Problems, their causes, how to detect them, and how to fix them.
## Getting diagnostic info
- [Download diagnostic info](./
- [Create a HAR file](./
- [Running the Metabase JAR][running].
- [Running Metabase on Docker][docker].
- [Using or migrating from an H2 application database][appdb].
- [People can't log in to Metabase][login].
- [My permissions aren't working][permissions].
- [My data sandboxes aren't working][sandbox].
- [I can't connect to a database][db-connection].
- [I can't see my tables][cant-see-tables].
- [The data in Metabase doesn't match my database][sync-fingerprint-scan].
- [My connection or query is timing out][timeout].
- [I can't save my question or dashboard][proxies].
- [I can't view or edit my question or dashboard][view-edit].
- [My visualizations are wrong][visualization].
- [My dashboard is slow or failing to load][slow-dashboard].
- [My SQL question doesn't work][sql].
- [The dates and times in my questions and charts are wrong][incorrect-times].
- [My filters don't work][filters].
- [My linked filters don't work][linked-filters].
- [My model doesn't work][models].
- [Metabase isn't sending email][not-sending-email].
- [I'm getting an error message][error-message].
## Think you found a bug?
- [How to find known bugs or limitations][known-issues].
- [Filing a bug report][bugs].
## Feature requests
See [Requesting new features][feature-request].
For tutorials that walk you through how to use Metabase features, check out [Learn Metabase][learn].
To see if someone else has run into a similar issue, check out [our forum on Discourse][forum].
Metabase adds new features and squashes bugs with each release. [Upgrading to the latest and greatest][upgrade] may resolve your issue. If you're using [Metabase Cloud][cloud], we'll handle the upgrades for you. To see what's new, check out the [release notes][releases].
[appdb]: ./
[bugs]: ./
[cant-see-tables]: ./
[db-connection]: ./
[db-performance]: ./
[docker]: ./
[filters]: ./
[incorrect-times]: ./
[known-issues]: ./
[ldap]: ./
[linked-filters]: ./
[login]: ./
[models]: ./
[not-sending-email]: ./
[permissions]: ./
[proxies]: ./
[sandbox]: ./
[slow-dashboard]: ./
[sql]: ./
[sync-fingerprint-scan]: ./
[timeout]: ./
[upgrade]: ../installation-and-operation/
[view-edit]: ./
[visualization]: ./