title: Troubleshooting SQL questions
# Troubleshooting SQL questions
- [Aggregations (counts, sums, etc.) are wrong](
- [Results have duplicated rows](
- [Results are missing rows](
- [Dates and times are wrong](./
- [Data isn't up to date](./
## SQL variables and field filters
- [Filter widget doesn't display a dropdown menu of values](../data-modeling/
- [SQL query contains table aliases](../questions/native-editor/
- [SQL syntax error: missing `FROM` clause](../questions/native-editor/
- [No option to display a filter widget](../questions/native-editor/
- [I don't know the SQL variable type](
## SQL syntax errors
For some common error messages, see [error messages](./
## Are you still stuck?
If you can’t solve your problem using the troubleshooting guides:
- Search or ask the [Metabase community](
- Search for [known bugs or limitations](./
- Hire a [Metabase Expert]({:target="\_blank"}.