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Unverified Commit 074b96f3 authored by Tim Macdonald's avatar Tim Macdonald Committed by GitHub
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Truncate Slack attachments (namely dashboard filters) that are too long (#25753)

[Fixes #25704]
parent 67921786
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......@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@
:below (trs "gone below its goal")
:rows (trs "results")))
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *slack-mrkdwn-length-limit*
(def ^:private block-text-length-limit 3000)
(def ^:private attachment-text-length-limit 2000)
(defn- truncate-mrkdwn
"If a mrkdwn string is greater than Slack's length limit, truncates it to fit the limit and
adds an ellipsis character to the end."
(if (> (count mrkdwn) *slack-mrkdwn-length-limit*)
[mrkdwn limit]
(if (> (count mrkdwn) limit)
(-> mrkdwn
(subs 0 (dec *slack-mrkdwn-length-limit*))
(subs 0 (dec limit))
(str "…"))
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
(when (not (str/blank? mrkdwn))
{:blocks [{:type "section"
:text {:type "mrkdwn"
:text (truncate-mrkdwn mrkdwn)}}]})))))
:text (truncate-mrkdwn mrkdwn block-text-length-limit)}}]})))))
(remove nil?))))
(defn- subject
......@@ -156,6 +156,12 @@
(trs "Pulse: {0}" name)))
(defn- filter-text
(format "*%s*\n%s" (:name filter) (params/value-string filter))
(defn- slack-dashboard-header
"Returns a block element that includes a dashboard's name, creator, and filters, for inclusion in a
Slack dashboard subscription"
......@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@
filters (params/parameters pulse dashboard)
filter-fields (for [filter filters]
{:type "mrkdwn"
:text (str "*" (:name filter) "*\n" (params/value-string filter))})
:text (filter-text filter)})
filter-section (when (seq filter-fields)
{:type "section"
:fields filter-fields})]
......@@ -289,70 +289,71 @@
(pulse.test-util/thunk->boolean pulse-results)))))}}))
(deftest dashboard-filter-test
(tests {:pulse {:skip_if_empty false}
:dashboard pulse.test-util/test-dashboard}
"Dashboard subscription that includes a dashboard filters"
{:card (pulse.test-util/checkins-query-card {})
(fn [_ thunk]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-name "Metabase Test"]
(fn [_ _]
(testing "Markdown cards are included in email subscriptions"
(is (= (rasta-pulse-email {:body [{"Aviary KPIs" true
"<a class=\\\"title\\\" href=\\\"\\d+\\?state=CA&amp;state=NY&amp;state=NJ&amp;quarter_and_year=Q1-2021\\\"" true}
(mt/summarize-multipart-email #"Aviary KPIs"
#"<a class=\"title\" href=\"\d+\?state=CA&amp;state=NY&amp;state=NJ&amp;quarter_and_year=Q1-2021\"")))))
(fn [{:keys [card-id dashboard-id]} [pulse-results]]
(testing "Markdown cards are included in attachments list as :blocks sublists, and markdown is
converted to mrkdwn (Slack markup language)"
(is (= {:channel-id "#general"
[{:blocks [{:type "header", :text {:type "plain_text", :text "Aviary KPIs", :emoji true}}
{:type "section",
:fields [{:type "mrkdwn", :text "*State*\nCA, NY and NJ"}
{:type "mrkdwn", :text "*Quarter and Year*\nQ1, 2021"}]}
{:type "section", :fields [{:type "mrkdwn", :text "Sent by Rasta Toucan"}]}]}
{:title pulse.test-util/card-name
:rendered-info {:attachments false, :content true, :render/text true},
:title_link (str "" card-id)
:attachment-name "image.png"
:channel-id "FOO"
:fallback pulse.test-util/card-name}
{:blocks [{:type "divider"}
{:type "context"
:elements [{:type "mrkdwn"
:text (str "<"
"?state=CA&state=NY&state=NJ&quarter_and_year=Q1-2021|*Sent from Metabase Test*>")}]}]}]}
(pulse.test-util/thunk->boolean pulse-results)))))}}))
(with-redefs [metabase.pulse/attachment-text-length-limit 15]
(tests {:pulse {:skip_if_empty false}
:dashboard pulse.test-util/test-dashboard}
"Dashboard subscription that includes a dashboard filters"
{:card (pulse.test-util/checkins-query-card {})
(fn [_ thunk]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-name "Metabase Test"]
(fn [_ _]
(testing "Markdown cards are included in email subscriptions"
(is (= (rasta-pulse-email {:body [{"Aviary KPIs" true
"<a class=\\\"title\\\" href=\\\"\\d+\\?state=CA&amp;state=NY&amp;state=NJ&amp;quarter_and_year=Q1-2021\\\"" true}
(mt/summarize-multipart-email #"Aviary KPIs"
#"<a class=\"title\" href=\"\d+\?state=CA&amp;state=NY&amp;state=NJ&amp;quarter_and_year=Q1-2021\"")))))
(fn [{:keys [card-id dashboard-id]} [pulse-results]]
(testing "Markdown cards are included in attachments list as :blocks sublists, and markdown is
converted to mrkdwn (Slack markup language) and truncated appropriately"
(is (= {:channel-id "#general"
[{:blocks [{:type "header", :text {:type "plain_text", :text "Aviary KPIs", :emoji true}}
{:type "section",
:fields [{:type "mrkdwn", :text "*State*\nCA, NY…"} ;; "*State*\nCA, NY and NJ"
{:type "mrkdwn", :text "*Quarter and Y…"}]} ;; "*Quarter and Year*\nQ1, 2021"
{:type "section", :fields [{:type "mrkdwn", :text "Sent by Rasta Toucan"}]}]}
{:title pulse.test-util/card-name
:rendered-info {:attachments false, :content true, :render/text true},
:title_link (str "" card-id)
:attachment-name "image.png"
:channel-id "FOO"
:fallback pulse.test-util/card-name}
{:blocks [{:type "divider"}
{:type "context"
:elements [{:type "mrkdwn"
:text (str "<"
"?state=CA&state=NY&state=NJ&quarter_and_year=Q1-2021|*Sent from Metabase Test*>")}]}]}]}
(pulse.test-util/thunk->boolean pulse-results)))))}})))
(deftest mrkdwn-length-limit-test
(tests {:pulse {:skip_if_empty false}, :dashcard {:row 0, :col 0}}
"Dashboard subscription that includes a Markdown card that exceeds Slack's length limit when converted to mrkdwn"
{:card (pulse.test-util/checkins-query-card {})
(fn [{dashboard-id :dashboard-id} thunk]
(mt/with-temp DashboardCard [_ {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
:row 1
:col 1
:visualization_settings {:text "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}}]
(binding [metabase.pulse/*slack-mrkdwn-length-limit* 10]
(fn [_object-ids [pulse-results]]
(is (= {:blocks [{:type "section" :text {:type "mrkdwn" :text "abcdefghi…"}}]}
(nth (:attachments (pulse.test-util/thunk->boolean pulse-results)) 2))))}}))
(with-redefs [metabase.pulse/block-text-length-limit 10]
(tests {:pulse {:skip_if_empty false}, :dashcard {:row 0, :col 0}}
"Dashboard subscription that includes a Markdown card that exceeds Slack's length limit when converted to mrkdwn"
{:card (pulse.test-util/checkins-query-card {})
(fn [{dashboard-id :dashboard-id} thunk]
(mt/with-temp DashboardCard [_ {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
:row 1
:col 1
:visualization_settings {:text "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}}]
(fn [_object-ids [pulse-results]]
(is (= {:blocks [{:type "section" :text {:type "mrkdwn" :text "abcdefghi…"}}]}
(nth (:attachments (pulse.test-util/thunk->boolean pulse-results)) 2))))}})))
(deftest archived-dashboard-test
(tests {:dashboard {:archived true}}
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