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index.clj 10.51 KiB
   [cheshire.core :as json]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers]
   [ :as search.spec]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

(def ^:private active-table :search_index)

(def ^:private pending-table :search_index_next)

(def ^:private retired-table :search_index_retired)

(defonce ^:private initialized? (atom false))

(defonce ^:private reindexing? (atom false))

(def ^:private tsv-language "simple")

(defn- exists? [table-name]
  (t2/exists? :information_schema.tables :table_name (name table-name)))

(defn- drop-table! [table-name]
   (when (exists? table-name)
     (t2/query (sql.helpers/drop-table table-name)))))

(defn- rename-table! [old new]
  (when (and (exists? old) (not (exists? new)))
    (-> (sql.helpers/alter-table old)
        (sql.helpers/rename-table new)

(defn maybe-create-pending!
  "Create a non-active search index table."
  (when (not @reindexing?)
    (when-not (exists? pending-table)
      (-> (sql.helpers/create-table pending-table)
            [[:id :bigint [:primary-key] [:raw "GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY"]]
             ;; entity
             [:model_id :int :not-null]
             [:model [:varchar 254] :not-null] ;; TODO We could shrink this to just what we need.
             [:name :text]
             ;; search
             [:search_vector :tsvector :not-null]
             [:with_native_query_vector :tsvector :not-null]
             ;; results
             [:display_data :text :not-null]
             [:legacy_input :text :not-null]
             ;; scoring related
             [:dashboardcard_count :int]
             [:last_viewed_at :timestamp]
             [:model_rank :int :not-null]
             [:official_collection :boolean]
             [:pinned :boolean]
             [:verified :boolean]
             [:view_count :int]
             ;; permission related entities
             [:collection_id :int]
             [:database_id :int]
             ;; filter related
             [:archived :boolean :not-null [:default false]]
             [:creator_id :int]
             [:last_edited_at :timestamp]
             [:last_editor_id :int]
             [:model_created_at :timestamp]
             [:model_updated_at :timestamp]
             ;; useful for tracking the speed and age of the index
             [:created_at :timestamp
              [:default [:raw "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"]]
             [:updated_at :timestamp :not-null]])

      ;; TODO I strongly suspect that there are more indexes that would help performance, we should examine EXPLAIN.

      (let [idx-prefix (str/replace (str (name active-table) "_" (random-uuid)) #"-" "_")
            table-name (name pending-table)]
        (doseq [stmt ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_identity_idx ON %s (model, model_id)"
                      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_tsvector_idx ON %s USING gin (search_vector)"
                      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_native_tsvector_idx ON %s USING gin (with_native_query_vector)"
                      ;; Spam all the indexes for now, let's see if they get used on Stats / Ephemeral envs.
                      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_model_archived_idx ON %s (model, archived)"
                      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_archived_idx ON %s (archived)"]]
          (t2/query (format stmt idx-prefix table-name)))))

    (reset! reindexing? true)))

(defn activate-pending!
  "Make the pending index active if it exists. Returns true if it did so."
  ;; ... just in case it wasn't cleaned up last time.
  (drop-table! retired-table)
  (when (exists? pending-table)
    (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
      (rename-table! active-table retired-table)
      (rename-table! pending-table active-table))
    (reset! reindexing? false)
    (drop-table! retired-table)

(defn- entity->entry [entity]
  (-> entity
       ;; remove attrs that get aliased
       (remove #{:id :created_at :updated_at :native_query}
               (conj search.spec/attr-columns
                     :model :model_rank
                     :display_data :legacy_input)))
      (update :display_data json/generate-string)
      (update :legacy_input json/generate-string)
       :updated_at       :%now
       :model_id         (:id entity)
       :model_created_at (:created_at entity)
       :model_updated_at (:updated_at entity)
       :search_vector [:||
                       [:setweight [:to_tsvector [:inline tsv-language] [:cast (:name entity) :text]]
                        [:inline "A"]]
                       [:setweight [:to_tsvector
                                    [:inline tsv-language]
                                     (:searchable_text entity "")
                        [:inline "B"]]]
       :with_native_query_vector [:||
                                  [:setweight [:to_tsvector [:inline tsv-language] [:cast (:name entity) :text]]
                                   [:inline "A"]]
                                  [:setweight [:to_tsvector
                                               [:inline tsv-language]
                                                (str (:searchable_text entity) " " (:native_query entity))
                                   [:inline "B"]]])))

(defn- upsert! [table entry]
   {:insert-into   table
    :values        [entry]
    :on-conflict   [:model :model_id]
    :do-update-set entry}))

(defn- batch-upsert! [table entries]
  (when (seq entries)
     ;; The cost of dynamically calculating these keys should be small compared to the IO cost, so unoptimized.
     (let [update-keys (vec (disj (set (keys (first entries))) :id :model :model_id))
           excluded-kw (fn [column] (keyword (str "excluded." (name column))))]
       {:insert-into   table
        :values        entries
        :on-conflict   [:model :model_id]
        :do-update-set (zipmap update-keys (map excluded-kw update-keys))}))))

(defn update!
  "Create the given search index entries"
  (let [entry (entity->entry entity)]
    (when @initialized?
      (upsert! active-table entry))
    (when @reindexing?
      (upsert! pending-table entry))))

(defn delete!
  "Remove any entries corresponding directly to a given model instance."
  [id search-models]
  ;; In practice, we expect this to be 1-1, but the data model does not preclude it.
  (when (seq search-models)
    (when @initialized?
      (t2/delete! active-table :model_id id :model [:in search-models]))
    (when @reindexing?
      (t2/delete! pending-table :model_id id :model [:in search-models]))))

(defn- quote* [s]
  (str "'" (str/replace s "'" "''") "'"))

(defn- process-phrase [word-or-phrase]
  ;; a phrase is quoted even if the closing quotation mark has not been typed yet
    ;; trailing quotation mark
    (= word-or-phrase "\"") nil
    ;; quoted phrases must be matched sequentially
    (str/starts-with? word-or-phrase "\"")
    (as-> word-or-phrase <>
      ;; remove the quote mark(s)
      (str/replace <> #"^\"|\"$" "")
      (str/trim <>)
      (str/split <> #"\s+")
      (map quote* <>)
      (str/join " <-> " <>))

    ;; negation
    (str/starts-with? word-or-phrase "-")
    (str "!" (quote* (subs word-or-phrase 1)))

    ;; just a regular word
    (quote* word-or-phrase)))

(defn- split-preserving-quotes
  "Break up the words in the search input, preserving quoted and partially quoted segments."
  (re-seq #"\"[^\"]*(?:\"|$)|[^\s\"]+|\s+" (u/lower-case-en s)))

(defn- process-clause [words-and-phrases]
  (->> words-and-phrases
       (remove #{"and"})
       (map process-phrase)
       (remove str/blank?)
       (str/join " & ")))

(defn- complete-last-word
  "Add wildcards at the end of the final word, so that we match ts completions."
  (str/replace expression #"(\S+)(?=\s*$)" "$1:*"))

(defn- to-tsquery-expr
  "Given the user input, construct a query in the Postgres tsvector query language."
   (when input
     (let [trimmed        (str/trim input)
           complete?      (not (str/ends-with? trimmed "\""))
           ;; TODO also only complete if search-typeahead-enabled and the context is the search palette
           maybe-complete (if complete? complete-last-word identity)]
       (->> (split-preserving-quotes trimmed)
            (remove str/blank?)
            (partition-by #{"or"})
            (remove #(= (first %) "or"))
            (map process-clause)
            (str/join " | ")

(defn batch-update!
  "Create the given search index entries in bulk"
  (let [entries (map entity->entry entities)]
    (when @initialized?
      (batch-upsert! active-table entries))
    (when @reindexing?
      (batch-upsert! pending-table entries))
    (count entries)))

(defn search-query
  "Query fragment for all models corresponding to a query parameter `:search-term`."
  ([search-term search-ctx]
   (search-query search-term search-ctx [:model_id :model]))
  ([search-term search-ctx select-items]
   {:select    select-items
    :from      [active-table]
    ;; Using a join allows us to share the query expression between our SELECT and WHERE clauses.
    :join      [[[:raw "to_tsquery('"
                  tsv-language "', "
                  [:lift (to-tsquery-expr search-term)] ")"]
                 :query] [:= 1 1]]
    :where     (if (str/blank? search-term)
                 [:= [:inline 1] [:inline 1]]
                   (if (:search-native-query search-ctx)
                   " @@ query")])}))

(defn search
  "Use the index table to search for records."
  [search-term & [search-ctx]]
  (map (juxt :model_id :model)
       (t2/query (search-query search-term search-ctx))))

(defn reset-index!
  "Ensure we have a blank slate; in case the table schema or stored data format has changed."
  (reset! reindexing? false)
  (drop-table! pending-table)
  (reset! initialized? true))

(defn ensure-ready!
  "Ensure the index is ready to be populated. Return false if it was already ready."
  (if (or force-recreation? (not (exists? active-table)))
    (reset! initialized? true)))