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Unverified Commit 028f5be9 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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Merge branch 'release-0.32.x' into master

parents 86ab73d0 b294fe04
No related merge requests found
with 247 additions and 108 deletions
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ export default class Visualization extends Component {
return (
<div className={cx(className, "flex flex-column")}>
<div className={cx(className, "flex flex-column full-height")}>
{(showTitle &&
(settings["card.title"] || extra) &&
(loading ||
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
padding: 1em 0 1em 1.5em;
height: 100%;
:local .Text.dashboard-is-editing {
padding: 2.8em 1.3em var(--text-card-padding) 1.3em;
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
box-shadow: 0 1px 7px var(--color-shadow);
:local .Text .text-card-markdown {
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
pointer-events: all;
......@@ -177,24 +177,27 @@
;;; ----------------------------------------------- filter (intervals) -----------------------------------------------
(defn- date-sub-day [[clause time-component unit :as value]]
(case clause
:absolute-datetime [:absolute-datetime (du/relative-date :day -1 (du/date-trunc unit time-component)) :day]
:relative-datetime (if (= unit :day)
[clause (- time-component 1) unit]
(du/relative-date :day -1 (du/date-trunc unit (du/relative-date unit time-component))) :day])
(defn- date-add-day [[clause time-component unit :as value]]
(case clause
:absolute-datetime [:absolute-datetime (du/relative-date :day 1 (du/date-trunc unit time-component)) unit]
:relative-datetime (if (= unit :day)
[clause (+ time-component 1) unit]
(du/relative-date :day 1 (du/date-trunc unit (du/relative-date unit time-component))) :day])
(defn- date-add-days
"Add `n-days` to a datetime clause (`:absolute-datetime` or `:relative-datetime`) Done to fix off-by-one issues with
GA. See #9904"
[[clause-name time-component unit, :as datetime-clause] n-days]
(case clause-name
[:absolute-datetime (du/relative-date :day n-days (du/date-trunc unit time-component)) unit]
(if (= unit :day)
[clause-name (+ time-component n-days) unit]
(du/relative-date :day n-days (du/date-trunc unit (du/relative-date unit time-component))) :day])
(defn- date-sub-day [datetime-clause]
(date-add-days datetime-clause -1))
(defn- date-add-day [datetime-clause]
(date-add-days datetime-clause 1))
(defmulti ^:private parse-filter:interval mbql.u/dispatch-by-clause-name-or-class)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
[[ ""]]
[[ ""]]
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, console, metabase
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, console
# log to the console
(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute
"Code related to actually running a SQL query against a JDBC database (including setting the session timezone when
appropriate), and for properly encoding/decoding types going in and out of the database."
......@@ -164,7 +163,8 @@
`(do-with-ensured-connection ~db (fn [~conn-binding] ~@body)))
(defn- cancelable-run-query
"Runs `sql` in such a way that it can be interrupted via a `future-cancel`"
"Runs JDBC query, canceling it if an InterruptedException is caught (e.g. if there query is canceled before
[db sql params opts]
(with-ensured-connection [conn db]
;; This is normally done for us by java.jdbc as a result of our `jdbc/query` call
......@@ -173,19 +173,17 @@
;; (Not all drivers support this so ignore Exceptions if they don't)
(.closeOnCompletion stmt))
;; Need to run the query in another thread so that this thread can cancel it if need be
(let [query-future (future (jdbc/query conn (into [stmt] params) opts))]
;; This thread is interruptable because it's awaiting the other thread (the one actually running the
;; query). Interrupting this thread means that the client has disconnected (or we're shutting down) and so
;; we can give up on the query running in the future
(jdbc/query conn (into [stmt] params) opts)
(catch InterruptedException e
(log/warn (tru "Client closed connection, canceling query"))
;; This is what does the real work of canceling the query. We aren't checking the result of
;; `query-future` but this will cause an exception to be thrown, saying the query has been cancelled.
(.cancel stmt)
(throw e))))))
(throw e))
(catch Exception e
(u/ignore-exceptions (.cancel stmt))
(defn- run-query
"Run the query itself."
......@@ -205,10 +203,12 @@
;;; -------------------------- Running queries: exception handling & disabling auto-commit ---------------------------
(defn- exception->nice-error-message ^String [^SQLException e]
(or (->> (.getMessage e) ; error message comes back like 'Column "ZID" not found; SQL statement: ... [error-code]' sometimes
(re-find #"^(.*);") ; the user already knows the SQL, and error code is meaningless
second) ; so just return the part of the exception that is relevant
(.getMessage e)))
;; error message comes back like 'Column "ZID" not found; SQL statement: ... [error-code]' sometimes
;; the user already knows the SQL, and error code is meaningless
;; so just return the part of the exception that is relevant
(->> (.getMessage e)
(re-find #"^(.*);")
(defn do-with-try-catch
"Tries to run the function `f`, catching and printing exception chains if SQLException is thrown,
......@@ -219,7 +219,10 @@
(catch SQLException e
(log/error (jdbc/print-sql-exception-chain e))
(throw (Exception. (exception->nice-error-message e) e)))))
(if-let [nice-error-message (exception->nice-error-message e)]
(Exception. nice-error-message e)
(defn- do-with-auto-commit-disabled
"Disable auto-commit for this transaction, and make the transaction `rollback-only`, which means when the
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
{new-database-type :database-type
new-base-type :base-type
new-field-comment :field-comment} field-metadata
new-database-type (or new-database-type "NULL")
new-special-type (common/special-type field-metadata)
(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute-test
(:require [ :as jdbc]
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[query-processor :as qp]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc-test :as sql-jdbc-test]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[ :as data]
[ :as datasets])
(:import java.sql.PreparedStatement))
[data :as data]
[util :as tu]]
[ :as datasets]
[metabase.test.util.log :as tu.log])
(:import [java.sql PreparedStatement ResultSet]))
(defn- do-with-max-rows [f]
;; force loading of the test data before swapping out `jdbc/query`, otherwise things might not sync correctly
......@@ -59,3 +67,121 @@
:type :query
:query {:source-table (data/id :venues)}})
:constraints {:max-results 15}})))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Query Cancelation & Resource Closing Tests |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defrecord ^:private FakePreparedStatement [called-cancel? called-close? fake-resultset]
(closeOnCompletion [_]) ; no-op
(cancel [_] (some-> called-cancel? (deliver true)))
(close [_] (some-> called-close? (deliver true)))
(executeQuery [_] fake-resultset))
(defrecord ^:private FakeResultSet [called-close?]
(close [_] (some-> called-close? (deliver true)))
(next [_] false)
(getMetaData [_]
(reify java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
(getColumnCount [_] 0))))
(defn- fake-prepare-statement
"Returns `fake-value` whenenver the `sql` parameter returns a truthy value when passed to `use-fake-value?`."
[& {:keys [use-fake-value? faked-value]
:or {use-fake-value? (constantly false)}}]
(let [original-prepare-statement jdbc/prepare-statement]
(fn [connection sql options]
(if (use-fake-value? sql)
(original-prepare-statement connection sql options)))))
(defn- fake-query
"Function to replace the `` function. Will invoke `on-fake-prepared-statement` when passed an
instance of `FakePreparedStatement`."
[& {:keys [on-fake-prepared-statement]}]
(let [original-query jdbc/query]
([conn stmt+params]
(conn stmt+params))
([conn stmt+params opts]
(if (instance? FakePreparedStatement (first stmt+params))
(when on-fake-prepared-statement (on-fake-prepared-statement))
(original-query conn stmt+params opts))))))
;; make sure queries properly clean up after themselves and close result sets and prepared statements when finished
{:prepared-statement-closed? true, :result-set-closed? true}
(let [closed-prepared-statement? (promise)
closed-result-set? (promise)
fake-resultset (->FakeResultSet closed-result-set?)
fake-prepared-statement (->FakePreparedStatement nil closed-prepared-statement? fake-resultset)
placeholder-query "SELECT 1;"]
(with-redefs [jdbc/prepare-statement (fake-prepare-statement
:use-fake-value? #(str/includes? % placeholder-query)
:faked-value fake-prepared-statement)]
(let [{{:keys [rows]} :data, :as results} (qp/process-query
{:database (data/id)
:type :native
:native {:query placeholder-query}})]
(when-not rows
(throw (ex-info "Query failed to run!" results)))
;; make sure results are fully realized!
(mapv vec rows))
{:prepared-statement-closed? (deref closed-prepared-statement? 1000 false)
:result-set-closed? (deref closed-result-set? 1000 false)})))
;; make sure a prepared statement is canceled & closed when the async QP channel is closed
{:prepared-statement-canceled? true, :prepared-statement-closed? true}
(let [started? (promise)
canceled-prepared-statement? (promise)
closed-prepared-statement? (promise)
fake-prepared-statement (->FakePreparedStatement canceled-prepared-statement? closed-prepared-statement? nil)
placeholder-query "SLEEP PLACEHOLDER"]
(with-redefs [jdbc/prepare-statement (fake-prepare-statement
:use-fake-value? #(str/includes? % placeholder-query)
:faked-value fake-prepared-statement)
jdbc/query (fake-query
(fn [& _]
(deliver started? true)
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(->FakeResultSet nil)))]
(let [chan (qp/process-query
{:database (data/id)
:type :native
:native {:query placeholder-query}
:async? true})]
(u/deref-with-timeout started? 1000)
(a/close! chan)
{:prepared-statement-canceled? (deref canceled-prepared-statement? 3000 false)
:prepared-statement-closed? (deref closed-prepared-statement? 1000 false)}))))
;; The test below sort of tests the same thing (I think). But it is written in a much more confusing manner. If you
;; dare, try to work out why happens by reading source `call-with-paused-query`. - Cam
;; this might dump messages about the connection being closed; we don't need to worry about that
(fn [query-thunk called-query? called-cancel? pause-query]
(let [ ;; This fake prepared statement is cancelable like a prepared statement, but will allow us to tell the
;; difference between our Prepared statement and the real thing
fake-prep-stmt (->FakePreparedStatement called-cancel? nil nil)]
(with-redefs [jdbc/prepare-statement (fake-prepare-statement
:use-fake-value? (fn [sql] (re-find #"checkins" (str/lower-case sql)))
:faked-value fake-prep-stmt)
jdbc/query (fake-query
(fn []
(deliver called-query? true)
(catch Throwable e
(throw e)))))))))
......@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as qp.i]
[ :as data]))
[ :as data]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[schema.core :as s]))
(defn- bad-query []
{:database (data/id)
......@@ -27,12 +29,13 @@
"LIMIT 1048576")
:params nil})
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([stacktrace])} valid-stacktrace? (every-pred seq (partial every? (every-pred string? seq))))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([stacktrace])} valid-stacktrace?
(complement (partial s/check [su/NonBlankString])))
;; running a bad query via `process-query` should return stacktrace, query, preprocessed query, and native query
{:status :failed
:class java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
:class Exception
:error true
:stacktrace true
;; `:database` is removed by the catch-exceptions middleware for historical reasons
(ns metabase.query-processor-test.query-cancellation-test
"TODO - This is sql-jdbc specific, so it should go in a sql-jdbc test namespace."
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[metabase.test.util :as tu]
[metabase.test.util.log :as tu.log]))
(defrecord ^:private FakePreparedStatement [called-cancel?]
(closeOnCompletion [_]) ; no-op
(cancel [_] (deliver called-cancel? true))
(close [_] true))
(defn- make-fake-prep-stmt
"Returns `fake-value` whenenver the `sql` parameter returns a truthy value when passed to `use-fake-value?`."
[orig-make-prep-stmt & {:keys [use-fake-value? faked-value]
:or {use-fake-value? (constantly false)}}]
(fn [connection sql options]
(if (use-fake-value? sql)
(orig-make-prep-stmt connection sql options))))
(defn- fake-query
"Function to replace the `` function. Will invoke `on-fake-prepared-statement` when passed an
instance of `FakePreparedStatement`."
{:style/indent 1}
[orig-jdbc-query & {:keys [on-fake-prepared-statement]}]
([conn stmt+params]
(orig-jdbc-query conn stmt+params))
([conn stmt+params opts]
(if (instance? FakePreparedStatement (first stmt+params))
(when on-fake-prepared-statement (on-fake-prepared-statement))
(orig-jdbc-query conn stmt+params opts)))))
;; this might dump messages about the connection being closed; we don't need to worry about that
(fn [query-thunk called-query? called-cancel? pause-query]
(let [ ;; This fake prepared statement is cancelable like a prepared statement, but will allow us to tell the
;; difference between our Prepared statement and the real thing
fake-prep-stmt (->FakePreparedStatement called-cancel?)
;; Much of the underlying plumbing of MB requires a working jdbc/query and jdbc/prepared-statement (such
;; as queryies for the application database). Let binding the original versions of the functions allows
;; us to delegate to them when it's not the query we're trying to test
orig-jdbc-query jdbc/query
orig-prep-stmt jdbc/prepare-statement]
(with-redefs [jdbc/prepare-statement (make-fake-prep-stmt
:use-fake-value? (fn [sql] (re-find #"checkins" (str/lower-case sql)))
:faked-value fake-prep-stmt)
jdbc/query (fake-query orig-jdbc-query
(fn []
(deliver called-query? true)
(catch Throwable e
(throw e)))))))))
(ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.sync-metadata-test
(:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.sync-metadata :as sync-metadata]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
(defn- updates-that-will-be-performed [new-metadata-from-sync metadata-in-application-db]
(tt/with-temp Table [table]
(let [update-operations (atom [])]
(with-redefs [db/update! (fn [model id updates]
(swap! update-operations conj [(name model) id updates]))]
;; test that if database-type changes we will update it in the DB
[["Field" 1 {:database_type "Integer"}]]
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "Integer"
:base-type :type/Integer}
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "NULL"
:base-type :type/Integer
:id 1}))
;; no changes should be made (i.e., no calls to `update!`) if nothing changes
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "Integer"
:base-type :type/Integer}
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "Integer"
:base-type :type/Integer
:id 1}))
;; test that if `database-type` comes back as `nil` in the metadata from the sync process, we won't try to set a `nil`
;; value in the DB -- this is against the rules -- we should set `NULL` instead. See `TableMetadataField` schema.
[["Field" 1 {:database_type "NULL"}]]
{:name "My Field"
:database-type nil
:base-type :type/Integer}
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "Integer"
:base-type :type/Integer
:id 1}))
;; if `database-type` comes back as `nil` and was already saved in application DB as `NULL` no changes should be made
{:name "My Field"
:database-type nil
:base-type :type/Integer}
{:name "My Field"
:database-type "NULL"
:base-type :type/Integer
:id 1}))
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