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title: "Embedded analytics SDK - components"

Embedded analytics SDK - questions

{% include beta-blockquote.html %}

{% include plans-blockquote.html feature="Embedded analytics SDK" sdk=true %}

There are different ways you can embed questions:

Embedding a static question

You can embed a static question using the StaticQuestion component.

The component has a default height, which can be customized by using the height prop. To inherit the height from the parent container, you can pass 100% to the height prop.

import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, StaticQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

const config = {...}

export default function App() {
    const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed

    return (
        <MetabaseProvider config={config}>
            <StaticQuestion questionId={questionId} showVisualizationSelector={false}/>

You can pass parameter values to questions defined with SQL via parameterValues prop, in the format of {parameter_name: parameter_value}. Learn more about SQL parameters.

{% raw %}
<StaticQuestion questionId={questionId} parameterValues={{ product_id: 50 }} />
{% endraw %}

Embedding an interactive question

You can embed an interactive question using the InteractiveQuestion component.

import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

const config = {...}

export default function App() {
    const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed

    return (
        <MetabaseProvider config={config}>
            <InteractiveQuestion questionId={questionId}/>

Question props

Prop Type Description
questionId number or string (required) The ID of the question. This is either:
- The numerical ID when accessing a question link, e.g., http://localhost:3000/question/1-my-question where the ID is 1.
- The entity_id key of the question object. You can find a question's entity ID in the info panel when viewing a question.
plugins { mapQuestionClickActions: Function } or null Additional mapper function to override or add drill-down menu.
height number or string (optional) A number or string specifying a CSS size value that specifies the height of the component
entityTypeFilter string array; options include "table", "question", "model", "metric" (optional) An array that specifies which entity types are available in the data picker
isSaveEnabled boolean (optional) Whether people can save the question.
withResetButton boolean (optional, default: true) Determines whether a reset button is displayed. Only relevant when using the default layout
withTitle boolean (optional, default: false) Determines whether the question title is displayed. Only relevant when using the default layout.
customTitle string or undefined (optional) Allows a custom title to be displayed instead of the default question title. Only relevant when using the default layout.
onBeforeSave () => void (optional) A callback function that triggers before saving. Only relevant when isSaveEnabled = true.
onSave () => void (optional) A callback function that triggers when a user saves the question. Only relevant when isSaveEnabled = true.
saveToCollectionId number (optional) The target collection to save the question to. This will hide the collection picker from the save modal. Only applicable to static questions.

Customizing interactive questions

By default, the Embedded analytics SDK provides a default layout for interactive questions that allows you to view your questions, apply filters and aggregations, and access functionality within the query builder.

Here's an example of using the InteractiveQuestion component with its default layout:

<InteractiveQuestion questionId={95} />

To customize the layout, use namespaced components within the InteractiveQuestion component. For example:

{% raw %}
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={95}>
      display: "flex",
      flexDirection: "column",
      alignItems: "center",
      justifyContent: "center",
    <div style={{ display: "grid", placeItems: "center" }}>
      <InteractiveQuestion.Title />
      <InteractiveQuestion.ResetButton />
        display: "flex",
        alignItems: "center",
        justifyContent: "flex-start",
        overflow: "hidden",
      <div style={{ width: "100%" }}>
        <InteractiveQuestion.QuestionVisualization />
      <div style={{ display: "flex", flex: 1, overflow: "scroll" }}>
        <InteractiveQuestion.Summarize />
    <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
      <InteractiveQuestion.Filter />
{% endraw %}

Interactive question components

These components are available via the InteractiveQuestion namespace (e.g., <InteractiveQuestion.Filter />).

Component Info
BackButton The back button, which provides back functionality for the InteractiveDashboard
FilterBar The row of badges that contains the current filters that are applied to the question
Filter The Filter pane containing all possible filters
FilterButton The button used in the default layout to open the Filter pane. You can replace this button with your own implementation.
ResetButton The button used to reset the question after the question has been modified with filters/aggregations/etc
Title The question's title
SaveButton Button for saving the question.
Summarize The Summarize pane containing all possible aggregations
SummarizeButton The button used in the default layout to open the Summarize pane. You can replace this button with your own implementation.
Notebook The Notebook editor that allows for more filter, aggregation, and custom steps
NotebookButton The button used in the default layout to open the Notebook editor. You can replace this button with your own implementation.
QuestionVisualization The chart visualization for the question
QuestionSettings The settings for the current visualization

Interactive question plugins

You can use plugins to add custom functionality to your questions.


This plugin allows you to add custom actions to the click-through menu of an interactive question. You can add and customize the appearance and behavior of the custom actions.

// You can provide a custom action with your own `onClick` logic.
const createCustomAction = clicked => ({
  buttonType: "horizontal",
  name: "client-custom-action",
  section: "custom",
  type: "custom",
  icon: "chevronright",
  title: "Hello from the click app!!!",
  onClick: ({ closePopover }) => {
    alert(`Clicked ${clicked.column?.name}: ${clicked.value}`);

// Or customize the appearance of the custom action to suit your need.
const createCustomActionWithView = clicked => ({
  name: "client-custom-action-2",
  section: "custom",
  type: "custom",
  view: ({ closePopover }) => (
      className="tw-text-base tw-text-yellow-900 tw-bg-slate-400 tw-rounded-lg"
      onClick={() => {
        alert(`Clicked ${clicked.column?.name}: ${clicked.value}`);
      Custom element

const plugins = {
   * You will have access to default `clickActions` that Metabase renders by default.
   * So you could decide if you want to add custom actions, remove certain actions, etc.
  mapQuestionClickActions: (clickActions, clicked) => {
    return [

const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed

return (
  <MetabaseProvider config={config} pluginsConfig={plugins}>
    <InteractiveQuestion questionId={questionId} />

Embedding an editable interactive question

You can edit an existing question using the query builder by passing the isSaveEnabled prop on the InteractiveQuestion component.

import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

const config = {...}

export default function App() {
    return (
        <MetabaseProvider config={config}>
            <InteractiveQuestion questionId={1} isSaveEnabled />

Embedding the query builder

With the CreateQuestion component, you can embed the query builder without a pre-defined question.

import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, CreateQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

const config = {...}

export default function App() {
    return (
        <MetabaseProvider config={config}>