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users.clj 2.58 KiB
(ns metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[ :as log]
[metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.interface :as config-from-file.i]
[metabase.models.user :refer [User]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [trs]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(s/def :metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users.config-file-spec/first_name
(s/def :metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users.config-file-spec/last_name
(s/def :metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users.config-file-spec/password
(s/def :metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users.config-file-spec/email
(s/def ::config-file-spec
(s/keys :req-un [:metabase-enterprise.config-from-file.users.config-file-spec/first_name
(defmethod config-from-file.i/section-spec :users
(s/spec (s/* ::config-file-spec)))
(defn- init-from-config-file-is-first-user?
"For [[init-from-config-file!]]: `true` if this the first User being created for this instance. If so, we will ALWAYS
create that User as a superuser, regardless of what is specified in the config file. (It doesn't make sense to
create the first User as anything other than a superuser)."
(zero? (db/count User)))
(defn- init-from-config-file!
;; TODO -- if this is the FIRST user, we should probably make them a superuser, right?
(if-let [existing-user-id (db/select-one-id User :email (:email user))]
(log/info (u/colorize :blue (trs "Updating User with email {0}" (pr-str (:email user)))))
(db/update! User existing-user-id user))
;; create a new user. If they are the first User, force them to be an admin.
(let [user (cond-> user
(init-from-config-file-is-first-user?) (assoc :is_superuser true))]
(log/info (u/colorize :green (trs "Creating the first User for this instance. The first user is always created as an admin.")))
(log/info (u/colorize :green (trs "Creating new User {0} with email {1}"
(pr-str (str (:first_name user) \space (:last_name user)))
(pr-str (:email user)))))
(db/insert! User user))))
(defmethod config-from-file.i/initialize-section! :users
[_section-name users]
(doseq [user users]
(init-from-config-file! user)))