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Environment variables

Most settings in Metabase can viewed and modified in the Admin Panel, or set via environment variables. The environment variables always take precedence.

Environment Variable Type Default at install Description
MB_ABANDONMENT_EMAIL_SENT boolean false Have we sent an abandonment email to the instance admin?
MB_ADMIN_EMAIL string null The email address users should be referred to if they encounter a problem.
MB_ANON_TRACKING_ENABLED boolean true Enable the collection of anonymous usage data in order to help Metabase improve.
MB_BREAKOUT_BIN_WIDTH double 10.0 When using the default binning strategy for a field of type Coordinate (such as Latitude and Longitude), this number will be used as the default bin width (in degrees).
MB_BREAKOUT_BINS_NUM integer 8 When using the default binning strategy and a number of bins is not provided, this number will be used as the default.
MB_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES boolean true Identify when new versions of Metabase are available.
MB_CUSTOM_FORMATTING JSON {} Object keyed by type, containing formatting settings
MB_CUSTOM_GEOJSON JSON {} JSON containing information about custom GeoJSON files for use in map visualizations instead of the default US State or World GeoJSON.
MB_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS string null Email address you want to use as the sender of Metabase.
MB_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST string null The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.
MB_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD string null SMTP password.
MB_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT int 25 The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.
MB_EMAIL_SMTP_SECURITY string null SMTP secure connection protocol. (tls, ssl, starttls, or none)
MB_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME string null SMTP username.
MB_EMBEDDING_SECRET_KEY string null Secret key used to sign JSON Web Tokens for requests to /api/embed endpoints.
MB_ENABLE_EMBEDDING boolean false Allow admins to securely embed questions and dashboards within other applications?
MB_ENABLE_NESTED_QUERIES boolean true Allow using a saved question as the source for other queries?
MB_ENABLE_PUBLIC_SHARING boolean false Enable admins to create publicly viewable links (and embeddable iframes) for Questions and Dashboards?
MB_ENABLE_QUERY_CACHING boolean false Enabling caching will save the results of queries that take a long time to run.
MB_ENABLE_XRAYS boolean true Allow users to explore data using X-rays
MB_FOLLOW_UP_EMAIL_SENT boolean false Have we sent a follow up email to the instance admin?
MB_GOOGLE_AUTH_AUTO_CREATE_ACCOUNTS_DOMAIN string null When set, allow users to sign up on their own if their Google account email address is from this domain.
MB_GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID string null Client ID for Google Auth SSO. If this is set, Google Auth is considered to be enabled.
MB_HUMANIZATION_STRATEGY string (advanced, simple, or none) "advanced" Metabase can attempt to transform your table and field names into more sensible, human-readable versions, e.g. "somehorriblename" becomes "Some Horrible Name". This doesn’t work all that well if the names are in a language other than English, however. Do you want us to take a guess?
MB_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL string "mail" Attribute to use for the users email. (usually 'mail', 'email' or 'userPrincipalName')
MB_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_FIRSTNAME string "givenName" Attribute to use for the user's first name. (usually 'givenName')
MB_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_LASTNAME string "sn" Attribute to use for the user's last name. (usually 'sn')
MB_LDAP_BIND_DN string null The Distinguished Name to bind as (if any), this user will be used to lookup information about other users.
MB_LDAP_ENABLED boolean false Enable LDAP authentication.
MB_LDAP_GROUP_BASE string null Search base for groups, not required if your LDAP directory provides a 'memberOf' overlay. (Will be searched recursively)
MB_LDAP_GROUP_MAPPINGS JSON {} JSON containing LDAP to Metabase group mappings.
MB_LDAP_GROUP_SYNC boolean false Enable group membership synchronization with LDAP.
MB_LDAP_HOST string null Server hostname.
MB_LDAP_PASSWORD string null The password to bind with for the lookup user.
MB_LDAP_PORT string "389" Server port, usually 389 or 636 if SSL is used.
MB_LDAP_SECURITY string "none" Use SSL, TLS or plain text.
MB_LDAP_USER_BASE string null Search base for users. (Will be searched recursively)
MB_LDAP_USER_FILTER string `(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)( (uid={login})(mail={login})))`
MB_MAP_TILE_SERVER_URL string http://{s} {z}/{x}/{y}.png The map tile server URL template used in map visualizations, for example from OpenStreetMaps or MapBox.
MB_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES_PER_DB integer 15 Maximum number of simultaneous queries to allow per connected Database.
MB_METABOT_ENABLED boolean false Enable MetaBot, which lets you search for and view your saved questions directly via Slack.
MB_METABOT_INSTANCE_LAST_CHECKIN string null Timestamp of the last time the active MetaBot instance checked in.
MB_METABOT_INSTANCE_UUID string null UUID of the active MetaBot instance (the Metabase process currently handling MetaBot duties.)
MB_PREMIUM_EMBEDDING_TOKEN string null Token for premium features. Go to the MetaStore to get yours!
MB_QUERY_CACHING_MAX_KB integer 1000 The maximum size of the cache, per saved question, in kilobytes:
MB_QUERY_CACHING_MAX_TTL integer 8640000 (100 days, in seconds) The absolute maximum time to keep any cached query results, in seconds.
MB_QUERY_CACHING_MIN_TTL integer 60 Metabase will cache all saved questions with an average query execution time longer than this many seconds:
MB_QUERY_CACHING_TTL_RATIO integer 10 To determine how long each saved question's cached result should stick around, we take the query's average execution time and multiply that by whatever you input here.So if a query takes on average 2 minutes to run, and you input 10 for your multiplier, its cache entry will persist for 20 minutes.
MB_REPORT_TIMEZONE string null Connection timezone to use when executing queries. Defaults to system timezone.
MB_SITE_LOCALE string "en" The default language for this Metabase instance. This only applies to emails, Pulses, etc. Users' browsers will specify the language used in the user interface.
MB_SITE_NAME string "Metabase" The name used for this instance of Metabase.
MB_SITE_URL string null The base URL of this Metabase instance, e.g. "".
MB_SLACK_TOKEN string null Slack API bearer token obtained from
MB_SOURCE_ADDRESS_HEADER string X-Forwarded-For Identify the source of HTTP requests by this headers value, instead of its remote address.
MB_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PUBLIC_KEY string null Base-64 encoded public key for this sites SSL certificate.Specify this to enable HTTP Public Key Pinning.See for more information.