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  • Many settings in Metabase can be viewed and modified in the Admin Panel, or set via environment variables. The environment variables always take precedence.
    Setting environment variables can be done in various ways depending on how Metabase is being run.
    # Mac, Linux and other Unix-based systems
    export MB_SITE_NAME="Awesome Company"
    # Windows Powershell
    $env:MB_SITE_NAME="Awesome Company"
    # Windows batch/cmd
    set MB_SITE_NAME="Awesome Company"
    java -jar metabase.jar
    Or set it as Java property, which works the same across all systems:
    java -DMB_SITE_NAME="Awesome Company" -jar metabase.jar
    docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e MB_SITE_NAME="Awesome Company" --name metabase metabase/metabase
    #### `MAX_SESSION_AGE`
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `20160`
    Session expiration, defined in minutes (default is 2 weeks), which will log out users after the defined period and require re-authentication.
    Note: This setting is not an idle/inactivity timeout. If you set this to 15 minutes, your users have to login (or re-authenticate) again every 15 minutes.
    Use [MB_SESSION_COOKIES](#mb_session_cookies) to also expire sessions, when browser is closed.
    Also see the [Changing session expiration]( documentation page.
    #### `MB_ADMIN_EMAIL`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The email address users should be referred to if they encounter a problem.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Enable the collection of anonymous usage data in order to help Metabase improve.
    #### `MB_API_KEY`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Middleware that enforces validation of the client via the request header `X-Metabase-Apikey`. If the header is available, then it’s validated against `MB_API_KEY`. When it matches, the request continues; otherwise it’s blocked with a 403 Forbidden response.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object of primary colors used in charts and throughout Metabase.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `15`<br>
    Since: 0.35.0
    Maximum number of connections to the Metabase application database.
    Change this to a higher value if you notice that regular usage consumes all or close to all connections. When all connections are in use, Metabase might feel slow or unresponsive when clicking around the interface.
    To see how many connections are being used, check the Metabase logs and look for lines that contains the following: `… App DB connections: 12/15 …`. In this example, 12 out of 15 available connections are being used.
    See [MB_JDBC_DATA_WAREHOUSE_MAX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE](#mb_jdbc_data_warehouse_max_connection_pool_size) for setting maximum connections to the databases connected to Metabase.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"frontend_client/favicon.ico"`
    Path or URL to favicon file.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"app/assets/img/logo.svg"`
    Path or URL to logo file. For best results use SVG format.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"Metabase"`
    Replace the word `Metabase` wherever it appears with the defined string.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `50`<br>
    Since: 0.35.0
    Maximum number of async Jetty threads. If not set, then [MB_JETTY_MAXTHREADS](#mb_jetty_maxthreads) will be used, otherwise it will use the default.
    Type: double<br>
    Default: `10.0`
    When using the default binning strategy for a field of type Coordinate (such as Latitude and Longitude), this number will be used as the default bin width (in degrees).
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `8`
    When using the default binning strategy and a number of bins is not provided, this number will be used as the default.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Identify when new versions of Metabase are available.
    #### `MB_CLIENT`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Used to recognize the Mac App client, which then defaults to `"OSX"`.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Color log lines. When set to `false` it will disable log line colors. This is disabled on Windows. Related to [MB_EMOJI_IN_LOGS](#mb_emoji_in_logs).
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object keyed by type, containing formatting settings.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object containing information about custom GeoJSON files for use in map visualizations instead of the default US State or World GeoJSON.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    When set to `false`, Metabase will print migrations needed to be done in the application database and exit. Those migrations need to be applied manually. When `true`, Metabase will automatically make changes to the application database. This is not related to migrating away from H2.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `5000`
    Timeout in milliseconds for connecting to the application database.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    A JDBC-style connection URI that can be used instead of most of `MB_DB_*` like [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host). Also used when certain Connection String parameters are required for the connection. The connection type requirement is the same as [MB_DB_TYPE](#mb_db_type).
    Example: `jdbc:postgresql://`
    #### `MB_DB_DBNAME`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The database name of the application database used with [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host).
    #### `MB_DB_FILE`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"metabase.db"`
    Location of H2 database file. Should not include the `.mv.db` (or `.h2.db`) file extension. Used when [MB_DB_TYPE](#mb_db_type) is set to`"h2"`.
    Can also be used when migrating away from H2 to specify where the existing data should be read from.
    #### `MB_DB_HOST`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The host name or IP address of the application database. Used when [MB_DB_TYPE](#mb_db_type) is different than `"h2"`.
    #### `MB_DB_IN_MEMORY`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    Used for testing with [MB_DB_FILE](#mb_db_file).
    #### `MB_DB_PASS`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The password for [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host).
    #### `MB_DB_PORT`
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `null`
    The port for [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host).
    #### `MB_DB_TYPE`
    Type: string (`"h2"`, `"postgres"`, `"mysql"`)<br>
    Default: `"h2"`
    When `"h2"`, the application database is loaded from [MB_DB_FILE](#mb_db_file), otherwise [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host) will be used to define application database.
    #### `MB_DB_USER`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The username for [MB_DB_HOST](#mb_db_host).
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    When `true`, this will disable session throttling. **Warning:** It is not recommended to disable throttling, since it is a protective measure against brute-force attacks.
    Use [MB_SOURCE_ADDRESS_HEADER](#mb_source_address_header) to set the IP address of the remote client from e.g. a reverse-proxy.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Address you want to use as the sender of emails generated by Metabase, such as pulses or account invitations.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    SMTP password.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `null`
    The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.
    Type: string (`"tls"`, `"ssl"`, `"starttls"`, `"none"`)<br>
    Default: `"none"`
    SMTP secure connection protocol.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    SMTP username.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    URL of origin allowed to embed the full Metabase application.
    #### `MB_EMOJI_IN_LOGS`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Emojis on log lines. When set to `false` it will disable log line emojis. This is disabled on Windows. Related to [MB_COLORIZE_LOGS](#mb_colorize_logs).
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Allow admins to securely embed questions and dashboards within other applications.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Allow using a saved question as the source for other queries.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Still allow logging in by email and password when SSO login options are enabled.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enable admins to create publicly viewable links (and embedded iframes) for questions and dashboards.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enabling caching will save the results of queries that take a long time to run.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    When `true`, this will enable `/api/testing` endpoint. **Warning:** This should never be enabled in production system.
    #### `MB_ENABLE_XRAYS`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Allow users to explore data using X-rays.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    When set, this will encrypt database credentials stored in the application database. Requirement: minimum 16 characters base64-encoded string.
    Also see documentation page [Encrypting database details at rest](
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    When set, allows users to automatically create their Metabase account by logging in if their Google account email address is from this domain.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Client ID for Google Auth SSO. If this is set, Google Auth is considered to be enabled.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `15`<br>
    Since: 0.35.0
    Maximum number of connections to the data source databases. The maximum is for each database setup in Admin Panel > Databases, not a total for all databases.
    Change this to a higher value if you notice that regular usage consumes all or close to all connections. When all connections are in use then Metabase will be slower to return results for queries, since it would have to wait for an available connection before processing the next query in the queue.
    See [MB_APPLICATION_DB_MAX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE](#mb_application_db_max_connection_pool_size) for setting maximum connections to the Metabase application database.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `600000`<br>
    Since: 0.35.0
    Timeout of Jetty async threads, defined in milliseconds. The default is 10 minutes. Very few things might reach that timeout, since they return some type of data before, but things like CSV downloads might.
    #### `MB_JETTY_DAEMON`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Use daemon threads.
    #### `MB_JETTY_HOST`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `localhost` for JAR, `` for Docker
    Configure a host either as a host name or IP address to identify a specific network interface on which to listen. If set to `""`, Metabase listens on all network interfaces. It will listen on the port specified in [MB_JETTY_PORT](#mb_jetty_port).
    #### `MB_JETTY_JOIN`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Blocks the thread until server ends.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `200000`
    Maximum idle time for a connection, in milliseconds.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: _"FIX ME"_
    Maximum number of requests to be queued when all threads are busy.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `50`
    Maximum number of threads.
    Change this to a higher value if you notice that regular usage consumes all or close to all threads. When all threads are in use Metabase might feel slow or unresponsive when clicking around the interface.
    To see how many threads are being used, check the Metabase logs and look for lines that contain the following: `… Jetty threads: 45/50 …`, which in this case would indicate 45 out of 50 available threads are being used.
    Related [MB_ASYNC_QUERY_THREAD_POOL_SIZE](#mb_async_query_thread_pool_size).
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `8`
    Minimum number of threads.
    #### `MB_JETTY_PORT`
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `3000`
    Configure which port to use for HTTP. It will listen on the interface specified in [MB_JETTY_HOST](#mb_jetty_host).
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `8192`<br>
    Since: 0.36.0
    Maximum size of a request header, in bytes. Increase this value if you are experiencing errors like "Request Header Fields Too Large".
    #### `MB_JETTY_SSL`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    When set to `true`, will enable HTTPS with the options configured in the `MB_JETTY_SSL_*` variables.
    Also see the [Customizing Jetty web server]( documentation page.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    Configure Java SSL client authentication. When set to `true`, client certificates are required and verified by the certificate authority in the TrustStore.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Path to Java KeyStore file.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Password for Java KeyStore file.
    #### `MB_JETTY_SSL_PORT`
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `null`
    Configure which port to use for HTTPS. It will listen on the interface specified in [MB_JETTY_HOST](#mb_jetty_host).
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Path to Java TrustStore file.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Password for Java TrustStore file.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"email"`
    Key to retrieve the JWT user's email address.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"first_name"`
    Key to retrieve the JWT user's first name.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"groups"`
    Key to retrieve the JWT user's groups.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"groups"`
    Key to retrieve the JWT user's last name.
    #### `MB_JWT_ENABLED`
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    When set to `true`, will enable JWT authentication with the options configured in the `MB_JWT_*` variables.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object containing JWT to Metabase group mappings. Should be in the form: `'{"groupName": [1, 2, 3]}'` where keys are JWT groups and values are lists of Metabase groups IDs.
    #### `MB_JWT_GROUP_SYNC`
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enable group membership synchronization with JWT.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    URL of JWT based login page.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    String used to seed the private key used to validate JWT messages.
    #### `MB_LANDING_PAGE`
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `""`
    Default page to show the user.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"mail"`
    Attribute to use for the user's email. Usually 'mail', 'email' or 'userPrincipalName'.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"givenName"`
    Attribute to use for the user's first name. Usually 'givenName'.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"sn"`
    Attribute to use for the user's last name. Usually 'sn'.
    #### `MB_LDAP_BIND_DN`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The Distinguished Name to bind as (if any). This user will be used to lookup information about other users.
    #### `MB_LDAP_ENABLED`
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    When set to `true`, will enable LDAP authentication with the options configured in the `MB_LDAP_*` variables.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Search base for groups. Not required if your LDAP directory provides a 'memberOf' overlay. (Will be searched recursively.)
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object containing LDAP to Metabase group mappings.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enable group membership synchronization with LDAP.
    #### `MB_LDAP_HOST`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Server hostname.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    The password to bind with for the lookup user.
    #### `MB_LDAP_PORT`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"389"`
    Server port, usually 389 or 636 if SSL is used.
    Type: string (`"none"`, `"ssl"`, `"starttls"`)<br>
    Default: `"none"`
    Use SSL, TLS or plain text.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Sync user attributes when someone logs in via LDAP.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"userPassword,dn,distinguishedName"`
    Comma-separated list of user attributes to skip syncing for LDAP users.
    #### `MB_LDAP_USER_BASE`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Search base for users. (Will be searched recursively.)
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(|(uid={login})(mail={login})))"`
    User lookup filter. The placeholder `{login}` will be replaced by the user supplied login.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"`
    The map tile server URL template used in map visualizations, for example from OpenStreetMaps or MapBox.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enable MetaBot, which lets you search for and view your saved questions directly via Slack.
    #### `MB_NS_TRACE`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `""`
    Comma-separated namespaces to trace. **WARNING:** Could log sensitive information like database passwords.
    Type: string (`"weak"`, `"normal"`, `"strong"`)<br>
    Default: `"normal"`
    Enforce a password complexity rule to increase security for regular logins. This only applies to new users or users that are changing their password. Related [MB_PASSWORD_LENGTH](#mb_password_length)
    - `weak` requires length of 6 characters
    - `normal` requires at least 1 digit and length of 6 characters
    - `strong` requires at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase and 1 digit and 1 symbol and length of 8 characters.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `6`
    Set a minimum password length to increase security for regular logins. This only applies to new users or users that are changing their password. Uses the length of [MB_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY](#mb_password_complexity) if not set.
    #### `MB_PLUGINS_DIR`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"plugins"`
    Path of the "plugins" directory, which is used to store the Metabase database drivers. The user who is running Metabase should have permission to write to the directory. When running the JAR, the default directory is `plugins`, created in the same location as the JAR file. When running Docker, the default directory is `/plugins`.
    The location is where custom third-party drivers should be added. Then Metabase will load the driver on startup, which can be verified in the log.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Token for Enterprise Edition and Premium features.
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"db"`
    Current cache backend. Dynamically rebindable primarily for test purposes.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `1000`
    The maximum size of the cache, per saved question, in kilobytes.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `8640000`
    The absolute maximum time to keep any cached query results, in seconds. The default value is 100 days in seconds.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `60`
    Metabase will cache all saved questions with an average query execution time longer than this many seconds.
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `10`
    To determine how long each saved question's cached result should stick around, we take the query's average execution time and multiply that by whatever you input here. So if a query takes on average 2 minutes to run, and you input 10 for your multiplier, its cache entry will persist for 20 minutes.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`<br>
    Since: 0.36.0
    Force all traffic to use HTTPS via a redirect, if the site URL is HTTPS. Related [MB_SITE_URL](#mb_site_url)
    Type: integer<br>
    Default: `5000`
    Controls the fetch size used for Redshift queries (in `PreparedStatement`), via the `defaultRowFetchSize` JDBC URL
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Connection timezone to use when executing queries. Defaults to system timezone.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"Metabase"`
    This application name will be used for requests to the Identity Provider.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `""`
    SAML attribute for the user's email address.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `""`
    SAML attribute for the user's first name.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"member_of"`
    SAML attribute for group syncing.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `""`
    SAML attribute for the user's last name.
    #### `MB_SAML_ENABLED`
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    When set to `true`, will enable SAML authentication with the options configured in the `MB_SAML_*` variables.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"{}"`
    JSON object containing SAML to Metabase group mappings. Should be in the form: `'{"groupName": [1, 2, 3]}'` where keys are SAML groups and values are lists of Metabase groups IDs.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `false`
    Enable group membership synchronization with SAML.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Encoded certificate for the identity provider, provided as the content, not a file path.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    This is the URL where your users go to log in to your identity provider. Depending on which IdP you're using, this usually looks like ``.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"metabase"`
    Alias for the key that Metabase should use for signing SAML requests.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"changeit"`
    Password for opening the KeyStore.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    Absolute path to the KeyStore file to use for signing SAML requests.
    Only available in Enterprise Edition<br>
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Send email notifications to users in Admin group, when a new SSO users is created on Metabase.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `true`
    Send email notification to user, when they login from a new device. Set to `false` to stop sending "We've noticed a new login on your Metabase account" emails for all users.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    When set to `true`, the user login session will expire when the browser is closed. The user login session will always expire after the amount of time defined in [MAX_SESSION_AGE](#max_session_age) (by default 2 weeks).
    This overrides the "Remember me" checkbox when logging in.
    Also see the [Changing session expiration]( documentation page.
    #### `MB_SETUP_TOKEN`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `null`
    An UUID token used to signify that an instance has permissions to create the initial User. This is created upon the first launch of Metabase, by the first instance; once used, it is cleared out, never to be used again.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    Hide the "Our data" section from the homepage by setting it to `false`. Show the section with `true`, in case it was manually removed.
    Type: boolean<br>
    Default: `null`
    Hide the X-rays section from the homepage by setting it to `false`. Show the section with `true`, in case it was manually removed. Even if set to `true`, these will be hidden if any dashboards have been pinned in the "Our Analytics" collection.
    #### `MB_SITE_LOCALE`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"en"`
    The default language for this Metabase instance. This only applies to emails, Pulses, etc. Users' browsers will specify the language used in the user interface.
    #### `MB_SITE_NAME`
    Type: string<br>
    Default: `"Metabase"`