = 'Add connection'
if($routeParams.dbId) {
newConnection = false
'dbId': $routeParams.dbId
}, function (result) {
$scope.database = result;
$scope.breadcrumb = result.name
$scope.connection = parseConnectionString(result.details.conn_str)
$scope.connection.engine = result.engine
}, function (error) {
console.log('error', error)
} else {
var connectionType = 'Postgres'
$scope.connection = {
host: "localhost",
port: defaultPorts[connectionType],
engine: 'postgres'
function parseConnectionString (connectionString) {
// connection strings take the form of
// 'host="<value>" post="<value" dbname="<value>" user="<value>" password="<value>"'
var parsedConnection = {};
var string = connectionString.split(" ");
for(var s in string) {
var connectionDetail = string[s].split("=");
parsedConnection[connectionDetail[0]] = connectionDetail[1];
return parsedConnection;
function buildConnectionString (values) {
// connection strings take the form of
// 'host="<value>" post="<value" dbname="<value>" user="<value>" password="<value>"'
var connectionStringElements = ['host', 'port', 'dbname', 'user', 'password'],
conn_str = '';
for(var element in connectionStringElements) {
conn_str = conn_str + ' ' + connectionStringElements[element] + '=' + values[connectionStringElements[element]];
return conn_str;
$scope.setConnectionEngine = function (engine) {
$scope.connection.engine = engine;
$scope.submit = function () {
var database = {
org: $scope.currentOrg.id,
name: $scope.connection.dbname,
engine: $scope.connection.engine,
details: {
conn_str: buildConnectionString($scope.connection)
function success (result) {
function error (error) {
$scope.error = error;
console.log('error', error);
// api needs a int
$scope.connection.port = parseInt($scope.connection.port);
// Validate the connection string
Metabase.validate_connection($scope.connection, function (result) {
if(newConnection) {
Metabase.db_create(database, success, error);
} else {
// add the id since we're updating
database.id = $scope.database.id
Metabase.db_update(database, success, error);
}, function (error) {
$scope.error = "Invalid Connection String - " + error.data.message;
SetupControllers.controller('SetupData', ['$scope', 'Metabase', function ($scope, Metabase) {
$scope.$watch('currentOrg', function (org) {
if(!org) return;
'orgId': org.id
function (result) {
$scope.databases = result
function (error) {
console.log('error', error)