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    Remove unixtimestamp type (#15533) · 4910a3e2
    dpsutton authored
    * Remove type/UNIX* and type/ISO8601* from frontend
    * Set effective-type and coercion strategy when syncing
    these values will most likely only be available when using tests, as
    metadata is very unlikely to have this. As far as I can tell the
    toucannery apparatus is the only bit that has this. Its quite
    artificial. I'm not sure if this is a good idea.
    * :type/UNIXTimestampSeconds and type/ISO8601DateTimeString out of type
    remove the coercions from the type hierarchy. This brought up a
    strange issue that has been present for a while: all liquidbase
    migrations run and then all data migrations run. They are not
    interleaved. This allows for the following scenario:
    - data migration migrates all X values to Y in version 26
    - liquibase migration migrates all Y values to Z in version 28
    But these are not run in version order, but all liquibase migrations
    are run and then all data migrations are run. If you were on an old
    version for a while, you could end up with Y values even though the
    liquibase migration which comes "after" the data migration turns all Y
    values into Z values.
    This impacts this change because a data migration in this way:
    - liquibase changesets 287, 288, 289, and 290 remove all 'type/UNIX*'
    and 'type/ISO8601*' semantic types. These were in 0.39
    - data migration `migrate-field-types` added in 0.20.0 was looking for
    special_type's of "timestamp_milliseconds" and migrating them to
    Since the liquibase runs before the migrate-field-types, it's possible
    for a 'type/UNIX*' semantic type to reappear. And since these were
    removed from the type system it would fail validation and blow up. In
    this case it actually can't happen since the field its attempting to
    migrate (special_type) no longer exists. But since the migrations are
    not interleaved this problem still exists.
    * whatever prettier
    * Appease the machines
    * Restore the unix and iso semantic types to hierarchy
    migration tests still use these
    `(impl/test-migrations [283 296] [migrate!] ...)`
    A few things in tension: the field requires valid semantic_types,
    these _were_ valid semantic_types until v39.
    * Remove old "coercion" semantic types
    * Migrate the v20 version semantic types for unix epoch
    * Time travelling migrations
    these target v20 and v29 which at the time they existed had a column
    special type not semantic type. But these run after all of the schema
    migrations, not interleaved, so they will have a semantic_type not
    special_type when they actually run even though they target v20 or v29
    data. strange world
    * add migration's new checksum
    Remove unixtimestamp type (#15533)
    dpsutton authored
    * Remove type/UNIX* and type/ISO8601* from frontend
    * Set effective-type and coercion strategy when syncing
    these values will most likely only be available when using tests, as
    metadata is very unlikely to have this. As far as I can tell the
    toucannery apparatus is the only bit that has this. Its quite
    artificial. I'm not sure if this is a good idea.
    * :type/UNIXTimestampSeconds and type/ISO8601DateTimeString out of type
    remove the coercions from the type hierarchy. This brought up a
    strange issue that has been present for a while: all liquidbase
    migrations run and then all data migrations run. They are not
    interleaved. This allows for the following scenario:
    - data migration migrates all X values to Y in version 26
    - liquibase migration migrates all Y values to Z in version 28
    But these are not run in version order, but all liquibase migrations
    are run and then all data migrations are run. If you were on an old
    version for a while, you could end up with Y values even though the
    liquibase migration which comes "after" the data migration turns all Y
    values into Z values.
    This impacts this change because a data migration in this way:
    - liquibase changesets 287, 288, 289, and 290 remove all 'type/UNIX*'
    and 'type/ISO8601*' semantic types. These were in 0.39
    - data migration `migrate-field-types` added in 0.20.0 was looking for
    special_type's of "timestamp_milliseconds" and migrating them to
    Since the liquibase runs before the migrate-field-types, it's possible
    for a 'type/UNIX*' semantic type to reappear. And since these were
    removed from the type system it would fail validation and blow up. In
    this case it actually can't happen since the field its attempting to
    migrate (special_type) no longer exists. But since the migrations are
    not interleaved this problem still exists.
    * whatever prettier
    * Appease the machines
    * Restore the unix and iso semantic types to hierarchy
    migration tests still use these
    `(impl/test-migrations [283 296] [migrate!] ...)`
    A few things in tension: the field requires valid semantic_types,
    these _were_ valid semantic_types until v39.
    * Remove old "coercion" semantic types
    * Migrate the v20 version semantic types for unix epoch
    * Time travelling migrations
    these target v20 and v29 which at the time they existed had a column
    special type not semantic type. But these run after all of the schema
    migrations, not interleaved, so they will have a semantic_type not
    special_type when they actually run even though they target v20 or v29
    data. strange world
    * add migration's new checksum
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.dir-locals.el 3.07 KiB
((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)       ; always use spaces for tabs
         (require-final-newline . t)    ; add final newline on save
         (cider-shadow-default-options . "node-repl")
         (cider-default-cljs-repl . shadow)))
 (js2-mode . ((js2-mode-show-parse-errors . nil)      ; these settings will let flycheck do everything through eslint,
              (js2-mode-show-strict-warnings . nil))) ; because js2-mode can't handle flowtype
 (clojure-mode . ((eval . (progn
                            ;; Specify which arg is the docstring for certain macros
                            ;; (Add more as needed)
                            (put 'defendpoint 'clojure-doc-string-elt 3)
                            (put 'defendpoint-async 'clojure-doc-string-elt 3)
                            (put 'api/defendpoint 'clojure-doc-string-elt 3)
                            (put 'api/defendpoint-async 'clojure-doc-string-elt 3)
                            (put 'defsetting 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)
                            (put 'setting/defsetting 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)
                            (put 's/defn 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)
                            (put 'p.types/defprotocol+ 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)

                            ;; Define custom indentation for functions inside metabase.
                            ;; This list isn't complete; add more forms as we come across them.
                              (db/insert-many! 1)
                              (macros/case 0)
                              (match 1)
                              (mbql.match/match 1)
                              (mt/test-drivers 1)
                              (mt/query 1)
                              (mbql.match/match-one 1)
                              (mbql.match/replace 1)
                              (mbql.match/replace-in 2)
                              (impl/test-migrations 2)
                              (l/matche '(1 (:defn)))
                              (l/matcha '(1 (:defn)))
                              (p/defprotocol+ '(1 (:defn)))
                              (p.types/defprotocol+ '(1 (:defn)))
                              (p.types/def-abstract-type '(1 (:defn)))
                              (p.types/deftype+ '(2 nil nil (:defn)))
                              (p/def-map-type '(2 nil nil (:defn)))
                              (p.types/defrecord+ '(2 nil nil (:defn)))
                              (tools.macro/macrolet '(1 (:defn))))))
                  (clojure-indent-style . always-align)
                  ;; if you're using clj-refactor (highly recommended!)
                  (cljr-favor-prefix-notation . nil)
                  ;; prefer keeping source width about ~118, GitHub seems to cut off stuff at either 119 or 120 and
                  ;; it's nicer to look at code in GH when you don't have to scroll back and forth
                  (fill-column . 118)
                  (clojure-docstring-fill-column . 118)
                  (cider-preferred-build-tool . lein))))