@@ -94,6 +94,33 @@ Link cards are specialized cards that let you search and link to other items in
To add a link card to a dashboard, click the **pencil** icon to enter dashboard editing mode, then click on the **link** icon. Click on the input field in the link card to search your Metabase for an item to link to, or paste an external link.
## Iframe cards
[Iframes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) allow you to nest one HTML page in another HTML page. With iframe cards in Metabase, you can embed a webpage in your dashboard. You can embe:
- Spreadsheets or surveys for data entry or workflows
- Videos or slides for contextualizing and storytelling on dashboards
- Live charts and visualizations from other tools
To add an iframe card to a dashboard, click the **pencil** icon to enter dashboard editing mode, then click on the **link** icon and select **Iframe**. Then paste the iframe URL. Here's an iframe for our video on how to create a dashboard: