- /docs/latest/administration-guide/12-public-links
- /docs/latest/questions/sharing/public-links
Sometimes you'll want to share a dashboard or question with someone who isn't a part of your organization or company. To share your work with people who don't need access to your full Metabase instance, you can create public links and public embeds.

In order to share Metabase items like questions and dashboards via a public link or an embedded iframe, an admin needs to enable public sharing for that Metabase instance by going to **Settings gear icon** > **Admin settings** > **Public sharing**.
Once toggled on, the **Public sharing** section will display Metabase questions and dashboards with active public links. To deactivate a public link, click **Revoke link**.
## Enable sharing on your saved question or dashboard
Once [public sharing](#enable-sharing-on-your-saved-question-or-dashboard) is enabled for your Metabase, you'll find the **Sharing and embedding icon** on saved questions and dashboards (it looks like a box with an arrow pointing to the upper right).
You can find the **Sharing and embedding icon** icon at the bottom right corner of a question, or the top right corner of a dashboard.
To enable public sharing on a question or dashboard, click on the **Sharing and embedding icon** icon to bring up the sharing settings modal, then click on the toggle.

For more information about the option to **Embed this item in an application**, see the docs on [signed embedding](../../embedding/
Once you've [enabled sharing on your question or dashboard](#enable-sharing-on-your-saved-question-or-dashboard), you can copy and share the public link URL with whomever you please. The public link URL will display static (view-only) results of your question or dashboard, so visitors won't be able to drill-down into the underlying data on their own.
If you want to create a drill-down pathway on your question or dashboard, you can set up a [custom destination](../../dashboards/ that goes to the public link of another question or dashboard.
### Public link to export question results in CSV, XLSX, JSON
The export option is only available for questions, not dashboards.
To create a public link that people can use to download the results of a question:
1. Click on the **Sharing and embedding** icon for the question.
2. Click the toggle to [enable sharing](#enable-sharing-on-your-saved-question-or-dashboard).
3. Click on the file format you want (below the **Public link** URL).
4. Open the public link in a new tab to test the download.

## Public embeds
If you want to embed your question or dashboard in a simple web page or blog post:
1. Click on the **Sharing and embedding** icon for your question or dashboard.
2. Click the toggle to [enable sharing](#enable-sharing-on-your-saved-question-or-dashboard).
3. Copy the **Public embed** iframe snippet.
4. Paste the iframe snippet in your destination of choice.
To customize the appearance of your question or dashboard, you can update the link in the `src` attribute with [public embed parameters](#public-embed-parameters).
To apply appearance or filter settings to your public embed, you can add parameters to the end of the link in your iframe's `src` attribute.
Note that it's possible to find the public link URL behind a public embed. If someone gets access to the public link URL, they can remove the parameters from the URL to view the original question or dashboard (that is, without any appearance or filter settings).
If you'd like to create a secure embed that prevents people from changing filter names or values, check out [signed embedding](../../embedding/
### Appearance parameters
To toggle appearance settings, add _hash_ parameters to the end of the public link in your iframe's `src` attribute.
For example, to embed a dashboard with a dark theme, original title, and no border:
| Parameter name | Possible values |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| bordered | true, false |
| titled | true, false |
| theme | null, transparent, night |
| hide_parameters | true, false |
| font¹ | [font name](../../configuring-metabase/ |
| hide_download_button² | true, false |
¹ Available on [paid plans](
² Available on [paid plans]( and hides the download button on questions only (not dashboards).
For more info about `hide_parameters`, see the next section on [Filter parameters](#filter-parameters).
### Filter parameters
You can display a filtered view of your question or dashboard in a public embed. Make sure you've set up a [question filter](../query-builder/ or [dashboard filter](../../dashboards/ first.
To apply a filter to your embedded question or dashboard, add a _query_ parameter to the end of the link in your iframe's `src` attribute, like this:
For example, say that we have a dashboard with an "ID" filter. We can give this filter a value of 7:
To set the "ID" filter to a value of 7 _and_ hide the "ID" filter widget from the public embed:
To specify multiple values for filters, separate the values with ampersands (&), like this:
You can hide multiple filter widgets by separating the filter names with commas, like this:
Note that the name of the filter in the URL should be specified in lower case, and with underscores instead of spaces. If your filter is called "Filter for User ZIP Code", you'd write:
## Further reading
- [Publishing data visualizations to the web](
- [Customizing Metabase's appearance](../../configuring-metabase/
- [Embedding introduction](../../embedding/