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params.clj 9.96 KiB
(ns metabase.models.params
"Utility functions for dealing with parameters for Dashboards and Cards."
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand :as ql]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[db :as db]
[hydrate :refer [hydrate]]])
(:import metabase.query_processor.interface.FieldPlaceholder))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | SHARED |
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(defn- field-form->id
"Expand a `field-id` or `fk->` FORM and return the ID of the Field it references.
(field-form->id [:field-id 100]) ; -> 100"
(when-let [field-placeholder (u/ignore-exceptions (ql/expand-ql-sexpr field-form))]
(when (instance? FieldPlaceholder field-placeholder)
(:field-id field-placeholder))))
(defn- field-ids->param-field-values
"Given a collection of PARAM-FIELD-IDS return a map of FieldValues for the Fields they reference.
This map is returned by various endpoints as `:param_values`."
(when (seq param-field-ids)
(u/key-by :field_id (db/select ['FieldValues :values :human_readable_values :field_id]
:field_id [:in param-field-ids]))))
(defn- template-tag->field-form
"Fetch the `field-id` or `fk->` form from DASHCARD referenced by TEMPLATE-TAG.
(template-tag->field-form [:template-tag :company] some-dashcard) ; -> [:field-id 100]"
[[_ tag] dashcard]
(get-in dashcard [:card :dataset_query :native :template_tags (keyword tag) :dimension]))
(defn- param-target->field-id
"Parse a Card parameter TARGET form, which looks something like `[:dimension [:field-id 100]]`, and return the Field
ID it references (if any)."
[target dashcard]
(when (ql/is-clause? :dimension target)
(let [[_ dimension] target]
(field-form->id (if (ql/is-clause? :template-tag dimension)
(template-tag->field-form dimension dashcard)
(defn- pk-fields
"Return the `fields` that are PK Fields."
(filter #(isa? (:special_type %) :type/PK) fields))
(def ^:private Field:params-columns-only
"Form for use in Toucan `db/select` expressions (as a drop-in replacement for using `Field`) that returns Fields with
only the columns that are appropriate for returning in public/embedded API endpoints, which make heavy use of the
functions in this namespace. Use `conj` to add additional Fields beyond the ones already here. Use `rest` to get
just the column identifiers, perhaps for use with something like `select-keys`. Clutch!
(db/select Field:params-columns-only)"
['Field :id :table_id :display_name :base_type :special_type])
(defn- fields->table-id->name-field
"Given a sequence of `fields,` return a map of Table ID -> to a `:type/Name` Field in that Table, if one exists. In
cases where more than one name Field exists for a Table, this just adds the first one it finds."
(when-let [table-ids (seq (map :table_id fields))]
(u/key-by :table_id (db/select (conj Field:params-columns-only :table_id)
:table_id [:in table-ids]
:special_type (mdb/isa :type/Name)))))
(defn add-name-fields
"For all `fields` that are `:type/PK` Fields, look for a `:type/Name` Field belonging to the same Table. For each
Field, if a matching name Field exists, add it under the `:name_field` key. This is so the Fields can be used in
public/embedded field values search widgets. This only includes the information needed to power those widgets, and
no more."
{:batched-hydrate :name_field}
(let [table-id->name-field (fields->table-id->name-field (pk-fields fields))]
(for [field fields]
;; add matching `:name_field` if it's a PK
(assoc field :name_field (when (isa? (:special_type field) :type/PK)
(table-id->name-field (:table_id field)))))))
;; We hydrate the `:human_readable_field` for each Dimension using the usual hydration logic, so it contains columns we
;; don't want to return. The two functions below work to remove the unneeded ones.
(defn- remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns
"Strip nonpublic columns from a `dimension` and from its hydrated human-readable Field."
(-> dimension
(update :human_readable_field #(select-keys % (rest Field:params-columns-only)))
;; these aren't exactly secret but you the frontend doesn't need them either so while we're at it let's go ahead
;; and strip them out
(dissoc :created_at :updated_at)))
(defn- remove-dimensions-nonpublic-columns
"Strip nonpublic columns from the hydrated human-readable Field in the hydrated Dimensions in `fields`."
(for [field fields]
(update field :dimensions
(fn [dimension-or-dimensions]
;; as disucssed in `metabase.models.field` the hydration code for `:dimensions` is
;; WRONG and the value ends up either being a single Dimension or an empty vector.
;; However at some point we will fix this so deal with either a map or a sequence of
;; maps
(map? dimension-or-dimensions)
(remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns dimension-or-dimensions)
(sequential? dimension-or-dimensions)
(map remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns dimension-or-dimensions))))))
(defn- param-field-ids->fields
"Get the Fields (as a map of Field ID -> Field) that shoudl be returned for hydrated `:param_fields` for a Card or
Dashboard. These only contain the minimal amount of information neccesary needed to power public or embedded
parameter widgets."
(when (seq field-ids)
(u/key-by :id (-> (db/select (conj Field:params-columns-only :table_id) :id [:in field-ids])
(hydrate :has_field_values :name_field [:dimensions :human_readable_field])
(defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_values} param-values
"Add a `:param_values` map (Field ID -> FieldValues) containing FieldValues for the Fields referenced by the
parameters of a Card or a Dashboard. Implementations are in respective sections below."
(defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_fields} param-fields
"Add a `:param_fields` map (Field ID -> Field) for all of the Fields referenced by the parameters of a Card or
Dashboard. Implementations are below in respective sections."
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- dashboard->parameter-mapping-field-ids
"Return the IDs of any Fields referenced directly by the Dashboard's `:parameters` (i.e., 'explicit' parameters) by
looking at the appropriate `:parameter_mappings` entries for its Dashcards."
(when-let [ids (seq (for [dashcard (:ordered_cards dashboard)
param (:parameter_mappings dashcard)
:let [field-id (param-target->field-id (:target param) dashcard)]
:when field-id]
(set ids)))
(declare card->template-tag-field-ids)
(defn- dashboard->card-param-field-ids
"Return the IDs of any Fields referenced in the 'implicit' template tag field filter parameters for native queries in
the Cards in `dashboard`."
(for [{card :card} (:ordered_cards dashboard)]
(card->template-tag-field-ids card))))
(defn dashboard->param-field-ids
"Return a set of Field IDs referenced by parameters in Cards in this DASHBOARD, or `nil` if none are referenced. This
also includes IDs of Fields that are to be found in the 'implicit' parameters for SQL template tag Field filters."
(let [dashboard (hydrate dashboard [:ordered_cards :card])]
(dashboard->parameter-mapping-field-ids dashboard)
(dashboard->card-param-field-ids dashboard))))
(defn- dashboard->param-field-values
"Return a map of Field ID to FieldValues (if any) for any Fields referenced by Cards in DASHBOARD,
or `nil` if none are referenced or none of them have FieldValues."
(field-ids->param-field-values (dashboard->param-field-ids dashboard)))
(defmethod param-values "Dashboard" [dashboard]
(dashboard->param-field-values dashboard))
(defmethod param-fields "Dashboard" [dashboard]
(-> dashboard dashboard->param-field-ids param-field-ids->fields))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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(defn card->template-tag-field-ids
"Return a set of Field IDs referenced in template tag parameters in CARD."
(set (for [[_ {dimension :dimension}] (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template_tags])
:when dimension
:let [field-id (field-form->id dimension)]
:when field-id]
(defmethod param-values "Card" [card]
(field-ids->param-field-values (card->template-tag-field-ids card)))
(defmethod param-fields "Card" [card]
(-> card card->template-tag-field-ids param-field-ids->fields))