Braden Shepherdson authored
Write `storage.yaml` and `ingest.yaml` to serialize all the way to YAML files and back. Lots of generative testing to check it's isomorphic.
Braden Shepherdson authoredWrite `storage.yaml` and `ingest.yaml` to serialize all the way to YAML files and back. Lots of generative testing to check it's isomorphic.
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yaml.clj 1.64 KiB
(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.ingest.yaml
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.ingest :as ingest]
[yaml.core :as yaml])
(:import java.io.File))
(defmulti ^:private build-metas
(fn [^File file] (.getName file)))
(defmethod build-metas "settings.yaml" [file]
(let [settings (yaml/from-file file)]
(for [[k _] settings]
{:model "Setting" :id (name k)})))
(defmethod build-metas :default [^File file]
(let [model-name (-> file .getParentFile .getName)
[_ id label] (re-matches #"^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?:\+(.*))?.yaml$" (.getName file))]
[(cond-> {:model model-name :id id}
label (assoc :label label))]))
(defn- ingest-entity [root-dir {:keys [model id label] :as meta-map}]
(let [filename (if label
(str id "+" label ".yaml")
(str id ".yaml"))]
(-> (io/file root-dir model filename)
(assoc :serdes/meta meta-map))))
(deftype YamlIngestion [^File root-dir settings]
(ingest-list [_]
(eduction (comp (filter (fn [^File f] (.isFile f)))
(mapcat build-metas))
(file-seq root-dir)))
(ingest-one [_ {:keys [model id] :as meta-map}]
(if (= "Setting" model)
{:serdes/meta meta-map :key (keyword id) :value (get settings (keyword id))}
(ingest-entity root-dir meta-map))))
(defn ingest-yaml
"Creates a new Ingestable on a directory of YAML files, as created by
(->YamlIngestion (io/file root-dir) (yaml/from-file (io/file root-dir "settings.yaml"))))