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  • adam-james's avatar
    Adjust JWT and SAML fetch-and-update user to save new attributes (#23005) · 174afe58
    adam-james authored
    * Adjust JWT and SAML fetch-and-update user to save new attributes
    Before this change, JWT/SAML logins would attempt to update attributes, but never considered the first-name or
    last-name attributes.
    * Attempts to fix tests to prevent pulluting test users with "Unknown"
    * No deleting users.
    * Unit tests checking that first/last names are updated for SSO users
    When an SSO user is first logged in, they might not have first_name and/or last_name keys. This is allowed, but the
    names will be "Unknown" in the app-db. Subsequently, a User may log in again with SSO but have fisrt/last name
    attributes, which should update the Metabase user data in the app-db.
    These unit tests set up such a scenario to check that the :first_name and :last_name keys are indeed updated.
    * Adjust Enterprise LDAP to also use SSO-UTILS
    Trying to unify the LDAP implementation with JWT/SAML a bit here.
    * Lint error
    * Reverting LDAP ns changes to get the PR unstuck
    This is to keep the ball rolling on SSO fixes. I'll add LDAP as an item in the Epic to address this separately.
    Adjust JWT and SAML fetch-and-update user to save new attributes (#23005)
    adam-james authored
    * Adjust JWT and SAML fetch-and-update user to save new attributes
    Before this change, JWT/SAML logins would attempt to update attributes, but never considered the first-name or
    last-name attributes.
    * Attempts to fix tests to prevent pulluting test users with "Unknown"
    * No deleting users.
    * Unit tests checking that first/last names are updated for SSO users
    When an SSO user is first logged in, they might not have first_name and/or last_name keys. This is allowed, but the
    names will be "Unknown" in the app-db. Subsequently, a User may log in again with SSO but have fisrt/last name
    attributes, which should update the Metabase user data in the app-db.
    These unit tests set up such a scenario to check that the :first_name and :last_name keys are indeed updated.
    * Adjust Enterprise LDAP to also use SSO-UTILS
    Trying to unify the LDAP implementation with JWT/SAML a bit here.
    * Lint error
    * Reverting LDAP ns changes to get the PR unstuck
    This is to keep the ball rolling on SSO fixes. I'll add LDAP as an item in the Epic to address this separately.
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saml_test.clj 29.07 KiB
(ns metabase-enterprise.sso.integrations.saml-test
  (:require [clojure.set :as set]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [metabase-enterprise.sso.integrations.sso-settings :as sso-settings]
            [metabase.config :as config]
            [metabase.http-client :as client]
            [metabase.integrations.ldap :refer [ldap-enabled]]
            [metabase.models.permissions-group :refer [PermissionsGroup]]
            [metabase.models.permissions-group-membership :refer [PermissionsGroupMembership]]
            [metabase.models.user :refer [User]]
            [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
            [metabase.public-settings.premium-features-test :as premium-features-test]
            [metabase.server.middleware.session :as mw.session]
            [metabase.test :as mt]
            [metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
            [metabase.util :as u]
            [ring.util.codec :as codec]
            [saml20-clj.core :as saml]
            [saml20-clj.encode-decode :as encode-decode]
            [toucan.db :as db])

(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :test-users))

(defn- disable-other-sso-types [thunk]
  (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [ldap-enabled false
                                     jwt-enabled  false]

(use-fixtures :each disable-other-sso-types)

(defmacro with-valid-premium-features-token
  "Stubs the `premium-features/enable-sso?` function to simulate a valid token. This needs to be included to test any of the
  SSO features"
  [& body]
  `(premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{:sso}

(defn client
  "Same as `client/client` but doesn't include the `/api` in the URL prefix"
  [& args]
  (binding [client/*url-prefix* (str "http://localhost:" (config/config-str :mb-jetty-port))]
    (apply client/client args)))

(defn client-full-response
  "Same as `client/client-full-response` but doesn't include the `/api` in the URL prefix"
  [& args]
  (binding [client/*url-prefix* (str "http://localhost:" (config/config-str :mb-jetty-port))]
    (apply client/client-full-response args)))

(defn successful-login?
  "Return true if the response indicates a successful user login"
  (string? (get-in resp [:cookies @#'mw.session/metabase-session-cookie :value])))

(def ^:private default-idp-uri            "")
(def ^:private default-redirect-uri       "http://localhost:3000/test")
(def ^:private default-idp-uri-with-param (str default-idp-uri "?someparam=true"))
(def ^:private default-idp-cert           (slurp "test_resources/sso/auth0-public-idp.cert"))

(defn- do-with-some-validators-disabled
  "The sample responses all have `InResponseTo=\"_1\"` and invalid assertion signatures (they were edited by hand) so
  manually add `_1` to the state manager and turn off the <Assertion> signature validator so we can actually run
  {:style/indent [:defn 2]}
   (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:signature :not-on-or-after :recipient :issuer}

  ([disabled-response-validators disabled-assertion-validators f]
   (let [orig              saml/validate
         remove-validators (fn [options]
                             (-> options
                                 (update :response-validators #(set/difference (set %) (set disabled-response-validators)))
                                 (update :assertion-validators #(set/difference (set %) (set disabled-assertion-validators)))))]
     (with-redefs [saml/validate (fn f
                                   ([response idp-cert sp-private-key]
                                    (f response idp-cert sp-private-key saml/default-validation-options))
                                   ([response idp-cert sp-private-key options]
                                    (let [options (merge saml/default-validation-options options)]
                                      (orig response idp-cert sp-private-key (remove-validators options)))))]

(deftest validate-certificate-test
  (testing "make sure our test certificate is actually valid"
    (is (some? (#'sso-settings/validate-saml-idp-cert default-idp-cert)))))

(deftest require-valid-premium-features-token-test
  (testing "SSO requests fail if they don't have a valid premium-features token"
    (premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{}
      (is (= "SSO requires a valid token"
             (client :get 403 "/auth/sso"))))))

(deftest require-saml-enabled-test
  (testing "SSO requests fail if SAML hasn't been enabled"
      (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-enabled false]
        (is (some? (client :get 400 "/auth/sso"))))))

  (testing "SSO requests fail if SAML is enabled but hasn't been configured"
      (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-enabled               true
                                         saml-identity-provider-uri nil]
        (is (some? (client :get 400 "/auth/sso"))))))

  (testing "The IDP provider certificate must also be included for SSO to be configured"
      (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-enabled                       true
                                         saml-identity-provider-uri         default-idp-uri
                                         saml-identity-provider-certificate nil]
        (is (some? (client :get 400 "/auth/sso")))))))

(defn- call-with-default-saml-config [f]
  (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-enabled                       true
                                     saml-identity-provider-uri         default-idp-uri
                                     saml-identity-provider-certificate default-idp-cert]

(defn call-with-login-attributes-cleared!
  "If login_attributes remain after these tests run, depending on the order that the tests run, lots of tests will
  fail as the login_attributes data from this tests is unexpected in those other tests"
      (u/ignore-exceptions (do (db/update-where! User {} :login_attributes nil)
                               (db/update-where! User {:email ""} :first_name "Rasta" :last_name "Toucan"))))))

(defmacro ^:private with-saml-default-setup [& body]
      (fn []
         (fn []
;; TODO - maybe this belongs in a util namespace?
(defn- uri->params-map
  "Parse the URI string, creating a map from the key/value pairs in the query string"
  (assert (string? uri-str))
   (for [^BasicNameValuePair pair (-> (URL. uri-str) .getQuery (URLEncodedUtils/parse StandardCharsets/UTF_8))]
     [(keyword (.getName pair)) (.getValue pair)])))

(deftest uri->params-map-test
  (is (= {:a "b", :c "d"}
         (uri->params-map "http://localhost?a=b&c=d"))))

(deftest request-xml-test
  (testing "Make sure the requests we generate look correct"
      (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url "http://localhost:3000"]
        (let [orig saml/request]
          (with-redefs [saml/request (fn [m]
                                       (testing "Request ID should be of the format id-<uuid>"
                                         (is (re= (re-pattern (str "^id-" u/uuid-regex "$"))
                                                  (:request-id m))))
                                       (mt/with-clock #t "2020-09-30T17:53:32Z"
                                         (orig (assoc m :request-id "id-419507d5-1d2a-43c4-bcde-3e5b9746bb47"))))]
            (let [request  (client-full-response :get 302 "/auth/sso"
                                                 {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                                 :redirect default-redirect-uri)
                  location (get-in request [:headers "Location"])
                  base-64  (-> location uri->params-map :SAMLRequest)
                  xml      (-> base-64
                               (str/replace #"\n+" "")
                               (str/replace #">\s+<" "><"))]
              (is (= (str "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
                          " xmlns:samlp=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol\""
                          " AssertionConsumerServiceURL=\"http://localhost:3000/auth/sso\""
                          " Destination=\"\""
                          " ID=\"id-419507d5-1d2a-43c4-bcde-3e5b9746bb47\""
                          " IssueInstant=\"2020-09-30T17:53:32Z\""
                          " ProtocolBinding=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST\""
                          " ProviderName=\"Metabase\""
                          " Version=\"2.0\">"
                          "<saml:Issuer xmlns:saml=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion\">Metabase</saml:Issuer>"

(deftest redirect-test
  (testing "With SAML configured, a GET request should result in a redirect to the IDP"
      (let [result       (client-full-response :get 302 "/auth/sso"
                                               {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                               :redirect default-redirect-uri)
            redirect-url (get-in result [:headers "Location"])]
        (is (str/starts-with? redirect-url default-idp-uri))))))

(deftest redirect-append-paramters-test
  (testing (str "When the identity provider already includes a query parameter, the SAML code should spot that and "
                "append more parameters onto the query string (rather than always include a `?newparam=here`).")
      (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-identity-provider-uri default-idp-uri-with-param]
        (let [result       (client-full-response :get 302 "/auth/sso"
                                                 {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                                 :redirect default-redirect-uri)
              redirect-url (get-in result [:headers "Location"])]
          (is (= #{:someparam :SAMLRequest :RelayState}
                 (set (keys (uri->params-map redirect-url))))))))))
;; The RelayState is data we include in the redirect request to the IDP. The IDP will include the RelayState in it's
;; response via the POST. This allows the FE to track what the original route the user was trying to access was and
;; redirect the user back to that original URL after successful authentication
(deftest relay-state-test
      (fn []
        (let [result       (client-full-response :get 302 "/auth/sso"
                                                 {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                                 :redirect default-redirect-uri)
              redirect-url (get-in result [:headers "Location"])]
          (testing (format "result = %s" (pr-str result))
            (is (string? redirect-url))
            (is (= default-redirect-uri
                   (saml/base64->str (:RelayState (uri->params-map redirect-url)))))))))))

(defn- saml-response-from-file [filename]
  (u/encode-base64 (slurp filename)))

(defn- saml-test-response []
  (saml-response-from-file "test_resources/saml-test-response.xml"))

(defn- new-user-saml-test-response []
  (saml-response-from-file "test_resources/saml-test-response-new-user.xml"))

(defn- new-user-no-names-saml-test-response []
  (saml-response-from-file "test_resources/saml-test-response-new-user-no-names.xml"))

(defn- new-user-with-single-group-saml-test-response []
  (saml-response-from-file "test_resources/saml-test-response-new-user-with-single-group.xml"))

(defn- new-user-with-groups-saml-test-response []
  (saml-response-from-file "test_resources/saml-test-response-new-user-with-groups.xml"))

(defn- saml-post-request-options [saml-response relay-state]
  {:request-options {:content-type     :x-www-form-urlencoded
                     :redirect-strategy :none
                     :form-params      {:SAMLResponse saml-response
                                        :RelayState   relay-state}}})

(defn- some-saml-attributes [user-nickname]
  {""   "auth0"
   ""                      user-nickname
   "" "Username-Password-Authentication"})

(defn- saml-login-attributes [email]
  (let [attribute-keys (keys (some-saml-attributes nil))]
    (-> (db/select-one-field :login_attributes User :email email)
        (select-keys attribute-keys))))

(deftest validate-request-id-test
  (testing "Sample response should fail because _1 isn't a request ID that we issued."
        (fn []
          (testing (str "After a successful login with the identity provider, the SAML provider will POST to the "
                        "`/auth/sso` route.")
            (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                         (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))
                  response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
              (is (successful-login? response))
              (is (= default-redirect-uri
                     (get-in response [:headers "Location"])))
              (is (= (some-saml-attributes "rasta")
                     (saml-login-attributes ""))))))))))

(deftest validate-signatures-test
  ;; they were edited by hand I think, so the signatures are now incorrect (?)
  (testing "The sample responses should normally fail because the <Assertion> signatures don't match"
      (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:not-on-or-after :recipient :issuer}
        (fn []
          (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                response    (client-full-response :post 401 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
            (testing (format "response =\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str response))
              (is (not (successful-login? response))))))))))

(deftest validate-not-on-or-after-test
    (testing "The sample responses should normally fail because the <Assertion> NotOnOrAfter has passed"
      (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:signature :recipient}
        (fn []
          (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                       (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
            (is (not (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 401 "/auth/sso" req-options))))))))
    (testing "If we time-travel then the sample responses *should* work"
      (let [orig saml/validate]
        (with-redefs [saml/validate (fn [& args]
                                      (mt/with-clock #t "2018-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"
                                        (apply orig args)))]
          (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:signature :recipient :issuer}
            (fn []
              (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                           (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
                (is (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)))))))))))

(deftest validate-recipient-test
    (testing (str "The sample responses all have <Recipient> of localhost:3000. "
                  "If (site-url) is set to something different, this should fail.")
      (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:signature :not-on-or-after :issuer}
        (fn []
          (testing "with incorrect acs-url"
            (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url "http://localhost:9876"]
              (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                           (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
                (is (not (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 401 "/auth/sso" req-options)))))))
          (testing "with correct acs-url"
            (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url "http://localhost:3000"]
              (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                           (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
                (is (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)))))))))))

(deftest validate-issuer-test
    (testing "If the `saml-identity-provider-issuer` Setting is set, we should validate <Issuer> in Responses"
      (do-with-some-validators-disabled nil #{:signature :not-on-or-after :recipient}
        (letfn [(login [expected-status-code]
                  (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                               (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
                    (client-full-response :post expected-status-code "/auth/sso" req-options)))]
          (fn []
            (testing "<Issuer> matches saml-identity-provider-issuer"
              (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-identity-provider-issuer ""]
                (is (successful-login? (login 302)))))
            (testing "<Issuer> does not match saml-identity-provider-issuer"
              (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-identity-provider-issuer "WRONG"]
                (is (not (successful-login? (login 401))))))
            (testing "saml-identity-provider-issuer is not set: shouldn't do any validation"
              (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-identity-provider-issuer nil]
                (is (successful-login? (login 302)))))))))))

;; Part of accepting the POST is validating the response and the relay state so we can redirect the user to their
;; original destination
(deftest login-test
      (fn []
        (testing "After a successful login with the identity provider, the SAML provider will POST to the `/auth/sso` route."
          (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                       (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))
                response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
            (is (successful-login? response))
            (is (= default-redirect-uri
                   (get-in response [:headers "Location"])))
            (is (= (some-saml-attributes "rasta")
                   (saml-login-attributes "")))))))))

(deftest login-invalid-relay-state-test
  (testing (str "if the RelayState is not set or is invalid, you are redirected back to the home page rather than "
                "failing the entire login")
    (doseq [relay-state ["something-random_#!@__^^"
                         "   "
      (testing (format "\nRelayState = %s" (pr-str relay-state))
            (fn []
              (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response) relay-state)
                    response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
                (is (successful-login? response))
                (is (= (public-settings/site-url)
                       (get-in response [:headers "Location"])))
                (is (= (some-saml-attributes "rasta")
                       (saml-login-attributes ""))))))))))
  (testing "if the RelayState leads us to the wrong host, avoid the open redirect (boat#160)"
    (let [redirect-url ""]
        (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url "http://localhost:3000"]
            (fn []
              (let [get-response (client :get 400 "/auth/sso"
                                   {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                   :redirect redirect-url)]
                (is (= "SSO is trying to do an open redirect to an untrusted site" get-response))))))))))

(deftest login-create-account-test
  (testing "A new account will be created for a SAML user we haven't seen before"
      (fn []
            (is (not (db/exists? User "")))
            (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (new-user-saml-test-response)
                                                         (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
              (is (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)))
              (is (= [{:email        ""
                       :first_name   "New"
                       :is_qbnewb    true
                       :is_superuser false
                       :id           true
                       :last_name    "User"
                       :date_joined  true
                       :common_name  "New User"}]
                     (->> (mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (db/select User :email ""))
                          (map #(dissoc % :last_login)))))
              (testing "attributes"
                (is (= (some-saml-attributes "newuser")
                       (saml-login-attributes "")))))
              (db/delete! User ""))))))))

(deftest login-update-account-test
  (testing "A new 'Unknown' name account will be created for a SAML user with no configured first or last name"
      (fn []
            (is (not (db/exists? User "")))
            ;; login with a user with no givenname or surname attributes
            (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (new-user-no-names-saml-test-response)
                                                         (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
              (is (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)))
              (is (= [{:email        ""
                       :first_name   "Unknown"
                       :is_qbnewb    true
                       :is_superuser false
                       :id           true
                       :last_name    "Unknown"
                       :date_joined  true
                       :common_name  "Unknown Unknown"}]
                     (->> (mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (db/select User :email ""))
                          (map #(dissoc % :last_login))))))
            ;; login with the same user, but now givenname and surname attributes exist
            (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (new-user-saml-test-response)
                                                         (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))]
              (is (successful-login? (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)))
              (is (= [{:email        ""
                       :first_name   "New"
                       :is_qbnewb    true
                       :is_superuser false
                       :id           true
                       :last_name    "User"
                       :date_joined  true
                       :common_name  "New User"}]
                     (->> (mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (db/select User :email ""))
                          (map #(dissoc % :last_login))))))
              (db/delete! User ""))))))))

(defn- group-memberships [user-or-id]
  (when-let [group-ids (seq (db/select-field :group_id PermissionsGroupMembership :user_id (u/the-id user-or-id)))]
    (db/select-field :name PermissionsGroup :id [:in group-ids])))

(deftest login-should-sync-single-group-membership
  (testing "saml group sync works when there's just a single group, which gets interpreted as a string"
        (fn []
          (mt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group-1 {:name (str ::group-1)}]
            (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-group-sync      true
                                               saml-group-mappings  {"group_1" [(u/the-id group-1)]}
                                               saml-attribute-group "GroupMembership"]
                ;; user doesn't exist until SAML request
                (is (not (db/select-one-id User "")))
                (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (new-user-with-single-group-saml-test-response)
                                                             (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))
                      response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
                  (is (successful-login? response))
                  (is (= #{"All Users"
                         (group-memberships (db/select-one-id User :email "")))))
                  (db/delete! User ""))))))))))

(deftest login-should-sync-multiple-group-membership
  (testing "saml group sync works when there are multiple groups, which gets interpreted as a list of strings"
        (fn []
          (mt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group-1 {:name (str ::group-1)}]
                          PermissionsGroup [group-2 {:name (str ::group-2)}]]
            (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [saml-group-sync      true
                                               saml-group-mappings  {"group_1" [(u/the-id group-1)]
                                                                     "group_2" [(u/the-id group-2)]}
                                               saml-attribute-group "GroupMembership"]
                (testing "user doesn't exist until SAML request"
                  (is (not (db/select-one-id User ""))))
                (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (new-user-with-groups-saml-test-response)
                                                             (saml/str->base64 default-redirect-uri))
                      response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
                  (is (successful-login? response))
                  (is (= #{"All Users"
                         (group-memberships (db/select-one-id User :email "")))))
                  (db/delete! User ""))))))))))

(deftest relay-state-e2e-test
  (testing "Redirect URL (RelayState) should work correctly end-to-end (#13666)"
      ;; The test HTTP client will automatically URL encode these for us.
      (doseq [redirect-url ["/collection/root"
        (testing (format "\nredirect URL = %s" redirect-url)
          (let [result     (client-full-response :get 302 "/auth/sso"
                                                 {:request-options {:redirect-strategy :none}}
                                                 :redirect redirect-url)
                location   (get-in result [:headers "Location"])
                _          (is (string? location))
                params-map (uri->params-map location)]
            (testing (format "\nresult =\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str params-map))
              (testing "\nRelay state URL should be base-64 encoded"
                (is (= (saml/str->base64 redirect-url)
                       (:RelayState params-map))))
              (testing "\nPOST request should redirect to the original redirect URL"
                  (fn []
                    (let [req-options (saml-post-request-options (saml-test-response)
                                                                 (:RelayState params-map))
                          response    (client-full-response :post 302 "/auth/sso" req-options)]
                      (is (successful-login? response))
                      (is (= redirect-url
                             (get-in response [:headers "Location"]))))))))))))))