- /docs/latest/enterprise-guide/tools
The Admin **Tools** tab contains features for troubleshooting. To get to the Admin tools sections, go to the top right of the screen and click on the **gear** icon > **Admin settings** > **Tools**.
{% include plans-blockquote.html feature="Question error logs" %}
Metabase will list the questions that returned errors when last run, including the:
- Error message,
- Database that returned the error,
- Collection that houses the question that errored.
You can select and rerun multiple questions at a time while you troubleshoot to see whether you've resolved their errors.
## Model caching logs
Here you can view the:
- [Models](../data-modeling/ being persisted
- The status of the last model query refresh
- When the model was last refreshed
- And who created the persisted model
You can also click the refresh icon to rerun the model's query to update its results.