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Unverified Commit 091d6625 authored by Daniel Higginbotham's avatar Daniel Higginbotham Committed by GitHub
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permission parser (#10933)

introduce a new permission parser to:

* handle permissions in a more declarative way
* allow permissions to be converted to a permission graph for databases without tables
parent 701b0d3b
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......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure
[instaparse "1.4.10"] ; Make your own parser
[kixi/stats "0.4.4" :exclusions [org.clojure/data.avl]] ; Various statistic measures implemented as transducers
[log4j/log4j "1.2.17" ; logging framework. TODO - consider upgrading to Log4j 2 -- see
:exclusions [javax.mail/mail
......@@ -123,7 +124,8 @@
[ring/ring-json "0.4.0"] ; Ring middleware for reading/writing JSON automatically
[stencil "0.5.0"] ; Mustache templates for Clojure
[toucan "1.14.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/java.jdbc honeysql]] ; Model layer, hydration, and DB utilities
[weavejester/dependency "0.2.1"]] ; Dependency graphs and topological sorting
[weavejester/dependency "0.2.1"] ; Dependency graphs and topological sorting
:main ^:skip-aot metabase.core
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
[interface :as i]
[permissions-group :as group]
[permissions-revision :as perms-revision :refer [PermissionsRevision]]]
[metabase.models.permissions.parse :as perms-parse]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[i18n :as ui18n :refer [deferred-tru trs tru]]
......@@ -301,10 +302,12 @@
(def ^:private TablePermissionsGraph
(s/cond-pre (s/enum :none :all)
{:read (s/enum :all :none)
:query (s/enum :all :segmented :none)})
"Valid perms graph for a Table"))
(s/cond-pre (s/enum :none :all)
{(s/optional-key :read) (s/enum :all :none)
(s/optional-key :query) (s/enum :all :segmented :none)}
"Valid perms graph for a Table"))
(def ^:private SchemaPermissionsGraph
......@@ -368,72 +371,29 @@
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- permissions-for-path
"Given a `permissions-set` of all allowed permissions paths for a Group, return the corresponding permissions status
for an object with PATH."
[permissions-set path]
(u/prog1 (cond
(set-has-full-permissions? permissions-set path) :all
(set-has-partial-permissions? permissions-set path) :some
:else :none)))
(defn- table->adhoc-native-query-path [table] (adhoc-native-query-path (:db_id table)))
(defn- table->schema-object-path [table] (object-path (:db_id table) (:schema table)))
(defn- table->table-object-path [table] (object-path (:db_id table) (:schema table) (:id table)))
(defn- table->all-schemas-path [table] (all-schemas-path (:db_id table)))
(s/defn ^:private table-graph :- TablePermissionsGraph [permissions-set table]
(case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table->table-object-path table))
:all :all
:none :none
:some {:read (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table-read-path table))
:query (case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table-query-path table))
:all :all
:none :none
:some (case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table-segmented-query-path table))
:all :segmented
:none :none))}))
(s/defn ^:private schema-graph :- SchemaPermissionsGraph [permissions-set tables]
(case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table->schema-object-path (first tables)))
:all :all
:none :none
:some (into {} (for [table tables]
{(u/get-id table) (table-graph permissions-set table)}))))
(s/defn ^:private db-graph :- DBPermissionsGraph [permissions-set tables]
(case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table->adhoc-native-query-path (first tables)))
:all :write
:some :read
:none :none)
(case (permissions-for-path permissions-set (table->all-schemas-path (first tables)))
:all :all
:none :none
(into {} (for [[schema tables] (group-by :schema tables)]
;; if schema is nil, replace it with an empty string, since that's how it will get encoded in JSON :D
{(str schema) (schema-graph permissions-set tables)})))})
(s/defn ^:private group-graph :- GroupPermissionsGraph [permissions-set tables]
(m/map-vals (partial db-graph permissions-set)
;; TODO - if a DB has no tables, then it won't show up in the permissions graph!
(defn all-permissions
"Handle '/' permission"
(reduce (fn [g db-id]
(assoc g db-id {:native :write
:schemas :all}))
(s/defn graph :- PermissionsGraph
"Fetch a graph representing the current permissions status for every Group and all permissioned databases."
(let [permissions (db/select [Permissions :group_id :object], :group_id [:not= (:id (group/metabot))])
tables (group-by :db_id (db/select ['Table :schema :id :db_id]))]
db-ids (db/select-ids 'Database)]
{:revision (perms-revision/latest-id)
:groups (into {} (for [group-id (db/select-ids 'PermissionsGroup, :id [:not= (:id (group/metabot))])]
(let [group-permissions-set (set (for [perms permissions
:when (= (:group_id perms) group-id)]
(:object perms)))]
{group-id (group-graph group-permissions-set tables)})))}))
:groups (->> permissions
(filter (comp #(re-find #"(^/db|^/$)" %) :object))
(group-by :group_id)
(m/map-vals (fn [group-permissions]
(let [permissions-graph (perms-parse/permissions->graph (map :object group-permissions))]
(if (= :all permissions-graph)
(all-permissions db-ids)
(:db permissions-graph))))))}))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(ns metabase.models.permissions.parse
"Parses sets of permissions to create a permission graph. Strategy is:
- Convert strings to parse tree
- Convert parse tree to path, e.g. ['3' :all] or ['3' :schemas :all]
- Convert set of paths to a map, the permission graph"
(:require [clojure.core.match :as match]
[instaparse.core :as insta]))
(def ^:private grammar
"Describes permission strings like /db/3/ or /collection/root/read/"
"permission = ( all | db | collection )
all = <'/'>
db = <'/db/'> #'\\d+' <'/'> ( native | schemas )?
native = <'native/'>
schemas = <'schema/'> schema?
schema = #'[^/]*' <'/'> table?
table = <'table/'> #'\\d+' <'/'> (table-perm <'/'>)?
table-perm = ('read'|'query'|'query/segmented')
collection = <'/collection/'> #'[^/]*' <'/'> ('read' <'/'>)?")
(def ^:private parser
"Function thqat parses permission strings"
(insta/parser grammar))
(defn- collection-id
(if (= id "root") :root (Integer/parseInt id)))
(defn- path
"Recursively build permission path from parse tree"
(match/match tree
[:permission t] (path t)
[:all] [:all] ;; admin permissions
[:db db-id] (let [db-id (Integer/parseInt db-id)]
[[:db db-id :native :write]
[:db db-id :schemas :all]])
[:db db-id db-node] (let [db-id (Integer/parseInt db-id)]
(into [:db db-id] (path db-node)))
[:schemas] [:schemas :all]
[:schemas schema] (into [:schemas] (path schema))
[:schema schema-name] [schema-name :all]
[:schema schema-name table] (into [schema-name] (path table))
[:table table-id] [(Integer/parseInt table-id) :all]
[:table table-id table-perm] (into [(Integer/parseInt table-id)] (path table-perm))
[:table-perm perm] (case perm
"read" [:read :all]
"query" [:query :all]
"query/segmented" [:query :segmented])
[:native] [:native :write]
[:collection id] [:collection (collection-id id) :write]
[:collection id "read"] [:collection (collection-id id) :read]))
(defn- graph
"Given a set of permission paths, return a graph that expresses the most permissions possible for the set
Works by first doing a conversion like
[[3 :schemas :all]
[3 :schemas \"PUBLIC\" :all]
{3 {:schemas {:all ()
:public {:all ()}}}}
Then converting that to
{3 {:schemas :all}}"
(->> paths
(reduce (fn [paths path]
(if (every? vector? path) ;; handle case wher /db/x/ returns two vectors
(into paths path)
(conj paths path)))
(clojure.walk/prewalk (fn [x]
(if (and (sequential? x)
(sequential? (first x))
(seq (first x)))
(->> x
(group-by first)
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (->> (map rest v)
(filter seq))))
(clojure.walk/prewalk (fn [x]
(if-let [terminal (and (map? x)
(some #(and (= (% x) '()) %)
[:all :some :write :read :segmented]))]
(defn permissions->graph
"Given a set of permission strings, return a graph that expresses the most permissions possible for the set"
(->> permissions
(map (comp path parser))
......@@ -48,10 +48,7 @@
;; make sure we can update the perms graph from the API
{(data/id :categories) :none
(data/id :checkins) :none
(data/id :users) :none
(data/id :venues) :all}
{(data/id :venues) :all}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
......@@ -60,20 +57,17 @@
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"])))
{(data/id :categories) :none
(data/id :checkins) :none
(data/id :users) :none
(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(data/id :venues) {:read :all, :query :segmented}}}))
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"])))
{(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(data/id :venues) {:read :all, :query :segmented}}}))
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"])))
;; permissions for new dba
;; permissions for new db
(let [new-id (inc (data/id))]
......@@ -87,4 +81,15 @@
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))
;; figure out failing case for when old doesn't exist
;; permissions for new db with no tables
(let [new-id (inc (data/id))]
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
Database [{db-id :id}]]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))
(ns metabase.models.permissions.parse-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.models.permissions.parse :as parse]))
(deftest permissions->graph
(testing "Parses each permission string to the correct graph"
(are [x y] (= y (parse/permissions->graph [x]))
"/db/3/" {:db {3 {:native :write
:schemas :all}}}
"/db/3/native/" {:db {3 {:native :write}}}
"/db/3/schema/" {:db {3 {:schemas :all}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" :all}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 :all}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/read/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:read :all}}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/query/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:query :all}}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/query/segmented/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:query :segmented}}}}}})))
(deftest combines-permissions-for-graph
(testing "When given multiple permission hierarchies, chooses the one with the most permission"
;; This works by creating progressively smaller groups of permissions and asserting the constructed graph
;; expresses the most permissions
;; On the first iteration, it tests that a permission set that includes ALL the keys below
;; gets converted to the graph
;; {3 {:native :all :schemas :all}}
;; The next iteration removes the pair ["/db/3/" {3 {:native :all :schemas :all}}] from the permission set
;; and asserts that the permission graph returned is the one with the next most permissions:
;; {3 {:schemas :all}}
;; Visually, the map is structured to mean "When the permission set includes only this key and the ones below it,
;; the permission graph for this key should be returned"
(doseq [group (let [groups (->> {"/db/3/" {:db {3 {:native :write
:schemas :all}}}
"/db/3/schema/" {:db {3 {:schemas :all}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" :all}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 :all}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/query/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:read :all
:query :all}}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/query/segmented/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:read :all
:query :segmented}}}}}}
"/db/3/schema/PUBLIC/table/4/read/" {:db {3 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {4 {:read :all}}}}}}}
(into [])
(sort-by first))]
(->> groups
(partition-all (count groups) 1)
(map vec)))]
(is (= (get-in group [0 1])
(parse/permissions->graph (map first group)))))))
(deftest permissions->graph-collections
(are [x y] (= y (parse/permissions->graph [x]))
"/collection/root/" {:collection {:root :write}}
"/collection/root/read/" {:collection {:root :read}}
"/collection/1/" {:collection {1 :write}}
"/collection/1/read/" {:collection {1 :read}}))
(deftest combines-all-permissions
(testing "Permision graph includes broadest permissions for all dbs in permission set"
(is (= {:db {3 {:native :write
:schemas :all}
5 {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {10 {:read :all}}}}}
:collection {:root :write
1 :read}}
(parse/permissions->graph #{"/db/3/"
......@@ -555,8 +555,8 @@
;; Test that setting partial permissions for a table retains permissions for other tables -- #3888
[{(data/id :categories) :none, (data/id :checkins) :none, (data/id :users) :none, (data/id :venues) :all}
{(data/id :categories) :all, (data/id :checkins) :none, (data/id :users) :none, (data/id :venues) :all}]
[{(data/id :venues) :all}
{(data/id :categories) :all, (data/id :venues) :all}]
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
;; first, graph permissions only for VENUES
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/object-path (data/id) "PUBLIC" (data/id :venues)))
......@@ -592,31 +592,20 @@
;; Make sure we can set the new broken-out read/query perms for a Table and the graph works as we'd expect
{(data/id :categories) :none
(data/id :checkins) :none
(data/id :users) :none
(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :none}}
{(data/id :venues) {:read :all}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/table-read-path (Table (data/id :venues))))
(test-data-graph group)))
{(data/id :categories) :none
(data/id :checkins) :none
(data/id :users) :none
(data/id :venues) {:read :none
:query :segmented}}
{(data/id :venues) {:query :segmented}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/table-segmented-query-path (Table (data/id :venues))))
(test-data-graph group)))
{(data/id :categories) :none
(data/id :checkins) :none
(data/id :users) :none
(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
{(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
(perms/update-graph! [(u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas]
......@@ -624,6 +613,15 @@
{:read :all, :query :segmented}}})
(test-data-graph group)))
;; A "/" permission grants all dataset permissions
(tt/expect-with-temp [Database [{db_id :id}]]
{db_id {:native :write
:schemas :all}}
(let [{:keys [group_id]} (db/select-one 'Permissions {:object "/"})]
(-> (perms/graph)
(get-in [:groups group_id])
(select-keys [db_id]))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Granting/Revoking Permissions Helper Functions |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -634,8 +632,8 @@
(u/get-id (db/select-one 'Collection :personal_owner_id (test-users/user->id :lucky))))))
(u/get-id (db/select-one 'Collection :personal_owner_id (test-users/user->id :lucky))))))
;; (should apply to descendants as well)
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