Jeff Bruemmer authored
* filter notes * usage insights notes
Jeff Bruemmer authored* filter notes * usage insights notes
- Usage analytics
- Permissions
- Viewing usage insights for a question, dashboard, or model
- Creating custom reports
- Custom reports collection
- Dashboards
- Metabase metrics
- Most viewed content
- Person overview
- Dashboard overview
- Question overview
- Performance overview
- Content with cobwebs
- Models
- Activity log model
- View Log model
- Query log model
- Content model
- Dashboard subscriptions
- Alerts
- Content
- People model
- Dashboard subscriptions model
- Dashboard cards model
- Databases model
- Tables model
- Fields model
- System tasks
title: Usage analytics
Usage analytics
{% include plans-blockquote.html feature="Metabase analytics" %}
The Metabase Analytics collection is a special collection that contains view-only questions, dashboards, and models that help you understand how people are using your Metabase.
These resources are useful for:
- Understanding Usage: Understand how people use your Metabase (e.g., new questions, most active people and groups, and so on).
- Auditing activity: Know who viewed or did what and when, including tracking dashboard and question views, queries, downloads, and other activity like changing settings or inviting people to your Metabase.
- Improving operations: Know the slowest dashboards and questions, how your database's are performing, who's consuming the most resources, and so on.
Some things to keep in mind with this special Metabase analytics collection:
- Metabase analytics is a view-only collection. Even admins can't curate it. It is eternal.
- By default, only admins can view the Metabase analytics collection (though admins can grant other groups view access to it). If you're upgrading from a version older than 48, people in groups with monitoring access will also get access to the Metabase analytics collection. But after that initial grandfathering in, the monitoring access privilege is unrelated to the Metabase analytics collection; you'll need to specifically grant groups access to the Metabase analytics collection.
- You can duplicate any item in the Metabase analytics collection, modify the item to your liking, and save the item to another collection.
By default, only admins can see the Metabase analytics collection. You can manage permissions for the collection in Admin settings > Permissions > Collections.
There are only two access types for the Metabase analytics collection: View and No access.
Additionally, this Metabase analytics collection has a default sub-collection called "Custom reports" which you can use to save duplicated/modified questions, dashboards, and models. This sub-collection inherits the same permissions, but it's not view-only; admins have curate access by default, and can grant other groups view access.
Viewing usage insights for a question, dashboard, or model
Only people in groups with view access to the Metabase analytics collection will see this Usage insights option.
To view usage analytics for a question, dashboard, or model:
- Visit the item.
- Click on the dot menu (...).
- Select Usage insights.
Metabase will take you to the relevant usage dashboard and plug in the item's ID.
Creating custom reports
You can duplicate any of the questions, dashboards and models in the Metabase analytics collection and tweak them to your liking, but you'll need to save them to a different collection.
Custom reports collection
While you can save custom questions, models, and dashboards wherever you like (except for the Metabase analytics collection), we recommend that you save your custom Metabase analytics reports in the conveniently named "Custom reports" sub-collection. That way these items inherit the same permissions as the parent Metabase analytics collection.
There is one thing to know about the Custom reports collection: its metadata resets whenever Metabase restarts. While you are able to temporarily rename the Custom reports collection, or give it a description or an Official badge, Metabase will drop this collection's metadata when it restarts. But rest assured that Metabase will preserve any questions, models, events, or dashboards that you add to the Custom reports collection.
The Metabase Analytics collection includes a set of read-only dashboards.
Metabase metrics
General information about people viewing and creating dashboards, questions, subscriptions, and alerts. Cards include:
- Active users last week
- Question views last week
- Questions created last week
- Dashboards created last week
- Alerts and subscriptions created last week
- Weekly active users
- Question views per week
- Most active users
- Most active creators
- Most viewed dashboards
- Most viewed cards
Most viewed content
View the most relevant content in your Metabase. Cards include:
- Most viewed dashboards
- Most viewed questions
- Most viewed tables
Person overview
See what someone's been up to in your Metabase. Cards include:
- Member of
- Active alerts
- Questions created per month
- Question views per month
- Most viewed dashboards
- Most viewed questions
- Last viewed dashboards
- Last viewed questions
- Last viewed tables
- Recent activity
- Last queries
Dashboard overview
Information about dashboards, questions, models, and tables. Cards include:
- Dashboard metadata
- Dashboard views per month
- Question performance
- Most active people on this dashboard
- Questions in this dashboard
- Most active people on this dashboard
- Questions in this dashboard
- Recent activity on dashboard
- Subscriptions on this dashboard
Question overview
Views, performance, activity, and other data for a particular question. Cards include:
- Question metadata
- Question views per month
- Question performance
- Most active people on this question
- Dashboards with this question
- Last activity on this question
- Alerts on this question
Performance overview
Question, dashboard and database performance. Cards include:
- Slowest dashboards
- Dashboards consuming most resources
- Slowest questions
- Questions consuming the most resources
- Dashboards with more questions in the same tab
- Users consuming the most resources
Content with cobwebs
Dashboards and questions that you could consider archiving. Cards include:
- Dashboards without recent reviews
- Questions without recent reviews
- Questions that don't belong to a dashboard
The Metabase analytics collection includes a bunch of useful models based on Metabase's application database.
Activity log model
Each row of this model describes one event of a particular topic. Fields include:
- ID
- Topic
- Timestamp
- End Timestamp
- User ID
- Model
- Model ID
- Details
The topics include:
- alert-create
- alert-delete
- card-create
- card-delete
- card-update
- dashboard-add-cards
- dashboard-create
- dashboard-delete
- dashboard-remove-cards
- install
- metric-create
- metric-delete
- metric-update
- segment-create
- segment-delete
- segment-update
- setting-update
- subscription-create
- subscription-delete
- user-joined
View Log model
Tracks views cards (which includes models), dashboards, and tables. Fields include:
- ID
- Timestamp
- User ID
- Entity Type (card, dashboard, or table)
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
Query log model
Information about all queries Metabase ran across all dashboards. Fields include:
- Entity ID
- Started At
- Running Time Seconds
- Result Rows
- Is Native
- Query Source
- Error
- User ID
- Card ID
- Card Qualified ID
- Dashboard ID
- Dashboard Qualified ID
- Pulse ID
- Database ID
- Database Qualified ID
- Cache Hit
- Action ID
Query sources include:
- action
- ad-hoc
- collection
- csv-download
- dashboard
- embedded-dashboard
- embedded-csv-download
- embedded-json-download
- embedded-question
- embedded-xlsx-download
- json-download
- map-tiles
- metabot (experimental)
- public-dashboard
- public-question
- pulse (which includes dashboard subscriptions and alerts)
- question
- xlsx-download
Content model
All Metabase content, including questions, models, dashboards, events, and collections. Entity types include:
- action
- collection
- dashboard
- event
- model
- question
Dashboard subscriptions
Which subscriptions are active, who created them, who's subscribed to them, when they're sent, and more.
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Creator ID
- Archived
- Dashboard Qualified ID
- Schedule Type
- Schedule Day
- Schedule Hour
- Recipient Type
- Recipients
- Recipient External
- Parameters
All alerts, both active and archived.
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Creator ID
- Card ID
- Card Qualified ID
- Alert Condition
- Schedule Type
- Schedule Day
- Schedule Hour
- Archived
- Recipient Type
- Recipients
- Recipient External
Questions, dashboards, models, events, and collections.
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Entity Type
- Created At
- Updated At
- Creator ID
- Name
- Description
- Collection ID
- Made Public By User
- Is Embedding Enabled
- Archived
- Action Type
- Action Model ID
- Collection Is Official
- Collection Is Personal
- Question Viz Type
- Question Database ID
- Question Is Native
- Event Timestamp
People model
Everyone in your Metabase, including deactivated accounts. Fields include:
- User ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Full Name
- Date Joined
- Last Login
- Updated At
- Is Admin
- Is Active
- SSO Source
- Locale
Dashboard subscriptions model
Which subscriptions are active, who created them, who's subscribed to them, when they're sent, and more.
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Creator ID
- Archived
- Dashboard Qualified ID
- Schedule Type
- Schedule Day
- Schedule Hour
- Recipient Type
- Recipients
- Recipient External
- Parameters
Dashboard cards model
Each row is a dashboard card: either a question card or a text card. Fields include:
- ID
- Dashboard ID
- Dashboardtab ID
- Question ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Size X
- Size Y
- Visualization Settings
- Parameter Mappings
Databases model
Information about your connected data sources. Fields include:
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Name
- Description
- Database Type
- Metadata Sync Schedule
- Cache Field Values Schedule
- Timezone
- Is On Demand
- Auto Run Queries
- Cache Ttl
- Creator ID
- Db Version
Tables model
List of all tables across all connected data sources. Fields include:
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Name
- Display Name
- Description
- Active
- Database ID
- Schema
- Is Upload
Fields model
All fields from all connected data sources. Fields include:
- Entity ID
- Entity Qualified ID
- Created At
- Updated At
- Name
- Display Name
- Description
- Base Type
- Visibility Type
- Fk Target Field ID
- Has Field Values
- Active
- Table ID
System tasks
Describes the last 14 days of Metabase internal processes tasks.
- ID
- Task
- Database Qualified ID
- Started At
- Ended At
- Duration Seconds
- Details