title: "Installation and operation overview"
# Installation and operation overview
The birth, care, and feeding of your Metabase.
## [Installing Metabase](./
Start here.
### [Running the Jar File](
The simplest and most basic way of running Metabase.
### [Running on Docker](
If you prefer to use a Docker container, we've got you covered.
### [Metabase Cloud](
Our official hosted version, [Metabase Cloud]( All you need to do is sign up for a free trial, and you're off to the races.
### Other installation options
- [Running on Azure Web Apps](
- [Running on Debian as a service](
- [Running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk](
- [Advanced topics for running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk](./
## [Building Metabase from source](../developers-guide/
To run a development branch of Metabase, check out our [developer's guide](../developers-guide/
## [Backing up Metabase application data](./
How to back up your Metabase data: questions, dashboards, and other application data.
## [Upgrading Metabase](
How to safely upgrade your Metabase.
## [Migrating from H2](./
If you started using Metabase with the default, H2 application database, here's how to migrate your data to a production-ready database.
## [Creating an RDS database on AWS](./
How to use an RDS instance as your application database.
## [Monitoring your metabase](./
Monitor your Metabase with JMX.
## [Observability with Prometheus](./
Export Metabase metrics for viewing with Prometheus.
## [Java versions](./
Some notes on Java versions.
## [Supported browsers](./
If you’d like more technical resources to set up your data stack with Metabase, connect with a [Metabase Expert](