Jeff Bruemmer authoredJeff Bruemmer authored
- Installation and operation overview
- Installing Metabase
- Migrating to a production database
- Configuring the Metabase application database
- Backing up Metabase application data
- Upgrading Metabase
- Serialization
- Monitoring your Metabase
- Observability with Prometheus
- Supported browsers
- About the anonymous usage data we collect.
- Command line commands
title: "Installation and operation overview"
Installation and operation overview
The birth, care, and feeding of your Metabase.
Installing Metabase
Start here.
Migrating to a production database
If you started using Metabase with the default, H2 application database, here's how to migrate your data to a production-ready database.
Configuring the Metabase application database
Use environment variables to set up your application database.
Backing up Metabase application data
How to back up your Metabase data: questions, dashboards, and other application data.
Upgrading Metabase
How to safely upgrade your Metabase.
Export your questions, dashboards, and more as YAML files that you can check into version control.
Monitoring your Metabase
Monitor your Metabase with JMX.
Observability with Prometheus
Export Metabase metrics for viewing with Prometheus.
Supported browsers
Rest in peace, Internet Explorer.
About the anonymous usage data we collect.
We collect anonymous Metabase usage data to improve the product. We don't collect your data.
Command line commands
Metabase's CLI.
If you’d like more technical resources to set up your data stack with Metabase, connect with a Metabase Expert.