The absolute maximum time to keep any cached query results, in seconds. The default value is 100 days in seconds.
Type: integer<br>
Default: `60`
Metabase will cache all saved questions with an average query execution time longer than this many seconds.
Type: integer<br>
Default: `10`
To determine how long each saved question's cached result should stick around, we take the query's average execution time and multiply that by whatever you input here. So if a query takes on average 2 minutes to run, and you input 10 for your multiplier, its cache entry will persist for 20 minutes.
Current cache backend. Dynamically rebindable primarily for test purposes.
Type: integer<br>
Default: `60`
Metabase will cache all saved questions with an average query execution time longer than this many seconds.
Type: integer<br>
Default: `10`
To determine how long each saved question's cached result should stick around, we take the query's average execution time and multiply that by whatever you input here. So if a query takes on average 2 minutes to run, and you input 10 for your multiplier, its cache entry will persist for 20 minutes.