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Dalton authored
* rmv old bucm icons and remove verified fill color

* add moderation action section to sidebar

* add moderation review icon to the saved question header button

* hide moderation section when is not a moderator

* add UI for ModerationReviewBanner

* Backend for moderation-review

- create table moderation_review. Same as before but also has a
  "most_recent" boolean flag for the most recent moderation for easy
- POST /moderation-review/ . Status can be "verified" or nil
- must be an admin to post
- No PUT or edit route yet. Not sure if this is even
  necessary. _MAYBE_ to edit the text, but certainly not for the
  status, ids, etc. If there's to be history, let's build some history
- Ensure we never have more than 10 reviews. Adding a new review will
  delete the older ones, mark all old ones as not `most_recent`, and
  add the newest one as `most_recent true`
- Ensure the card actually exists before creating the mod review
- Since admin only at this time, don't need to check moderate
  permission or view permission
- When hydrating ensure reviews are ordered by id desc. Should mimic
  the created_at desc

* fix moderation review banner tooltip offset

* disable verification button when already verified

* rmv iconOnly prop because it seems to do nothing

* update getLatestModerationReview to rely on most_recent boolean

* Return 400 on invalid status to post /moderation-review

the schema was using keywords on the left hand side rather than the
symbols. Required a change to the docstring generator, when it made a
docstring for enums, it would call (sort (:vs enum)) and need to
string em.

* Add ModerationReview model to models.clj and copy infra

* hydrate moderation reviews on cards

* clean up + wire up to BE + ensure mod buttons don't show for normal users

* rmv unused moderation redux logic from QuestionDetailsSidebarPanel

* finish writing unit tests for FE

* ensure getIconForReview returns an object

* enable/disable verify button tooltip when unverified/verified

* add e2e tests

* fix tests

* styling tweaks

* more styling on moderationReviewBanner

* add function for abbreviated timestamp

* increase fontsize of timestamp back to 12

* fix tooltip offset

* ensure custom locale is separate from 'en' and not used for other languages

* Deletion moderation reviews when deleting cards

i had actually thought this was a much larger problem. But it turns
out we almost never delete cards (thanks comment!). And so we won't
really generate a lot of garbage.

I was worried that since we aren't using actual foreign keys but just
`moderated_item_type "card"` and `moderated_item_id 2` we would have
deleted cards with these moderation reviews but that is not the case
as the cards aren't deleted.

* hide verify disabled button when a question is verified

* update test to use queryByTestId

* Hydrate moderation reviews on cards on ordered cards

* Handle mysql's lack of offset functionality

mysql cannot handle just a `offset` clause, it also needs a limit

clause grammar from

[LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]

select id, name from metabase_field offset 5;         -- errors
select id, name from metabase_field limit 2 offset 5; -- works

Since our numbers are so small here there is no worry and just do the
offset in memory rather than jump through hoops for different dbs.

* Batch hydrate moderation reviews

* Don't let /api/user/:userId failure conceal moderation banner

* fix moderation cy tests

* work around possible bug in toucan hydration

dashboards hydrate ordered cards
(hydrate [:ordered_cards [:card :moderation_reviews] :series])

Ordered_cards are dashboard_cards which have an optional card_id. But
toucan hydration doesn't filter out the nils as they go down. It seems
toucan returns a nil card, and then when hydrating the
moderation_review, passes the collection of all "cards" including the
nil ones into the hydration function for moderation_reviews

This feels like a bug to me

* Cleanup moderation warnings

* Docstring in moderation review

* include hoisted moderated_status on cards in collections api

* Expect unverified in test :wrench:

Co-authored-by: default avatardan sutton <>
Co-authored-by: default avatarMaz Ameli <>
Co-authored-by: default avataralxnddr <>


Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.

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Supported databases


Metabase can be run just about anywhere so checkout our Installation Guides for detailed instructions for various deployments. Here's the TLDR:


To run Metabase via Docker, just type

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase

JAR file

To run Metabase via a JAR file, you will need to have a Java Runtime Environment installed on your system.

We recommend the latest LTS version of JRE from AdoptOpenJDK with HotSpot JVM and x64 architecture, but other Java versions might work too.

Go to the Metabase download page and download the latest release. Place the downloaded JAR file into a newly created directory (as it will create some files when it is run), and run it with the following command:

java -jar metabase.jar

Now, open a browser and go to http://localhost:3000 , and you will be asked a set of questions that will set up a user account, and then you can add a database connection. For this to work you will need to get some information about which database you want to connect to, such as the Host Name and Port that it is running on, the Database Name and the User and Password that you will be using.

Once you have added this connection, you will be taken into the app and you'll be ready to ask your first question.

For a more detailed walkthrough, check out our Getting Started guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions come up over and over again. Check here first: FAQ

Security Disclosure

See for details.


To get started with a development installation of the Metabase, follow the instructions at our Developers Guide.

Then take a look at our Contribution Guide for information about our process and where you can fit in!


We want Metabase to be available in as many languages as possible. See which translations are available and help contribute to internationalization using our project over at POEditor. You can also check out our policies on translations.

Extending and Deep Integrations

Metabase also allows you to hit our Query API directly from Javascript to integrate the simple analytics we provide with your own application or third party services to do things like:

  • Build moderation interfaces
  • Export subsets of your users to third party marketing automation software
  • Provide a specialized customer lookup application for the people in your company


This repository contains the source code for both the Open Source edition of Metabase, released under the AGPL, as well as the commercial edition of Metabase Enterprise, released under the Metabase Commercial Software License.

See LICENSE.txt for details.

Unless otherwise noted, all files © 2021 Metabase, Inc.