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Commit 028f2110 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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parent ae0c99bd
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......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math]
[clojure.string :as s]
[ :as log]
[colorize.core :as color]
[korma.core :as k]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.db :refer :all]
......@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
(doseq [[table-name table-id] table-name->id]
(when-not (contains? active-table-names table-name)
(upd Table table-id :active false)
(log/info (format "Marked table %s.%s as inactive." (:name database) table-name))
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked table %s.%s as inactive." (:name database) table-name))
;; We need to mark driver Table's Fields as inactive so we don't expose them in UI such as FK selector (etc.)
(k/update Field
......@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
(doseq [active-table-name active-table-names]
(when-not (contains? existing-table-names active-table-name)
(ins Table :db_id (:id database), :active true, :name active-table-name)
(log/info (format "Found new table: %s.%s" (:name database) active-table-name))))))
(log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new table: %s.%s" (:name database) active-table-name))))))
;; Now sync the active tables
(log/debug "Syncing active tables...")
......@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
(map #(assoc % :db (delay database))) ; replace default delays with ones that reuse database (and don't require a DB call)
(sync-database-active-tables! driver))
(log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Finished syncing %s database %s." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))))))
(log/info (u/format-color 'magenta "Finished syncing %s database %s." (name (:engine database)) (:name database)))))))
(defn sync-table!
"Sync a *single* TABLE by running all the sync steps for it.
......@@ -93,18 +92,18 @@
[driver active-tables]
;; update the row counts for every Table. These *can* happen asynchronously, but since they make a lot of DB calls each so
;; going to block while they run for the time being. (TODO - fix this)
(log/debug (color/green "Updating table row counts..."))
(log/debug "Updating table row counts...")
(doseq [table active-tables]
(u/try-apply update-table-row-count! table))
;; Next, create new Fields / mark inactive Fields / mark PKs for each table
;; (TODO - this was originally done in parallel but it was only marginally faster, and harder to debug. Should we switch back at some point?)
(log/debug (color/green "Syncing active Fields + PKs..."))
(log/debug "Syncing active fields + PKs...")
(doseq [table active-tables]
(u/try-apply sync-table-active-fields-and-pks! driver table))
;; Once that's finished, we can sync FKs
(log/debug (color/green "Syncing FKs..."))
(log/debug "Syncing FKs...")
(doseq [table active-tables]
(u/try-apply sync-table-fks! driver table))
......@@ -113,10 +112,10 @@
(let [tables-count (count active-tables)
finished-tables-count (atom 0)]
(doseq [table active-tables]
(log/debug (color/green (format "Syncing metadata for %s.%s..." (:name @(:db table)) (:name table))))
(log/debug (format "Syncing metadata for table %s.%s..." (:name @(:db table)) (:name table)))
(sync-table-fields-metadata! driver table)
(swap! finished-tables-count inc)
(log/info (color/blue (format "Synced %s.%s (%d/%d)" (:name @(:db table)) (:name table) @finished-tables-count tables-count))))))
(log/info (u/format-color 'magenta "Synced %s.%s (%d/%d)" (:name @(:db table)) (:name table) @finished-tables-count tables-count)))))
;; ## sync-table steps.
......@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@
(when-not (= (:rows table) table-row-count)
(upd Table (:id table) :rows table-row-count)))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error (color/red (format "Unable to update row_count for %s: %s" (:name table) (.getMessage e)))))))
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "Unable to update row_count for %s: %s" (:name table) (.getMessage e))))))
;; ### 2) sync-table-active-fields-and-pks!
......@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@
{:pre [(set? pk-fields)
(every? string? pk-fields)]}
(doseq [{field-name :name field-id :id} (sel :many :fields [Field :name :id], :table_id (:id table), :special_type nil, :name [in pk-fields], :parent_id nil)]
(log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' is a primary key. Marking it as such." (:name table) field-name))
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s.%s' is a primary key. Marking it as such." (:name table) field-name))
(upd Field field-id :special_type :id)))
(defn sync-table-active-fields-and-pks!
......@@ -164,12 +163,13 @@
(doseq [[field-name field-id] existing-field-name->id]
(when-not (contains? active-column-names field-name)
(upd Field field-id :active false)
(log/info (format "Marked field %s.%s.%s as inactive." (:name database) (:name table) field-name)))))
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked field %s.%s.%s as inactive." (:name database) (:name table) field-name)))))
;; Next, create new Fields as needed
(let [existing-field-names (set (keys existing-field-name->id))]
(doseq [[active-field-name active-field-type] active-column-names->type]
(when-not (contains? existing-field-names active-field-name)
(log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new field: '%s.%s'" (:name table) active-field-name))
(ins Field
:table_id (:id table)
:name active-field-name
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
(assert (>= percent-urls 0.0))
(assert (<= percent-urls 100.0))
(when (> percent-urls percent-valid-url-threshold)
(log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' is %d%% URLs. Marking it as a URL." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) (int (math/round (* 100 percent-urls)))))
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' is %d%% URLs. Marking it as a URL." @(:qualified-name field) (int (math/round (* 100 percent-urls)))))
(upd Field (:id field) :special_type :url)
(assoc field :special_type :url)))))
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
(let [cardinality (queries/field-distinct-count field low-cardinality-threshold)]
(when (and (> cardinality 0)
(< cardinality low-cardinality-threshold))
(log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' has %d unique values. Marking it as a category." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) cardinality))
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' has %d unique values. Marking it as a category." @(:qualified-name field) cardinality))
(upd Field (:id field) :special_type :category)
(assoc field :special_type :category)))))
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
(let [avg-len (field-avg-length driver field)]
(assert (integer? avg-len) "field-avg-length should return an integer.")
(when (> avg-len average-length-no-preview-threshold)
(log/info (format "Field '%s.%s' has an average length of %d. Not displaying it in previews." (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) avg-len))
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Field '%s' has an average length of %d. Not displaying it in previews." @(:qualified-name field) avg-len))
(upd Field (:id field) :preview_display false)
(assoc field :preview_display false)))))
......@@ -428,8 +428,8 @@
(when-not (:special_type field)
(when-let [[pattern _ special-type] (field->name-inferred-special-type field)]
(log/info (format "%s '%s.%s' matches '%s'. Setting special_type to '%s'."
(name (:base_type field)) (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) pattern (name special-type)))
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "%s '%s' matches '%s'. Setting special_type to '%s'."
(name (:base_type field)) @(:qualified-name field) pattern (name special-type)))
(upd Field (:id field) :special_type special-type)
(assoc field :special_type special-type))))
......@@ -438,16 +438,16 @@
(when (and (= (:base_type field) :DictionaryField)
(supports? driver :nested-fields) ; if one of these is true
(satisfies? ISyncDriverFieldNestedFields driver)) ; the other should be :wink:
(let [nested-field-name->type (active-nested-field-name->type driver field)]
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Syncing subfields for '%s.%s': %s" (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) (keys nested-field-name->type)))
(log/info (format "Syncing nested fields for '%s'..." @(:qualified-name field)))
(let [nested-field-name->type (active-nested-field-name->type driver field)]
;; fetch existing nested fields
(let [existing-nested-field-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Field :name], :table_id (:table_id field), :active true, :parent_id (:id field))]
;; mark existing nested fields as inactive if they didn't come back from active-nested-field-name->type
(doseq [[nested-field-name nested-field-id] existing-nested-field-name->id]
(when-not (contains? (set (map keyword (keys nested-field-name->type))) (keyword nested-field-name))
(log/info (format "Marked nested field %s.%s as inactive." @(:qualified-name field) nested-field-name))
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked nested field %s.%s as inactive." @(:qualified-name field) nested-field-name))
(upd Field nested-field-id :active false)))
;; OK, now create new Field objects for ones that came back from active-nested-field-name->type but *aren't* in existing-nested-field-name->id
......@@ -41,12 +41,11 @@
(defn create-field-values
"Create `FieldValues` for a `Field`."
{:arglists '([field]
[field human-readable-values])}
[{field-id :id :as field} & [human-readable-values]]
{:arglists '([field] [field human-readable-values])}
[{field-id :id, field-name :name, :as field} & [human-readable-values]]
{:pre [(integer? field-id)
(:table field)]} ; need to pass a full `Field` object with delays beause the `metadata/` functions need those
(log/debug (format "Creating FieldValues for Field %d..." field-id))
(log/debug (format "Creating FieldValues for Field %s..." (or field-name field-id))) ; use field name if available
(ins FieldValues
:field_id field-id
:values (field-distinct-values field)
......@@ -998,28 +998,24 @@
{:mentions ["@cams_mexican_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#mexican" "#gastro" "#pub"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
"Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub is a historical and underappreciated place to conduct a business meeting with friends."
{:large "",
:medium "",
:small ""}
{:phone "415-320-9123", :name "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub", :categories ["Mexican" "Gastro Pub"], :id "bb958ac5-758e-4f42-b984-6b0e13f25194"}]
{:mentions ["@haight_european_grill"], :tags ["#european" "#grill"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
"Haight European Grill is a horrible and amazing place to have a birthday party during winter."
{:large "",
:medium "",
:small ""}
{:phone "415-191-2778", :name "Haight European Grill", :categories ["European" "Grill"], :id "7e6281f7-5b17-4056-ada0-85453247bc8f"}]
{:mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
"Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand is a underground and modern place to have breakfast on a Tuesday afternoon."
{:large "",
:medium "",
:small ""}
{:phone "415-741-8726", :name "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand", :categories ["Soul Food" "Pop-Up Food Stand"], :id "9735184b-1299-410f-a98e-10d9c548af42"}]
{:mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}
"Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery is a wonderful and modern place to take visiting friends and relatives Friday nights."
{:large "",
:medium "",
:small ""}
......@@ -1028,7 +1024,7 @@
return :data :rows
aggregate rows of tips
filter and = source...service "twitter"
= source...username "kyle"
= source...username "kyle"
;; Nested Field in AGGREGATION
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