Allen Gilliland authored
make password complexity description on password reset page dynamic just like we do on the setup page.
Allen Gilliland authoredmake password complexity description on password reset page dynamic just like we do on the setup page.
Code owners
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password_reset.html 2.77 KiB
<div class="bg-white flex flex-column flex-full layout-centered">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="Login-wrapper Grid Grid--full md-Grid--1of2">
<div class="Grid-cell flex layout-centered text-brand">
<mb-logo-icon class="Logo my4 sm-my0" width="66px" height="85px"></mb-logo-icon>
<div class="Grid-cell" ng-show="!resetSuccess">
<form class="ForgotForm Login-wrapper bg-white Form-new bordered rounded shadowed" name="form" novalidate>
<h3 class="Login-header Form-offset">New password</h3>
<p class="Form-offset text-grey-3 mb4">To keep your data secure, passwords {{passwordComplexity}}</p>
<div class="Form-field" mb-form-field="password">
<mb-form-label display-name="Create a new password" field-name="password"></mb-form-label>
<input class="Form-input Form-offset full" name="password" placeholder="Make sure its secure like the instructions above" type="password" ng-model="password" required autofocus>
<span class="Form-charm"></span>
<div class="Form-field" mb-form-field="password2">
<mb-form-label display-name="Confirm new password" field-name="password2"></mb-form-label>
<input class="Form-input Form-offset full" name="password2" placeholder="Make sure it matches the one you just entered" type="password" ng-model="password2" required>
<span class="Form-charm"></span>
<div class="Form-actions">
<button class="Button" ng-class="{'Button--primary': form.$valid}" ng-click="resetPassword(password)" ng-disabled="!form.$valid">
Save new password
<div class="Grid-cell" ng-show="resetSuccess">
<div class="SuccessGroup bg-white bordered rounded shadowed">
<div class="SuccessMark">
<mb-icon name="check"></mb-icon>
<p>Your password has been reset.</p>
<a ng-if="newUserJoining" href="/?new" class="Button Button--primary">Sign in with your new password</a>
<a ng-if="!newUserJoining" href="/" class="Button Button--primary">Sign in with your new password</a>
<div ng-include="'/app/auth/partials/auth_scene.html'"></div>