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snowflake.clj 11.02 KiB
(ns metabase.driver.snowflake
"Snowflake Driver."
(:require [clojure
[set :as set]
[string :as str]]
[ :as jdbc]
[ :as log]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[common :as driver.common]
[sql-jdbc :as sql-jdbc]]
[common :as sql-jdbc.common]
[connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[ :as]
[date :as du]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[i18n :refer [tru]]]
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import java.sql.Time
(driver/register! :snowflake, :parent :sql-jdbc)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :snowflake [_ {:keys [account regionid], :as opts}]
(let [host (if regionid
(str account "." regionid)
;; it appears to be the case that their JDBC driver ignores `db` -- see my bug report at
(-> (merge {:classname "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"
:subprotocol "snowflake"
:subname (str "//" host "")
:client_metadata_request_use_connection_ctx true
:ssl true
;; keep open connections open indefinitely instead of closing them. See #9674 and
:client_session_keep_alive true
;; other SESSION parameters
;; use the same week start we use for all the other drivers
:week_start 7
;; not 100% sure why we need to do this but if we don't set the connection to UTC our report timezone
;; stuff doesn't work, even though we ultimately override this when we set the session timezone
:timezone "UTC"}
(-> opts
;; original version of the Snowflake driver incorrectly used `dbname` in the details fields instead of
;; `db`. If we run across `dbname`, correct our behavior
(set/rename-keys {:dbname :db})
(dissoc :host :port :timezone)))
(sql-jdbc.common/handle-additional-options opts))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/database-type->base-type :snowflake [_ base-type]
({:NUMBER :type/Number
:DECIMAL :type/Decimal
:NUMERIC :type/Number
:INT :type/Integer
:INTEGER :type/Integer
:BIGINT :type/BigInteger
:SMALLINT :type/Integer
:TINYINT :type/Integer
:BYTEINT :type/Integer
:FLOAT :type/Float
:FLOAT4 :type/Float
:FLOAT8 :type/Float
:DOUBLE :type/Float
(keyword "DOUBLE PRECISON") :type/Float
:REAL :type/Float
:VARCHAR :type/Text
:CHAR :type/Text
:CHARACTER :type/Text
:STRING :type/Text
:TEXT :type/Text
:BINARY :type/*
:VARBINARY :type/*
:BOOLEAN :type/Boolean
:DATE :type/Date
:DATETIME :type/DateTime
:TIME :type/Time
:TIMESTAMP :type/DateTime
:TIMESTAMPLTZ :type/DateTime
:TIMESTAMPNTZ :type/DateTime
:TIMESTAMPTZ :type/DateTime
:VARIANT :type/*
;; Maybe also type *
:OBJECT :type/Dictionary
:ARRAY :type/*} base-type))
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->timestamp [:snowflake :seconds] [_ _ expr] (hsql/call :to_timestamp expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->timestamp [:snowflake :milliseconds] [_ _ expr] (hsql/call :to_timestamp expr 3))
(defmethod driver/date-interval :snowflake [_ unit amount]
(hsql/call :dateadd
(hsql/raw (name unit))
(hsql/raw (int amount))
(defn- extract [unit expr] (hsql/call :date_part unit (hx/->timestamp expr)))
(defn- date-trunc [unit expr] (hsql/call :date_trunc unit (hx/->timestamp expr)))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :default] [_ _ expr] expr)
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :minute] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :minute expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :minute-of-hour] [_ _ expr] (extract :minute expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :hour] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :hour expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :hour-of-day] [_ _ expr] (extract :hour expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :day] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :day expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :day-of-week] [_ _ expr] (extract :dayofweek expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :day-of-month] [_ _ expr] (extract :day expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :day-of-year] [_ _ expr] (extract :dayofyear expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :week] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :week expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :week-of-year] [_ _ expr] (extract :week expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :month] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :month expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :month-of-year] [_ _ expr] (extract :month expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :quarter] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :quarter expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :quarter-of-year] [_ _ expr] (extract :quarter expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :year] [_ _ expr] (extract :year expr))
(defn- db-name
"As mentioned above, old versions of the Snowflake driver used `details.dbname` to specify the physical database, but
tests (and Snowflake itself) expected `details.db`. This has since been fixed, but for legacy support we'll still
accept either. Throw an Exception if neither key can be found."
{:arglists '([database])}
[{details :details}]
(or (:db details)
(:dbname details)
(throw (Exception. (str (tru "Invalid Snowflake connection details: missing DB name."))))))
(defn- query-db-name []
(or (-> ( db-name)
(throw (Exception. "Missing DB name"))))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake (class Field)]
[driver field]
(let [table ( (:table_id field))
db-name (when-not (:alias? table)
field-identifier (keyword
(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots db-name (:schema table) (:name table) (:name field)))]
(sql.qp/cast-unix-timestamp-field-if-needed driver field field-identifier)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake (class Table)]
[_ table]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} table]
(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots (query-db-name) schema table-name)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :time]
[driver [_ value unit]]
(hx/->time (sql.qp/->honeysql driver value)))
(defmethod sql.qp/field->identifier :snowflake [driver {table-id :table_id, :as field}]
;; TODO - Making a DB call for each field to fetch its Table is inefficient and makes me cry, but this method is
;; currently only used for SQL params so it's not a huge deal at this point
;; TODO - we should make sure these are in the QP store somewhere and then could at least batch the calls
(! (db/select-one [Table :id :name :schema], :id (u/get-id table-id)))
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver field))
(defmethod driver/table-rows-seq :snowflake [driver database table]
(sql-jdbc/query driver database {:select [:*]
:from [(
(! database)
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver table))]}))
(defmethod driver/describe-database :snowflake [driver database]
{:tables (jdbc/with-db-metadata [metadata (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)]
(sql-jdbc.sync/fast-active-tables driver metadata (db-name database)))})
(defmethod driver/describe-table :snowflake [driver database table]
(jdbc/with-db-metadata [metadata (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)]
(->> (assoc (select-keys table [:name :schema])
:fields (sql-jdbc.sync/describe-table-fields metadata driver table (db-name database)))
;; find PKs and mark them
(sql-jdbc.sync/add-table-pks metadata))))
(defmethod driver/describe-table-fks :snowflake [driver database table]
(sql-jdbc.sync/describe-table-fks driver database table (db-name database)))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/set-timezone-sql :snowflake [_] "ALTER SESSION SET TIMEZONE = %s;")
(defmethod sql.qp/current-datetime-fn :snowflake [_] :%current_timestamp)
(defmethod driver/format-custom-field-name :snowflake [_ s]
(str/lower-case s))
;; See
(defmethod driver.common/current-db-time-date-formatters :snowflake [_]
(driver.common/create-db-time-formatters "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS Z"))
(defmethod driver.common/current-db-time-native-query :snowflake [_]
"select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF TZHTZM')")
(defmethod driver/current-db-time :snowflake [& args]
(apply driver.common/current-db-time args))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :snowflake [_]
(defmethod driver/can-connect? :snowflake [driver {:keys [db], :as details}]
(and ((get-method driver/can-connect? :sql-jdbc) driver details)
(let [spec (sql-jdbc.conn/details->connection-spec-for-testing-connection driver details)
sql (format "SHOW OBJECTS IN DATABASE \"%s\";" db)]
(jdbc/query spec sql)
(catch SnowflakeSQLException e
(log/error e (tru "Snowflake Database does not exist."))
(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:snowflake Date] [_ value]
(format "timestamp '%s'" (du/date->iso-8601 value)))
(prefer-method unprepare/unprepare-value [:sql Time] [:snowflake Date])