Ignore fields in joins when hoisting joined fields (#24167)
* Ignore fields in joins when hoisting joined fields Need to understand two sides of mbql to understand this. ```clojure (defn nest-expressions "Pushes the `:source-table`/`:source-query`, `:expressions`, and `:joins` in the top-level of the query into a `:source-query` and updates `:expression` references and `:field` clauses with `:join-alias`es accordingly. See tests for examples. This is used by the SQL QP to make sure expressions happen in a subselect." ...) ``` Make a query against the orders table joined to the people table and select order id, order total, and the person's email: ```sql SELECT "PUBLIC"."orders"."id" AS "ID", "PUBLIC"."orders"."total" AS "TOTAL", "People - User"."email" AS "People - User__EMAIL" FROM "PUBLIC"."orders" LEFT JOIN "PUBLIC"."people" "People - User" ON "PUBLIC"."orders"."user_id" = "People - User"."id" LIMIT 1048575 ``` Now add a custom column called adjective, which is 'expensive' when total > 100 else 'cheap' ```sql SELECT "source"."id" AS "ID", "source"."total" AS "TOTAL", "source"."adjective" AS "adjective", "source"."people - user__email" AS "People - User__EMAIL" FROM (SELECT "PUBLIC"."orders"."id" AS "ID", "PUBLIC"."orders"."user_id" AS "USER_ID", "PUBLIC"."orders"."product_id" AS "PRODUCT_ID", "PUBLIC"."orders"."subtotal" AS "SUBTOTAL", "PUBLIC"."orders"."tax" AS "TAX", "PUBLIC"."orders"."total" AS "TOTAL", "PUBLIC"."orders"."discount" AS "DISCOUNT", "PUBLIC"."orders"."created_at" AS "CREATED_AT", "PUBLIC"."orders"."quantity" AS "QUANTITY", CASE WHEN "PUBLIC"."orders"."total" > 50 THEN 'expensive' ELSE 'cheap' end AS "adjective", "People - User"."email" AS "People - User__EMAIL", "People - User"."id" AS "People - User__ID" FROM "PUBLIC"."orders" LEFT JOIN "PUBLIC"."people" "People - User" ON "PUBLIC"."orders"."user_id" = "People - User"."id") "source" LIMIT 1048575 ``` We put the "work" in a nested query and then just update the outer select to select `source.total` instead of `orders.total`. But the way this figured out which joins to hoist up was a bit broken. It walked all over the inner query, finding fields it was interested in. However, it also got fields it shouldn't have, by descending into join information that should be opaque at this level. In the repro for this, we make a card Q1, selecting product_id and count, but with an implicit join to products and filtering where category = doohickey. ```clojure ;; card Q1 {:type :query, :query {:source-table 4, #_ reviews :filter [:= [:field 26 {:source-field 33}] "Doohickey"], #_ products.category :aggregation [[:count]], :breakout [[:field 33 nil]], #_ reviews.product_id :limit 2}, :database 1} ``` A second question Q2 queries the Orders table and joins to Q1 on orders.product_id = q1.product_id, and adds a custom column `+ 1 1`. ``` ;; card Q2, based on Q1 {:source-table 2, :expressions {"CC" [:+ 1 1]}, :fields [[:field 9 nil] [:field 3 nil] [:field 5 nil] [:field 6 nil] [:field 8 nil] [:field 7 nil] [:field 1 nil] [:field 4 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:field 2 nil] [:expression "CC" {:metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info/desired-alias "CC", :metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info/position 9}] [:field 33 nil] [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger}]], :joins [{:alias "Question 4918", :strategy :left-join, :fields [[:field 33 nil] [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger}]], :condition [:= [:field 5 nil] [:field 33 nil]], :source-card-id 4918, }]} ``` and this should yield the sql: ```sql SELECT "source"."ID" AS "ID", "source"."PRODUCT_ID" AS "PRODUCT_ID", "source"."TOTAL" AS "TOTAL", "source"."CC" AS "CC", "source"."Question 4918__PRODUCT_ID" AS "Question 4918__PRODUCT_ID", "source"."Question 4918__count" AS "Question 4918__count" FROM ( SELECT "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."ID" AS "ID", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."USER_ID" AS "USER_ID", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."PRODUCT_ID" AS "PRODUCT_ID", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."SUBTOTAL" AS "SUBTOTAL", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."TAX" AS "TAX", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."TOTAL" AS "TOTAL", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."DISCOUNT" AS "DISCOUNT", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."CREATED_AT" AS "CREATED_AT", "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."QUANTITY" AS "QUANTITY", (1 + 1) AS "CC", "Question 4918"."PRODUCT_ID" AS "Question 4918__PRODUCT_ID", "Question 4918"."count" AS "Question 4918__count" FROM "PUBLIC"."ORDERS" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" AS "PRODUCT_ID", count(*) AS "count" FROM "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS" LEFT JOIN "PUBLIC"."PRODUCTS" "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID" ON "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" = "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."ID" WHERE "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."CATEGORY" = 'Doohickey' GROUP BY "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" ORDER BY "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" ASC) "Question 4918" ON "PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."PRODUCT_ID" = "Question 4918"."PRODUCT_ID") "source" LIMIT 1048575 ``` But when it was looking through to see which fields to hoist top level, it was also finding `"PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."ID"` and `"PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."CATEGORY"` as fields it should hoist up because it searched the whole tree underneath it which includes join conditions and such. But of course that doesn't matter, the only thing is really analyzing what fields come out of a query, and those fields do not come out of the nested query ```sql SELECT "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" AS "PRODUCT_ID", count(*) AS "count" FROM "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS" LEFT JOIN "PUBLIC"."PRODUCTS" "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID" ON "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" = "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."ID" WHERE "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"."CATEGORY" = 'Doohickey' GROUP BY "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" ORDER BY "PUBLIC"."REVIEWS"."PRODUCT_ID" ASC) "Question 4918" ``` that only returns product_id and count. And this matches the error it was (helpfully) throwing: ```clojure investigation=> (qp/compile nested-query) Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info/field-source-table-alias (add_alias_info.clj:182). Cannot determine the source table or query for Field clause [:field 26 #_ products.category {:source-field 33, #_reviews.product_id :join-alias "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID", :metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info/source-table "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID", :metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info/source-alias "CATEGORY"}] ``` And here's the query it was analyzing when determining which fields it needed to hoist (looking for ones with `:join-alias` (which is also in the nest_query_test.clj file): ```clojure ;; removed some cruft and extra field information for brevity {:source-table 2, :expressions {"CC" [:+ 1 1]}, :fields [[:field 33 {:join-alias "Question 4918",}] [:field "count" {:join-alias "Question 4918"}]] :joins [{:alias "Question 4918", :strategy :left-join, :fields [[:field 33 {:join-alias "Question 4918"}] [:field "count" {:join-alias "Question 4918"}]] :condition [:= [:field 5 nil] [:field 33 {:join-alias "Question 4918",}]], :source-card-id 4918, :source-query {:source-table 4, ;; nested query has filter values with join-alias that should not ;; be selected :filter [:= [:field 26 {:join-alias "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"}] [:value "Doohickey" {}]], :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]], :breakout [[:field 33 nil]], :limit 2, :order-by [[:asc [:field 33 nil]]], ;; nested query has an implicit join with conditions that should ;; not be selected :joins [{:alias "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID", :strategy :left-join, :condition [:= [:field 33 nil] [:field 30 {:join-alias "PRODUCTS__via__PRODUCT_ID"}]] :source-table 1, :fk-field-id 33}]}, :source-metadata [{:field_ref [:field 33 nil]} {:field_ref [:aggregation 0]}]}]} ``` * Add round-trip test through qp This test is essentially the repro from the ticket https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/20809 ```clojure debug-qp=> (to-mbql-shorthand (:dataset_query (metabase.models/Card 4919))) (mt/mbql-query orders {:joins [{:source-table "card__4918", :alias "Question 4918", :condition [:= $product_id [:field %reviews.product_id {:join-alias "Question 4918"}]], :fields :all}], :expressions {"CC" [:+ 1 1]}}) debug-qp=> (to-mbql-shorthand (:dataset_query (metabase.models/Card 4918))) (mt/mbql-query reviews {:breakout [$product_id], :aggregation [[:count]], :filter [:= $product_id->products.category "Doohickey"]}) ``` Thanks to @cam for providing such a lovely tool
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