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  • Dalton's avatar
    Upgrade babel to 7.x.x and jest to 27.x.x (#17137) · 3a7c3987
    Dalton authored
    * Update babel dependencies to latest
    * Remove some old babel dependencies
    The dependencies in this commit include dependencies that have been
    renamed, such as babel-cli which is now @babel/cli. It also includes
    dependencies that have been replaced, such as babel-preset-stage-0 and
    its ilk, which have been replaced with @babel/preset-env.
    * Remove babel-register dependency
    This is referenced in our webpack.config.js file. I don't think we need
    Babel in our Node envionment, but I could be wrong, so leaving this as a
    separate commit.
    * Remove @babel/standalone and dependent code
    We're using @babel/standalone to support the writing of JSX in our
    internal-only ScratchApp editor. Unfortunately, this dependency is
    large--1.5mb not gzipped--and our current build does not intelligently
    split bundles, meaning our users our burdened by the size of this
    dependency whenever they must redownload the Metabase JS bundle.
    I'm removing it. We...
    Upgrade babel to 7.x.x and jest to 27.x.x (#17137)
    Dalton authored
    * Update babel dependencies to latest
    * Remove some old babel dependencies
    The dependencies in this commit include dependencies that have been
    renamed, such as babel-cli which is now @babel/cli. It also includes
    dependencies that have been replaced, such as babel-preset-stage-0 and
    its ilk, which have been replaced with @babel/preset-env.
    * Remove babel-register dependency
    This is referenced in our webpack.config.js file. I don't think we need
    Babel in our Node envionment, but I could be wrong, so leaving this as a
    separate commit.
    * Remove @babel/standalone and dependent code
    We're using @babel/standalone to support the writing of JSX in our
    internal-only ScratchApp editor. Unfortunately, this dependency is
    large--1.5mb not gzipped--and our current build does not intelligently
    split bundles, meaning our users our burdened by the size of this
    dependency whenever they must redownload the Metabase JS bundle.
    I'm removing it. We...
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  "moduleNameMapper": {
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    "\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "<rootDir>/frontend/test/__mocks__/fileMock.js",
    "^promise-loader\\?global\\!metabase\\/lib\\/ga-metadata$": "<rootDir>/frontend/src/metabase/lib/ga-metadata.js"
  "testMatch": ["<rootDir>/frontend/test/**/*.tz.unit.spec.js?(x)"],
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  "coverageReporters": ["text", "json-summary"],
  "collectCoverageFrom": ["frontend/src/**/*.js", "frontend/src/**/*.jsx"],
  "coveragePathIgnorePatterns": [
  "testEnvironment": "jsdom"