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package.json 7.79 KiB
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Cam Saul's avatar
Cam Saul committed
  "name": "metabase",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
  "private": true,
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "Metabase Analytics Report Server",
  "repository": "",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
  "license": "private",
  "engines": {
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "yarn": ">=1.12.3"
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
  "dependencies": {
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "d3": "^3.5.17",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "dc": "^2.0.0",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "diff": "^3.2.0",
James Brooks's avatar
James Brooks committed
    "ttag": "^1.7.8",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
  "devDependencies": {
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "eslint": "^3.5.0",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "dev": "concurrently --kill-others -p name -n 'backend,frontend,docs' -c 'blue,green,yellow' 'lein run' 'yarn build-hot' 'yarn docs'",
    "lint": "yarn lint-eslint && yarn lint-prettier",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "lint-eslint": "yarn && eslint --ext .js --ext .jsx --rulesdir frontend/lint/eslint-rules --max-warnings 0 frontend/src frontend/test",
    "lint-prettier": "yarn && prettier -l 'frontend/**/*.{js,jsx,css}' || (echo '\nThese files are not formatted correctly. Did you forget to \"yarn prettier\"?' && false)",
    "test": "yarn test-unit && yarn test-integration && yarn test-e2e && yarn test-karma",
    "test-unit": "yarn && jest --maxWorkers=8 --config jest.unit.conf.json",
    "test-unit-watch": "yarn test-unit --watch",
    "test-unit-update-snapshot": "yarn test-unit --updateSnapshot",
    "test-integration": "yarn && jest --maxWorkers=8 --config jest.integ.conf.json",
    "test-integration-watch": "yarn test-integration --watch",
    "test-e2e": "./bin/build-for-test && yarn test-e2e-no-build",
    "test-e2e-watch": "yarn test-e2e --watch",
    "test-e2e-no-build": "yarn && babel-node ./frontend/test/__runner__/run_e2e_tests.js",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "test-karma": "yarn && karma start frontend/test/karma.conf.js --single-run",
    "test-karma-watch": "yarn && karma start frontend/test/karma.conf.js --auto-watch --reporters nyan",
    "test-integrated": "echo 'test-integrated renamed to test-e2e'; exit 1",
    "build": "yarn && webpack --bail",
    "build-watch": "yarn && webpack --watch",
    "build-hot": "yarn && NODE_ENV=hot webpack-dev-server --progress",
    "build-stats": "yarn && webpack --json > stats.json",
    "build-shared": "yarn && webpack --config webpack.shared.config.js",
    "start": "yarn build && lein ring server",
    "precommit": "lint-staged",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "preinstall": "echo $npm_execpath | grep -q yarn || echo '\\033[0;33mSorry, npm is not supported. Please use Yarn (\\033[0m'",
    "prettier": "prettier --write 'frontend/**/*.{js,jsx,css}'",
    "eslint-fix": "yarn && eslint --fix --ext .js --ext .jsx --rulesdir frontend/lint/eslint-rules frontend/src frontend/test",
    "docs": "documentation serve --watch frontend/src/metabase-lib/lib/**",
    "ci": "yarn ci-frontend && yarn ci-backend",
    "ci-frontend": "yarn lint && yarn flow && yarn test",
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "ci-backend": "lein docstring-checker && lein bikeshed && lein eastwood && lein test"
  "lint-staged": {
Tom Robinson's avatar
Tom Robinson committed
    "frontend/**/*.{js,jsx,css}": [
      "prettier --write",
      "git add"