(ns metabase-enterprise.sso.integrations.sso-utils
"Functions shared by the various SSO implementations"
(:require [ :as log]
[metabase-enterprise.sso.integrations.sso-settings :as sso-settings]
Braden Shepherdson
[ :as messages]
[metabase.models.user :refer [User]]
[metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import [ MalformedURLException URL URLDecoder]
(def ^:private UserAttributes
{:first_name su/NonBlankString
:last_name su/NonBlankString
:email su/Email
;; TODO - we should avoid hardcoding this to make it easier to add new integrations. Maybe look at something like
;; the keys of `(methods sso/sso-get)`
:sso_source (s/enum "saml" "jwt")
:login_attributes (s/maybe {s/Any s/Any})})
(s/defn create-new-sso-user!
"This function is basically the same thing as the `create-new-google-auth-user` from `metabase.models.user`. We need
to refactor the `core_user` table structure and the function used to populate it so that the enterprise product can
reuse it"
[user :- UserAttributes]
(u/prog1 (db/insert! User (merge user {:password (str (UUID/randomUUID))}))
(log/info (trs "New SSO user created: {0} ({1})" (:common_name <>) (:email <>)))
;; send an email to everyone including the site admin if that's set
(when (sso-settings/send-new-sso-user-admin-email?)
Braden Shepherdson
(messages/send-user-joined-admin-notification-email! <>, :google-auth? true))))
(defn fetch-and-update-login-attributes!
"Update `:first_name`, `:last_name`, and `:login_attributes` for the user at `email`.
This call is a no-op if the mentioned key values are equal."
[{:keys [email] :as user-from-sso}]
(when-let [{:keys [id] :as user} (db/select-one User (u/lower-case-en email))]
(let [user-keys (keys user-from-sso)
;; remove keys with `nil` values
user-data (into {} (filter second user-from-sso))]
(if (= (select-keys user user-keys) user-data)
(db/update! User id user-data)
(User id))))))
(defn check-sso-redirect
"Check if open redirect is being exploited in SSO, blurts out a 400 if so"
(let [decoded-url (some-> redirect-url (URLDecoder/decode))
;; In this case, this just means that we don't have a specified host in redirect,
;; meaning it can't be an open redirect
no-host (or (nil? decoded-url) (= (first decoded-url) \/))
host (try
(.getHost (new URL decoded-url))
(catch MalformedURLException _ ""))
our-host (some-> (public-settings/site-url) (URL.) (.getHost))]
(api/check (or no-host (= host our-host))
[400 (tru "SSO is trying to do an open redirect to an untrusted site")])))