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Unverified Commit 05b25d17 authored by Cal Herries's avatar Cal Herries Committed by GitHub
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Add reply-to and from-name email settings (#23381)

* Add reply-to setting for emails

* Add reply-to to SMTPSettings

* Change setting UI to match spec

* Remove WIP comment

* Add email-from-name setting

* Support comma delimited list of emails for reply-to setting

* Remove extra require

* Remove console.logging

* Improve the setting descriptions

* update email settings

* For now, limit reply-to field to one email

* Change back SMTPSettings to closed map

* Change test to only one reply-to email

* Fix SMTPSettings reply-to type

* Fix email-api-test

* Fix e2e email setup

* Add more checks in e2e tests

* Fix smoketest

Co-authored-by: default avatarAleksandr Lesnenko <>
parent cd8c6175
No related branches found
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with 179 additions and 58 deletions
......@@ -73,8 +73,9 @@
:email-smtp-security :tls
:email-smtp-username "munchkin"
:email-smtp-password "gobble gobble"
:email-from-address ""}))))
:email-from-address ""
:email-from-name "Eating"
:email-reply-to [""]}))))
(delete-email-setting [user status]
(testing (format "delete email setting with %s user" (mt/user-descriptor user))
(mt/user-http-request user :delete status "email")))
......@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ const VALIDATIONS = {
validate: value => MetabaseUtils.isEmail(value),
message: t`That's not a valid email address`,
email_list: {
validate: value => value.every(MetabaseUtils.isEmail),
message: t`That's not a valid list of email addresses`,
integer: {
validate: value => !isNaN(parseInt(value)),
message: t`That's not a valid integer`,
......@@ -74,12 +74,14 @@ class SettingsEmailForm extends Component {
render() {
const { sendingEmail } = this.state;
const { elements } = this.props;
const visibleElements = elements.filter(setting => !setting.getHidden?.());
return (
ref={form => (this._form = form && form.getWrappedInstance())}
disable={sendingEmail !== "default"}
renderExtraButtons={({ disabled, valid, pristine, submitting }) => (
/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
import React from "react";
import InputBlurChange from "metabase/components/InputBlurChange";
import cx from "classnames";
const SettingCommaDelimitedInput = ({
type = "text",
}) => {
return (
className={cx("Form-input", {
SettingsInput: true,
"border-error bg-error-input": errorMessage,
// TOOD: change this to support multiple email addresses
value={setting.value ? setting.value[0] : ""}
onChange={fireOnChange ? e => onChange([]) : null}
onBlurChange={!fireOnChange ? e => onChange([]) : null}
export default SettingCommaDelimitedInput;
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import _ from "underscore";
import { createSelector } from "reselect";
import { t, jt } from "ttag";
import ExternalLink from "metabase/core/components/ExternalLink";
import SettingCommaDelimitedInput from "./components/widgets/SettingCommaDelimitedInput";
import MetabaseSettings from "metabase/lib/settings";
import CustomGeoJSONWidget from "./components/widgets/CustomGeoJSONWidget";
import SettingsLicense from "./components/SettingsLicense";
......@@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
type: "string",
required: true,
autoFocus: true,
getHidden: () => MetabaseSettings.isHosted(),
key: "email-smtp-port",
......@@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
type: "number",
required: true,
validations: [["integer", t`That's not a valid port number`]],
getHidden: () => MetabaseSettings.isHosted(),
key: "email-smtp-security",
......@@ -171,6 +174,7 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
type: "radio",
options: { none: "None", ssl: "SSL", tls: "TLS", starttls: "STARTTLS" },
defaultValue: "none",
getHidden: () => MetabaseSettings.isHosted(),
key: "email-smtp-username",
......@@ -178,6 +182,7 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
description: null,
placeholder: "nicetoseeyou",
type: "string",
getHidden: () => MetabaseSettings.isHosted(),
key: "email-smtp-password",
......@@ -185,6 +190,14 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
description: null,
placeholder: "Shhh...",
type: "password",
getHidden: () => MetabaseSettings.isHosted(),
key: "email-from-name",
display_name: t`From Name`,
placeholder: "Metabase",
type: "string",
required: false,
key: "email-from-address",
......@@ -194,6 +207,15 @@ const SECTIONS = updateSectionsWithPlugins({
required: true,
validations: [["email", t`That's not a valid email address`]],
key: "email-reply-to",
display_name: t`Reply-To Address`,
placeholder: "",
type: "string",
required: false,
widget: SettingCommaDelimitedInput,
validations: [["email_list", t`That's not a valid email addresses`]],
slack: {
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import { PLUGIN_ADMIN_SETTINGS_UPDATES } from "metabase/plugins";
import { SettingsCloudStoreLink } from "../../components/SettingsCloudStoreLink";
if (MetabaseSettings.isHosted()) {
_.omit(sections, ["email", "updates"]),
PLUGIN_ADMIN_SETTINGS_UPDATES.push(sections => _.omit(sections, ["updates"]));
updateIn(sections, ["general", "settings"], settings =>
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ export const setupSMTP = () => {
"email-smtp-password": "admin",
"email-smtp-security": "none",
"email-from-address": "mailer@metabase.test",
"email-from-name": "Metabase",
"email-reply-to": ["reply-to@metabase.test"],
// We must always clear Webmail's inbox before each test
......@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ describe("scenarios > admin > settings > email settings", () => {
cy.findByLabelText("From Address")
cy.findByLabelText("From Name")
.type("Sender Name")
cy.findByLabelText("Reply-To Address")
cy.findByText("Save changes").click();
cy.findByText("Changes saved!", { timeout: 10000 });
......@@ -32,12 +38,16 @@ describe("scenarios > admin > settings > email settings", () => {
cy.findByDisplayValue("Sender Name");
it("should show an error if test email fails", () => {
// Reuse Email setup without relying on the previous test
cy.request("PUT", "/api/setting", {
"email-from-address": "admin@metabase.test",
"email-from-name": "Metabase Admin",
"email-reply-to": "reply-to@metabase.test",
"email-smtp-host": "localhost",
"email-smtp-password": null,
"email-smtp-port": "1234",
......@@ -66,7 +76,9 @@ describe("scenarios > admin > settings > email settings", () => {
cy.findByLabelText("SMTP Host").should("have.value", "");
cy.findByLabelText("SMTP Port").should("have.value", "");
cy.findByLabelText("From Name").should("have.value", "");
cy.findByLabelText("From Address").should("have.value", "");
cy.findByLabelText("Reply-To Address").should("have.value", "");
it("should not offer to save email changes when there aren't any (metabase#14749)", () => {
......@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
:email-smtp-password :pass
:email-smtp-port :port
:email-smtp-security :security
:email-from-address :sender})
:email-from-name :sender-name
:email-from-address :sender
:email-reply-to :reply-to})
(defn- humanize-error-messages
"Convert raw error message responses from our email functions into our normal api error response structure."
......@@ -16,9 +16,16 @@
(defsetting email-from-address
(deferred-tru "Email address you want to use as the sender of Metabase.")
(deferred-tru "The email address you want to use for the sender of emails.")
:default "")
(defsetting email-from-name
(deferred-tru "The name you want to use for the sender of emails."))
(defsetting email-reply-to
(deferred-tru "The email address you want the replies to go to, if different from the from address. You can have multiple reply-to email addresses, just separate them with a comma.")
:type :json)
(defsetting email-smtp-host
(deferred-tru "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails."))
......@@ -95,14 +102,19 @@
(throw (ex-info (tru "SMTP host is not set.") {:cause :smtp-host-not-set})))
;; Now send the email
(send-email! (smtp-settings)
{:from (email-from-address)
:to recipients
:subject subject
:body (case message-type
:attachments message
:text message
:html [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content message}])}))
{:from (if-let [from-name (email-from-name)]
(str from-name " <" (email-from-address) ">")
:to recipients
:subject subject
:body (case message-type
:attachments message
:text message
:html [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content message}])}
(when-let [reply-to (email-reply-to)]
{:reply-to reply-to}))))
(def ^:private SMTPStatus
"Schema for the response returned by various functions in [[]]. Response will be a map with the key
......@@ -130,13 +142,15 @@
{::error e})))
(def ^:private SMTPSettings
{:host su/NonBlankString
:port su/IntGreaterThanZero
;; TODO -- not sure which of these other ones are actually required or not, and which are optional.
(s/optional-key :user) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :security) (s/maybe (s/enum :tls :ssl :none :starttls))
(s/optional-key :pass) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :sender) (s/maybe s/Str)})
{:host su/NonBlankString
:port su/IntGreaterThanZero
;; TODO -- not sure which of these other ones are actually required or not, and which are optional.
(s/optional-key :user) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :security) (s/maybe (s/enum :tls :ssl :none :starttls))
(s/optional-key :pass) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :sender) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :sender-name) (s/maybe s/Str)
(s/optional-key :reply-to) (s/maybe [s/Str])})
(s/defn ^:private test-smtp-settings :- SMTPStatus
"Tests an SMTP configuration by attempting to connect and authenticate if an authenticated method is passed
......@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
:email-smtp-security (setting/get :email-smtp-security)
:email-smtp-username (setting/get :email-smtp-username)
:email-smtp-password (setting/get :email-smtp-password)
:email-from-address (setting/get :email-from-address)})
:email-from-address (setting/get :email-from-address)
:email-from-name (setting/get :email-from-name)
:email-reply-to (setting/get :email-reply-to)})
(def ^:private default-email-settings
{:email-smtp-host "foobar"
......@@ -30,11 +32,15 @@
:email-smtp-security :tls
:email-smtp-username "munchkin"
:email-smtp-password "gobble gobble"
:email-from-address ""})
:email-from-address ""
:email-from-name "Eating"
:email-reply-to [""]})
(deftest test-email-settings-test
(testing "POST /api/email/test -- send a test email"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [email-from-address ""]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [email-from-address ""
email-from-name "Sender Name"
email-reply-to [""]]
(testing "Non-admin -- request should fail"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
......@@ -44,10 +50,11 @@
(is (= {:ok true}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 200 "email/test")))
(is (= {""
[{:from "",
:to [""],
:subject "Metabase Test Email",
:body "Your Metabase emails are working — hooray!"}]}
[{:from "Sender Name <>",
:to [""],
:reply-to [""]
:subject "Metabase Test Email",
:body "Your Metabase emails are working — hooray!"}]}
(deftest update-email-settings-test
......@@ -66,7 +73,7 @@
(with-redefs [email/retry-delay-ms 0]
(tu/discard-setting-changes [email-smtp-host email-smtp-port email-smtp-security email-smtp-username
email-smtp-password email-from-address]
email-smtp-password email-from-address email-from-name email-reply-to]
(testing (format "SMTP connection is valid? %b\n" success?)
(f (fn []
(testing "API request"
......@@ -88,7 +95,7 @@
(deftest clear-email-settings-test
(testing "DELETE /api/email"
(tu/discard-setting-changes [email-smtp-host email-smtp-port email-smtp-security email-smtp-username
email-smtp-password email-from-address]
email-smtp-password email-from-address email-from-name email-reply-to]
(with-redefs [email/test-smtp-settings (constantly {::email/error nil})]
(is (= (-> default-email-settings
(assoc :with-corrections {})
......@@ -97,11 +104,13 @@
(let [new-email-settings (email-settings)]
(is (nil? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 204 "email")))
(is (= default-email-settings
(is (= {:email-smtp-host nil
:email-smtp-port nil
:email-smtp-security :none
:email-smtp-username nil
:email-smtp-password nil
:email-from-address ""}
:email-from-address ""
:email-from-name nil
:email-reply-to nil}
......@@ -209,25 +209,44 @@
(deftest send-message!-test
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [email-from-address ""
email-from-name "Lucky"
email-smtp-host ""
email-smtp-username "lucky"
email-smtp-password "d1nner3scapee!"
email-smtp-port 1025
email-reply-to ["" ""]
email-smtp-security :none]
(testing "basic sending"
(is (=
[{:from (email/email-from-address)
:to [""]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:body [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "101. Metabase will make you a better person"}]}]
[{:from (str (email/email-from-name) " <" (email/email-from-address) ">")
:to [""]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:reply-to (email/email-reply-to)
:body [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "101. Metabase will make you a better person"}]}]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:recipients [""]
:message-type :html
:message "101. Metabase will make you a better person")
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:recipients [""]
:message-type :html
:message "101. Metabase will make you a better person")
(@inbox "")))))
(testing "basic sending without email-from-name"
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [email-from-name nil]
(is (=
[{:from (email/email-from-address)
:to [""]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:reply-to (email/email-reply-to)
:body [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "101. Metabase will make you a better person"}]}]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:recipients [""]
:message-type :html
:message "101. Metabase will make you a better person")
(@inbox ""))))))
(testing "with an attachment"
(let [recipient ""
csv-contents "hugs_with_metabase,hugs_without_metabase\n1,0"
......@@ -235,25 +254,26 @@
params {:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:recipients [recipient]
:message-type :attachments
:message [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:message [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "100. Metabase will hug you when you're sad"}
{:type :attachment
{:type :attachment
:content-type "text/csv"
:file-name "metabase-reasons.csv"
:content csv-file
:description "very scientific data"}]}]
:file-name "metabase-reasons.csv"
:content csv-file
:description "very scientific data"}]}]
(testing "it sends successfully"
(is (=
[{:from (email/email-from-address)
:to [recipient]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:body [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "100. Metabase will hug you when you're sad"}
{:type :attachment
:content-type "text/csv"
:file-name "metabase-reasons.csv"
:content csv-file
:description "very scientific data"}]}]
[{:from (str (email/email-from-name) " <" (email/email-from-address) ">")
:to [recipient]
:subject "101 Reasons to use Metabase"
:reply-to (email/email-reply-to)
:body [{:type "text/html; charset=utf-8"
:content "100. Metabase will hug you when you're sad"}
{:type :attachment
:content-type "text/csv"
:file-name "metabase-reasons.csv"
:content csv-file
:description "very scientific data"}]}]
(m/mapply email/send-message! params)
(@inbox recipient)))))
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