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  • Tom Robinson's avatar
    Query Builder 2.0 [WIP] (#4496) · ff12c03c
    Tom Robinson authored
    * QB modes, actions, and drill throughs.
    * Refactor drill throughs + misc bug fixes
    * Port sort action to drills
    * Smarter 'view this/these' name
    * Scalar hover state
    * QB actions: don't skip action selection screen unless the action is marked as 'default'
    * Fix flow errors
    * Fix drills
    * Show "This X's Ys" for FKs
    * Prevent qb from uneccesary push states
    * Don't show (fk) breakout fields that have already been broken out
    * Fix 'drill into this' unit
    * Cleanup timeseries footer
    * Cleanup qb selectors
    * Namespace all qb actions
    * Make modes dependent on previously run card
    * More timeseries footer cleanup
    * Fix table crash
    * Make breakout legend clickable
    * Fix datagrid pivot test
    * Flow + lint
    Query Builder 2.0 [WIP] (#4496)
    Tom Robinson authored
    * QB modes, actions, and drill throughs.
    * Refactor drill throughs + misc bug fixes
    * Port sort action to drills
    * Smarter 'view this/these' name
    * Scalar hover state
    * QB actions: don't skip action selection screen unless the action is marked as 'default'
    * Fix flow errors
    * Fix drills
    * Show "This X's Ys" for FKs
    * Prevent qb from uneccesary push states
    * Don't show (fk) breakout fields that have already been broken out
    * Fix 'drill into this' unit
    * Cleanup timeseries footer
    * Cleanup qb selectors
    * Namespace all qb actions
    * Make modes dependent on previously run card
    * More timeseries footer cleanup
    * Fix table crash
    * Make breakout legend clickable
    * Fix datagrid pivot test
    * Flow + lint
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.eslintrc 1.69 KiB
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