Jeff Bruemmer authoredJeff Bruemmer authored
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title: "Embedded analytics SDK - appearance"
Embedded analytics SDK - appearance
{% include beta-blockquote.html %}
{% include plans-blockquote.html feature="Embedded analytics SDK" sdk=true %}
You can style your embedded Metabase components with a theme.
Here's an example that includes the various styling options available:
const theme = {
// Specify a font to use from the set of fonts supported by Metabase.
// You can set the font to "Custom" to use the custom font
// configured in your Metabase instance.
fontFamily: "Lato",
// Override the base font size for every component.
// This does not usually need to be set, as the components
// inherit the font size from the parent container, such as the body.
fontSize: "16px",
// Override the base line height for every component.
lineHeight: 1.5,
// Match your application's color scheme
colors: {
// The primary color of your application
brand: "#9B5966",
// The color of text that is most prominent
"text-primary": "#4C5773",
// The color of text that is less prominent
"text-secondary": "#696E7B",
// The color of text that is least prominent
"text-tertiary": "#949AAB",
// Default background color
background: "#FFFFFF",
// Slightly darker background color used for hover and accented elements
"background-hover": "#F9FBFC",
// Color used for borders
border: "#EEECEC",
// Color used for filters context
filter: "#7172AD",
// Color used for aggregations and breakouts context
summarize: "#88BF4D",
// Color used to indicate successful actions and positive values/trends
positive: "#BADC58",
// Color used to indicate dangerous actions and negative values/trends
negative: "#FF7979",
/** Color used for popover shadows */
shadow: "rgba(0,0,0,0.08)",
// Overrides the chart colors. Supports up to 8 colors
// Limitation: this does not affect charts with custom series color
charts: [
// can either be a hex code
// or a color object. tint and shade represents lighter and darker variations
// only base color is required, while tint and shade are optional
{ base: "#E74C3C", tint: "#EE6B56", shade: "#CB4436" },
components: {
// Dashboard
dashboard: {
// Background color for all dashboards
backgroundColor: "#2F3640",
card: {
// Background color for all dashboard cards
backgroundColor: "#2D2D30",
// Apply a border color instead of shadow for dashboard cards.
// Unset by default.
border: "1px solid #EEECEC",
// Question
question: {
// Background color for all questions
backgroundColor: "#2D2D30",
// Data table
table: {
cell: {
// Text color of cells, defaults to `text-primary`
textColor: "#4C5773",
// Default background color of cells, defaults to `background`
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
// Font size of cell values, defaults to ~12.5px
fontSize: "12.5px",
idColumn: {
// Text color of ID column, defaults to `brand`
textColor: "#9B5966",
// Background color of ID column, defaults to a lighter shade of `brand`
backgroundColor: "#F5E9EB",
// Number chart
number: {
// Value displayed on number charts.
// This also applies to the primary value in trend charts.
value: {
fontSize: "24px",
lineHeight: "21px",
// Cartesian chart
cartesian: {
// Padding around the cartesian charts.
// Uses CSS's `padding` property format.
padding: "4px 8px",
// Pivot table
pivotTable: {
cell: {
// Font size of cell values, defaults to ~12px
fontSize: "12px",
// Pivot row toggle to expand or collapse row
rowToggle: {
textColor: "#FFFFFF",
backgroundColor: "#95A5A6",
collectionBrowser: {
breadcrumbs: {
expandButton: {
textColor: "#8118F4",
backgroundColor: "#767D7C",
hoverTextColor: "#CE8C8C",
hoverBackgroundColor: "#69264B",
// Popover are used in components such as click actions in interactive questions.
popover: {
// z-index of the popover. Useful for embedding components in a modal. defaults to 4.
zIndex: 4,
Customizing loader and error components
You can provide your own components for loading and error states by specifying loaderComponent
and errorComponent
in the config.
import { defineEmbeddingSdkConfig } from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";
const config = defineEmbeddingSdkConfig({
loaderComponent: () => <div>Analytics is loading...</div>,
errorComponent: ({ message }) => <div>There was an error: {message}</div>,