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sync_database_test.clj 15.87 KiB
(ns metabase.sync-database-test
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[expectations :refer :all]
[db :as mdb]
[driver :as driver]
[sync :refer :all]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.driver.generic-sql :as sql]
[database :refer [Database]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[field-values :as field-values :refer [FieldValues]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[data :refer :all]
[util :as tu]]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
(def ^:private ^:const sync-test-tables
{"movie" {:name "movie"
:schema "default"
:fields #{{:name "id"
:base-type :type/Integer}
{:name "title"
:base-type :type/Text}
{:name "studio"
:base-type :type/Text}}}
"studio" {:name "studio"
:schema nil
:fields #{{:name "studio"
:base-type :type/Text
:special-type :type/PK}
{:name "name"
:base-type :type/Text}}}})
;; TODO - I'm 90% sure we could just reüse the "MovieDB" instead of having this subset of it used here
(defrecord SyncTestDriver []
(getName [_] "SyncTestDriver"))
(defn- describe-database [& _]
{:tables (set (for [table (vals sync-test-tables)]
(dissoc table :fields)))})
(defn- describe-table [_ _ table]
(get sync-test-tables (:name table)))
(defn- describe-table-fks [_ _ table]
(set (when (= "movie" (:name table))
#{{:fk-column-name "studio"
:dest-table {:name "studio"
:schema nil}
:dest-column-name "studio"}})))
(extend SyncTestDriver
(merge driver/IDriverDefaultsMixin
{:describe-database describe-database
:describe-table describe-table
:describe-table-fks describe-table-fks
:features (constantly #{:foreign-keys})
:details-fields (constantly [])
;; enough values that it won't get marked as a Category, but still get a fingerprint or w/e
:field-values-lazy-seq (fn [& _] (range 500))}))
(driver/register-driver! :sync-test (SyncTestDriver.))
(defn- table-details [table]
(into {} (-> (dissoc table :db :pk_field :field_values)
(assoc :fields (for [field (db/select Field, :table_id (:id table), {:order-by [:name]})]
(into {} (-> (dissoc field
:table :db :children :qualified-name :qualified-name-components
:values :target)
(update :fingerprint map?)
(update :fingerprint_version (complement zero?))))))
(def ^:private table-defaults
{:id true
:db_id true
:raw_table_id false
:schema nil
:description nil
:caveats nil
:points_of_interest nil
:show_in_getting_started false
:entity_type nil
:entity_name nil
:visibility_type nil
:rows nil
:active true
:created_at true
:updated_at true})
(def ^:private field-defaults
{:id true
:table_id true
:raw_column_id false
:description nil
:caveats nil
:points_of_interest nil
:active true
:parent_id false
:position 0
:preview_display true
:visibility_type :normal
:fk_target_field_id false
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:last_analyzed true
:fingerprint true
:fingerprint_version true})
[(merge table-defaults
{:schema "default"
:name "movie"
:display_name "Movie"
:fields [(merge field-defaults
{:special_type :type/PK
:name "id"
:display_name "ID"
:base_type :type/Integer})
(merge field-defaults
{:special_type :type/FK
:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:base_type :type/Text
:fk_target_field_id true})
(merge field-defaults
{:special_type nil
:name "title"
:display_name "Title"
:base_type :type/Text})]})
(merge table-defaults
{:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:fields [(merge field-defaults
{:special_type :type/Name
:name "name"
:display_name "Name"
:base_type :type/Text})
(merge field-defaults
{:special_type :type/PK
:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:base_type :type/Text})]})]
(tt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :sync-test}]
(sync-database! db)
;; we are purposely running the sync twice to test for possible logic issues which only manifest
;; on resync of a database, such as adding tables that already exist or duplicating fields
(sync-database! db)
(mapv table-details (db/select Table, :db_id (u/get-id db), {:order-by [:name]}))))
(merge table-defaults
{:schema "default"
:name "movie"
:display_name "Movie"
:fields [(merge field-defaults
{:special_type :type/PK
:name "id"
:display_name "ID"
:base_type :type/Integer})
(merge field-defaults
{:special_type nil
:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:base_type :type/Text})
(merge field-defaults
{:special_type nil
:name "title"
:display_name "Title"
:base_type :type/Text})]})
(tt/with-temp* [Database [db {:engine :sync-test}]
Table [table {:name "movie"
:schema "default"
:db_id (u/get-id db)}]]
(sync-table! table)
(table-details (Table (:id table)))))
;; test that we prevent running simultaneous syncs on the same database
(defonce ^:private calls-to-describe-database (atom 0))
(defrecord ConcurrentSyncTestDriver []
(getName [_] "ConcurrentSyncTestDriver"))
(extend ConcurrentSyncTestDriver
(merge driver/IDriverDefaultsMixin
{:describe-database (fn [_ _]
(swap! calls-to-describe-database inc)
(Thread/sleep 1000)
{:tables #{}})
:describe-table (constantly nil)
:details-fields (constantly [])}))
(driver/register-driver! :concurrent-sync-test (ConcurrentSyncTestDriver.))
;; only one sync should be going on at a time
;; describe-database gets called twice during a single sync process, once for syncing tables and a second time for syncing the _metabase_metadata table
(tt/with-temp* [Database [db {:engine :concurrent-sync-test}]]
(reset! calls-to-describe-database 0)
;; start a sync processes in the background. It should take 1000 ms to finish
(let [f1 (future (sync-database! db))
f2 (do
;; wait 200 ms to make sure everything is going
(Thread/sleep 200)
;; Start another in the background. Nothing should happen here because the first is already running
(future (sync-database! db)))]
;; Start another in the foreground. Again, nothing should happen here because the original should still be running
(sync-database! db)
;; make sure both of the futures have finished
(deref f1)
(deref f2)
;; Check the number of syncs that took place. Should be 2 (just the first)
;; Test that we will remove field-values when they aren't appropriate.
;; Calling `sync-database!` below should cause them to get removed since the Field doesn't have an appropriate special type
[[1 2 3]
(tt/with-temp* [Database [db {:engine :sync-test}]]
(sync-database! db)
(let [table-id (db/select-one-id Table, :schema "default", :name "movie")
field-id (db/select-one-id Field, :table_id table-id, :name "title")]
(tt/with-temp FieldValues [_ {:field_id field-id
:values "[1,2,3]"}]
(let [initial-field-values (db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)]
(sync-database! db)
(db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)])))))
;; ## Individual Helper Fns
(expect [:type/PK
(let [get-special-type (fn [] (db/select-one-field :special_type Field, :id (id :venues :id)))]
[;; Special type should be :id to begin with
;; Clear out the special type
(do (db/update! Field (id :venues :id), :special_type nil)
;; Calling sync-table! should set the special type again
(do (sync-table! (Table (id :venues)))
;; sync-table! should *not* change the special type of fields that are marked with a different type
(do (db/update! Field (id :venues :id), :special_type :type/Latitude)
;; Make sure that sync-table runs set-table-pks-if-needed!
(do (db/update! Field (id :venues :id), :special_type nil)
(sync-table! (Table (id :venues)))
;; Check that Foreign Key relationships were created on sync as we expect
(expect (id :venues :id)
(db/select-one-field :fk_target_field_id Field, :id (id :checkins :venue_id)))
(expect (id :users :id)
(db/select-one-field :fk_target_field_id Field, :id (id :checkins :user_id)))
(expect (id :categories :id)
(db/select-one-field :fk_target_field_id Field, :id (id :venues :category_id)))
;; Check that sync-table! causes FKs to be set like we'd expect
(expect [{:special_type :type/FK, :fk_target_field_id true}
{:special_type nil, :fk_target_field_id false}
{:special_type :type/FK, :fk_target_field_id true}]
(let [field-id (id :checkins :user_id)
get-special-type-and-fk-exists? (fn []
(into {} (-> (db/select-one [Field :special_type :fk_target_field_id], :id field-id)
(update :fk_target_field_id #(db/exists? Field :id %)))))]
[ ;; FK should exist to start with
;; Clear out FK / special_type
(do (db/update! Field field-id, :special_type nil, :fk_target_field_id nil)
;; Run sync-table and they should be set again
(let [table (Table (id :checkins))]
(sync-table! table)
;;; ## FieldValues Syncing
(let [get-field-values (fn [] (db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id (id :venues :price)))
get-field-values-id (fn [] (db/select-one-id FieldValues, :field_id (id :venues :price)))]
;; Test that when we delete FieldValues syncing the Table again will cause them to be re-created
[[1 2 3 4] ; 1
nil ; 2
[1 2 3 4]] ; 3
[ ;; 1. Check that we have expected field values to start with
;; 2. Delete the Field values, make sure they're gone
(do (db/delete! FieldValues :id (get-field-values-id))
;; 3. Now re-sync the table and make sure they're back
(do (sync-table! (Table (id :venues)))
;; Test that syncing will cause FieldValues to be updated
[[1 2 3 4] ; 1
[1 2 3] ; 2
[1 2 3 4]] ; 3
[ ;; 1. Check that we have expected field values to start with
;; 2. Update the FieldValues, remove one of the values that should be there
(do (db/update! FieldValues (get-field-values-id), :values [1 2 3])
;; 3. Now re-sync the table and make sure the value is back
(do (sync-table! (Table (id :venues)))
;; Make sure that if a Field's cardinality passes `low-cardinality-threshold` (currently 300)
;; the corresponding FieldValues entry will be deleted (#3215)
(defn- insert-range-sql [rang]
(str "INSERT INTO blueberries_consumed (num) VALUES "
(str/join ", " (for [n rang]
(str "(" n ")")))))
(let [details {:db (str "mem:" (tu/random-name) ";DB_CLOSE_DELAY=10")}]
(binding [mdb/*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
(tt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :h2, :details details}]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn (sql/connection-details->spec (driver/engine->driver :h2) details)]
(let [exec! #(doseq [statement %]
(jdbc/execute! conn [statement]))]
;; create the `blueberries_consumed` table and insert a 100 values
(exec! ["CREATE TABLE blueberries_consumed (num INTEGER NOT NULL);"
(insert-range-sql (range 100))])
(sync-database! db)
(let [table-id (db/select-one-id Table :db_id (u/get-id db))
field-id (db/select-one-id Field :table_id table-id)]
;; field values should exist...
(assert (= (count (db/select-one-field :values FieldValues :field_id field-id))
;; ok, now insert enough rows to push the field past the `low-cardinality-threshold` and sync again, there should be no more field values
(exec! [(insert-range-sql (range 100 (+ 100 field-values/low-cardinality-threshold)))])
(sync-database! db)
(db/exists? FieldValues :field_id field-id))))))))
(defn- narrow-to-min-max [row]
(-> row
(get-in [:type :type/Number])
(select-keys [:min :max])
(update :min #(u/round-to-decimals 4 %))
(update :max #(u/round-to-decimals 4 %))))
[{:min -165.374 :max -73.9533}
{:min 10.0646 :max 40.7794}]
(tt/with-temp* [Database [database {:details (:details (Database (id))), :engine :h2}]
Table [table {:db_id (u/get-id database), :name "VENUES"}]]
(sync-table! table)
(map narrow-to-min-max
[(db/select-one-field :fingerprint Field, :id (id :venues :longitude))
(db/select-one-field :fingerprint Field, :id (id :venues :latitude))])))