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serialize.clj 2.21 KiB
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • (ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.api.serialize
      "/api/ee/serialization/serialize endpoints"
       [clojure.set :as set]
       [compojure.core :as compojure :refer [POST]]
       [metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd :as serialization.cmd]
       [metabase.api.common :as api]
       [metabase.models.collection :refer [Collection]]
       [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
       [metabase.util.schema :as su]
       [toucan.db :as db]))
    (api/defendpoint POST "/data-model"
      "This endpoint should serialize: the data model, settings.yaml, and all the selected Collections
      The data model should only change if the user triggers a manual sync or scan (since the scheduler is turned off)
      The user will need to add somewhere (probably in the admin panel):
      - A path (maybe we can assume it will always dump to the same path as the Metabase jar, but we probably want to let
        them define the path)
      - The collections that they want to serialize (using selective serialization)"
      [:as {{:keys [collection_ids path]} :body}]
      {collection_ids (su/with-api-error-message
                        (su/distinct (su/non-empty [su/IntGreaterThanZero]))
                        "Non-empty, distinct array of Collection IDs")
       path           (su/with-api-error-message su/NonBlankString
                        "Valid directory to serialize results to")}
      ;; Make sure all the specified collection IDs exist.
      (let [existing-collection-ids (db/select-ids Collection :id [:in (set collection_ids)])]
        (when-not (= (set collection_ids) (set existing-collection-ids))
          (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid Collection ID(s). These Collections do not exist: {0}"
                               (pr-str (set/difference (set collection_ids) (set existing-collection-ids))))
                          {:status-code 404}))))
      (serialization.cmd/dump path
                              {:v2      true
                               :targets (for [collection-id collection_ids]
                                          ["Collection" collection-id])})
      ;; TODO -- not 100% sure this response makes sense. We can change it later with something more meaningful maybe
      {:status :ok})
      ;; for now let's say you have to be an admin to hit any of the serialization endpoints